Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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Text File
5,830 lines
#abaisse$pie crust%2
#abasourdir$to stun%3
#abattre$to knock down%3
#abcéder$to gather%3
#abecquer$to feed%3
#abêtir$to dull%3
#abîmer$to spoil%3
#abonder$to be plentiful%3
#abonner$to subscribe%3
#abonnir$to improve%3
#abordable$easily approached%4
#aborder$to approach%3
#aborner$to delimit%3
#aboucher$to bring together%3
#aboutir$to succeed%3
#aboyer$to bark%3
#abréger$to shorten%3
#abreuver$to drink%3
#abriter$to shelter%3
#abroger$to annul%3
#abrutir$to stupefy%3
#abstenir$to abstain%3
#abstraire$to abstract%3
#acagnarder$to make lazy%3
#accabler$to overwhelm%3
#accéder$to reach%3
#accidenter$to make uneven%3
#accoler$to align%3
#accomplir$to fulfill%3
#accoter$to support%3
#accouder$to lean on%3
#accoupler$to connect%3
#accourcir$to shorten%3
#accourir$to overrun%3
#accoutrer$to dress%3
#accrocher$to catch%3
#accroire$to believe%3
#accroître$to increase%3
#accroupir$to squat%3
#accueillir$to welcome%3
#acculer$to drive%3
#acérain$pertaining to steel%4
#acérer$to sharpen%3
#acharner$to pursue%3
#acheminer$to dispatch%3
#acheter$to buy%3
#achever$to finish off%3
#achopper$to stumble%3
#achromatopsie$color blindness%2
#acompte$down payment%1
#acoquiner$to allure%3
#acquérir$to acquire%3
#actionner$to sue%3
#activer$to speed up%3
#adapter$to adapt%3
#adjoindre$to appoint%3
#adjudant$warrant officer%1
#adjudicataire$highest bidder%1
#adjurer$to beseech%3
#admonester$to reprimand%3
#adonner$to devote oneself%3
#adosser$to lean against%3
#adoucir$to soften%3
#advenir$to occur%3
#aérer$to ventilate%3
#aérogare$air terminal%2
#affairer$to occupy oneself%3
#affaisser$to collapse%3
#affecter$to earmark%3
#afférent$relating to%4
#affermer$to farm%3
#affermir$to strengthen%3
#afficher$to publish%3
#affilée$in a row%5
#affilier$to join%3
#affirmer$to assert%3
#affleurer$to level%3
#affliger$to distress%3
#affluer$to flow%3
#affranchir$to stamp%3
#affréter$to charter%3
#affriander$to allure%3
#affronter$to confront%3
#affubler$to dress%3
#affurer$to spend%3
#affûter$to sharpen%3
#afin$in order to%8
#agacer$to irritate%3
#agaillardir$to cheer up%3
#agencer$to arrange%3
#agenouiller$to kneel%3
#agglutiner$to bind%3
#aggraver$to worsen%3
#agioter$to speculate%3
#agir$to act%3
#agonir$to insult%3
#agoniser$to be dying%3
#agrafer$to fasten%3
#agrandir$to enlarge%3
#agréer$to accept%3
#agrégation$teachers' examination%2
#agrémenter$to adorn%3
#agresser$to attack%3
#agripper$to clutch%3
#agrumes$citrus fruit%1
#aguerrir$to train%3
#aguicher$to tease%3
#aheurter$to persist%3
#ahurir$to astound%3
#aider$to help%3
#aigrir$to turn sour%3
#aiguiller$to shunt%3
#aiguiser$to sharpen%3
#aimer$to love%3
#ajourner$to postpone%3
#ajouter$to add%3
#alanguir$to weaken%3
#alésure$metal shavings%2
#aliéner$to alienate%3
#allécher$to entice%3
#alléger$to alleviate%3
#aller$to go%3
#allier$to combine%3
#allouer$to allocate%3
#allumer$to light%3
#alourdir$to burden%3
#alpage$mountain pasture%1
#altérant$causing thirst%4
#amadouer$to coax%3
#amaigrir$to emaciate%3
#amarrer$to moor%3
#ambitionner$to desire%3
#améliorer$to improve%3
#aménager$to set up%3
#amener$to bring%3
#amenuiser$to dwindle%3
#amerrir$to splash down%3
#ameulonner$to stack%3
#ameuter$to stir up%3
#amidonner$to starch%3
#amincir$to make thinner%3
#amollir$to soften%3
#amonceler$to pile up%3
#amorcer$to allure%3
#amortir$to absorb%3
#amortisseur$shock absorber%1
#amphi$lecture hall%1
#amplifier$to develop%3
#ampoule$light bulb%2
#âne$foolish person%1
#anéantir$to destroy%3
#anhéler$to pant%3
#animer$to animate%3
#annexer$to attach%3
#annoncier$publicity manager%1
#annuler$to cancel%3
#ânonner$to stumble through%3
#anti-brouillard$fog light%1
#anticipé$done in advance%4
#aoûter$to ripen%3
#apaiser$to appease%3
#apanager$to endow%3
#apercevoir$to see%3
#à peu près$approximation%1
#apitoyer$to move to pity%3
#aplanir$to level%3
#aposter$to station%3
#apostiller$to add a postscript%3
#apparaître$to appear%3
#appareiller$to start%3
#apparenter$to be similar%3
#appartenir$to belong%3
#appauvrir$to impoverish%3
#appeler$to call%3
#appendre$to hang up%3
#appesantir$to weigh down%3
#applique$wall lamp%2
#appointer$to pay a salary%3
#apporter$to bring%3
#apposer$to affix%3
#apprécier$to appraise%3
#appréhender$to fear%3
#apprendre$to learn%3
#apprêter$to prepare%3
#apprivoiser$to tame%3
#approfondir$to deepen%3
#approprier$to accommodate%3
#approuver$to approve%3
#apurer$to audit%3
#aquilon$cold wind%1
#araser$to level%3
#aratoire$pertaining to farming%4
#arbitral$by arbitration%4
#arborer$to display%3
#arc-bouter$to strengthen%3
#archet$musical bow%1
#ardeur$intense heat%2
#arénière$sand pit%2
#armorier$to emblazon%3
#aromatiser$to perfume%3
#aronde$dovetail joint%2
#arpenter$to survey%3
#arpon$crosscut saw%1
#arquer$to bend%3
#arrêter$to stop%3
#arrière-pensée$hidden motive%2
#arriérer$to defer%3
#arrimer$to secure%3
#arroger$to assume falsely%3
#arrondir$to make round%3
#arroser$to water%3
#aspérité$rough edge%2
#aspirateur$vacuum cleaner%1
#aspirer$to inhale%3
#assagir$to settle down%3
#assaillir$to assault%3
#assainir$to clean up%3
#assaisonner$to season%3
#assécher$to drain%3
#asséner$to deal%3
#asseoir$to sit%3
#assermenter$to swear in%3
#asservir$to enslave%3
#assiéger$to besiege%3
#assolement$crop rotation%1
#assoler$to vary%3
#assombrir$to darken%3
#assommer$to stun%3
#assortir$to match%3
#assoupir$to make drowsy%3
#assouplir$to soften%3
#assourdir$to deafen%3
#assouvir$to appease%3
#assujettir$to subject%3
#assurer$to insure%3
#asticoter$to tease%3
#astiquer$to polish%3
#astreindre$to compel%3
#atermoyer$to procrastinate%3
#atomiser$to spray%3
#atrophier$to wither%3
#attablé$seated at a table%4
#atteindre$to attain%3
#atteler$to harness%3
#attendre$to wait for%3
#attendrir$to pity%3
#attenir$to adjoin%3
#atténuer$to attenuate%3
#atterrer$to dismay%3
#atterrir$to land%3
#attester$to testify%3
#attiédir$to chill%3
#attifer$to dress up%3
#attirer$to attract%3
#attiser$to poke%3
#attraper$to catch%3
#attribuer$to assign%3
#attriquer$to buy%3
#attrister$to sadden%3
#attrouper$to gather%3
#auge$feeding trough%2
#augmenter$to increase%3
#augurer$to predict%3
#aune$alder tree%1
#auriculaire$the little finger%1
#auriste$ear specialist%1
#ausculter$to examine%3
#autant$as much%5
#autocuiseur$pressure cooker%1
#autodidacte$self-taught person%1
#autogare$bus station%2
#autoplastie$plastic surgery%2
#autoriser$to authorize%3
#autrefois$in the past%5
#avachi$worn out%4
#avachir$to become flabby%3
#avaler$to swallow%3
#avaliser$to guarantee%3
#avarier$to damage%3
#avérer$to prove%3
#avertir$to warn%3
#aveugler$to blind%3
#aveulir$to make weak%3
#aviner$to soak%3
#aviser$to advise%3
#aviver$to sharpen%3
#avoir$to have%3
#avoisiner$to border on%3
#avorter$to fail%3
#avouer$to confess%3
#ayant cause$trustee%1
#baba$sponge cake%1
#babil$small talk%1
#babiller$to babble%3
#bâbord$port side of a boat%1
#babouche$house slipper%2
#bac$ferry boat%1
#bachoter$to study%3
#bâcler$to botch up%3
#badauder$to lounge%3
#bâdrer$to annoy%3
#bafouer$to mock%3
#bâfrer$to overindulge%3
#bagage$piece of luggage%1
#baguenauder$to saunter%3
#baigner$to bathe%3
#bâiller$to yawn%3
#bâillonner$to gag%3
#baisser$to lower%3
#balader$to stroll%3
#balafrer$to gash%3
#balancer$to swing%3
#balandre$canal boat%2
#balayer$to sweep%3
#baliverner$to talk idly%3
#balle$one centime coin%2
#ballot$small package%1
#balustrer$to surround%3
#bandoulière$shoulder strap%2
#bannir$to banish%3
#banquise$ice pack%2
#baratter$to churn%3
#barber$to bore%3
#barboter$to splash about%3
#barbotière$duck pond%2
#barbouiller$to smear%3
#bardé$covered with%4
#barguigner$to hesitate%3
#bariolé$brightly colored%4
#barque$small boat%2
#barrer$to block%3
#bascule$game of seesaw%2
#basculer$to rock%3
#baser$to found%3
#bas-fond$low-lying ground%1
#bassine$large pan%2
#bassiner$to warm%3
#bastide$country villa%3
#bastionner$to strengthen%3
#bastringue$dance hall%1
#batailler$to fight%3
#bâter$to load%3
#batifoler$to fool%3
#bâtir$to build%3
#battée$door jamb%2
#battre$to beat%3
#baver$to dribble%3
#bazarder$to sell%3
#béchamel$cream sauce%2
#bêcher$to dig%3
#becqueter$to eat%3
#bedonner$to become overweight%3
#béguin$small cap%1
#bénir$to bless%3
#béquiller$to walk on crutches%3
#bercer$to rock%3
#berge$raised bank%1
#berne$at half-mast%5
#berner$to fool%3
#besogner$to work%3
#beugler$to bellow%3
#beurrer$to butter%3
#biaiser$to slant%3
#biberon$feeding bottle%1
#bichonner$to curl%3
#bidonner$to laugh%3
#bielle$connecting rod%2
#bien-fonds$real estate%1
#biffer$to cross out%3
#bifurquer$to branch off%3
#bigarrer$to smear%3
#bigler$to squint%3
#bigoudi$hair curler%1
#bilan$balance sheet%1
#bile$to worry%2
#biner$to hoe%3
#bise$north wind%2
#bisser$to encore%3
#bistourner$to twist%3
#bistre$dark brown%4
#bituminer$to tar%3
#blairer$to tolerate%3
#blanchir$to whiten%3
#blanquette$veal stew%2
#blaser$to blunt%3
#blason$coat of arms%1
#blesser$to injure%3
#blinder$to armor-plate%3
#blottir$to crouch%3
#blouser$to cheat%3
#bluter$to bolt%3
#bobiner$to wind%3
#bocal$glass jar%1
#boire$to drink%3
#boiser$to plant trees%3
#boiter$to limp%3
#boîtier$doctor's bag%1
#bolide$racing car%1
#bomber$to bulge%3
#bonheur$good luck%1
#bonifier$to improve%3
#bonir$to tell%3
#bon-prime$promotional coupon%1
#bonsoir$good evening%1
#border$to edge%3
#borne$boundary mark%2
#borner$to limit%3
#bosseler$to emboss%3
#bosser$to work hard%3
#botteler$to bundle%3
#boucler$to buckle%3
#bouder$to sulk%3
#bouffir$to bloat%3
#bougeotte$to be fidgety%2
#bouillir$to boil%3
#boulet$cannon ball%1
#bouleverser$to upset%3
#boulonner$to bolt%3
#bouquetier$flower vase%2
#bourdonner$to hum%3
#bourg$small town%1
#bourgeois$middle class%4
#bourgeonner$to bud%3
#bourreler$to bother%3
#bourrelet$weather strip%1
#boursoufler$to bloat%3
#boutoir$staggering blow%1
#boutonner$to button%3
#braconner$to poach%3
#brader$to sell cheaply%3
#brailler$to cry%3
#brancher$to plug in%3
#brandiller$to shake%3
#braquer$to point%3
#brasiller$to grill%3
#braver$to defy%3
#break$station wagon%1
#bredouiller$to mumble%3
#breuil$enclosed area%1
#breveter$to patent%3
#brigander$to rob%3
#briguer$to persuade%3
#briller$to shine%3
#brimer$to bully%3
#bringuebaler$to wobble%3
#briser$to break%3
#brise-tout$clumsy person%1
#brocanter$to exchange%3
#brocanteur$secondhand dealer%1
#brocarder$to taunt%3
#brocher$to emboss%3
#brocheter$to skewer%3
#brodequin$small boot%1
#broncher$to budge%3
#bronzer$to tan%3
#brosser$to brush%3
#brouillasser$to drizzle%3
#brouiller$to mix%3
#brouter$to graze%3
#bruire$to rustle%3
#bruitage$sound effects%1
#brûler$to burn%3
#brusquer$to offend%3
#burin$engraving tool%1
#buriner$to engrave%3
#buter$to stumble%3
#butiner$to gather nectar%3
#buvard$blotting paper%1
#buvette$refreshment bar%2
#buvoter$to sip%3
#cabaler$to plot%3
#cabas$shopping bag%1
#câblage$electrical wiring%1
#cabochon$brass nail%1
#cabosser$to dent%3
#caboter$to coast%3
#cabotin$ham actor%1
#cabotiner$to strut%3
#cabrer$to rebel%3
#cache$hiding place%2
#cacher$to hide%3
#cachet$official seal%1
#cacheter$to seal%3
#cadastre$land register%1
#cadastrer$to survey land%3
#cadenette$lock of hair%2
#cadrer$to tally%3
#cafarder$to sneak%3
#cafetière$coffee pot%2
#cagibi$storage room%1
#cagnotte$pool of funds%2
#cagoule$monk's cloak%2
#cahoter$to jolt%3
#cailler$to clot%3
#caillouter$to spread gravel%3
#cajoler$to pamper%3
#calandre$radiator grill%2
#caler$to wedge%3
#calumet$peace pipe%1
#cambrer$to arch%3
#cambrioler$to burglarize%3
#cancans$malicious gossip%1
#canette$small bottle%2
#canicule$scorching heat%2
#caniveau$street gutter%1
#cantatrice$opera singer%2
#cantonner$to confine%3
#cantonnier$road worker%1
#canular$practical joke%1
#capitonner$to pad%3
#capituler$to surrender%3
#capter$to win%3
#caracoler$to prance%3
#caramboler$to smash into%3
#carapater$to leave quickly%3
#carie$tooth decay%2
#carreau$window pane%1
#carrer$to settle down%3
#cartonner$to hit a target%3
#casquer$to pay up%3
#cassation$appeals court%2
#casser$to break%3
#catimini$on the sly%5
#céder$to give up%3
#cerner$to surround%3
#cesser$to stop%3
#chai$wine storehouse%1
#chaloupe$long boat%2
#chalut$fishing net%1
#chamailler$to squabble%3
#chamarré$richly colored%4
#chambouler$to turn upside down%3
#chanceler$to stagger%3
#chanter$to sing%3
#chantier$building site%1
#chaparder$to filch%3
#chapiteau$circus tent%1
#charcuter$to cut up%3
#charger$to load%3
#chas$eye of a needle%1
#chasser$to hunt%3
#châtier$to chastise%3
#chatouiller$to tickle%3
#chatoyer$to glitter%3
#chatterton$insulating tape%1
#chauffard$reckless driver%1
#chauffer$to heat up%3
#chausser$to put on%3
#chavirer$to capsize%3
#chêne$oak tree%1
#chercher$to search%3
#chérir$to cherish%3
#chevroter$to tremble%3
#chialer$to cry%3
#chiffonner$to crumple%3
#chiper$to swipe%3
#chiquer$to chew tobacco%3
#choir$to turn away%3
#choisir$to choose%3
#chômer$to be unemployed%3
#choquer$to offend%3
#choyer$to pamper%3
#chuchoter$to whisper%3
#chuinter$to hiss%3
#cingler$to lash%3
#cirage$shoe polish%1
#citer$to quote%3
#clapier$rabbit hutch%1
#claquettes$tap dancing%2
#classer$to classify%3
#cligner$to blink%3
#clignotant$directional signal%1
#cloche-pied$to hop%5
#clore$to close%3
#coaliser$to join forces%3
#cocagne$land of plenty%2
#cogner$to knock%3
#coiffer$to wear%3
#coincer$to jam%3
#collation$light meal%2
#coller$to stick%3
#colmater$to seal%3
#colorer$to color%3
#colporter$to peddle%3
#coltiner$to haul%3
#combien$how much%5
#combiner$to combine%3
#combler$to fill%3
#commanditaire$silent partner%1
#commencer$to begin%3
#commissariat$police station%1
#commuer$to commute%3
#comparaître$to appear in court%3
#comparution$appearance in court%2
#compatir$to sympathize%3
#compenser$to compensate%3
#comporter$to involve%3
#composer$to compose%3
#composter$to cancel%3
#compote$stewed fruit%2
#comprendre$to understand%3
#comprimer$to compress%3
#compromettre$to compromise%3
#compter$to count%3
#compulser$to examine%3
#concitoyen$fellow citizen%1
#concourir$to compete%3
#conduire$to lead%3
#confier$to confide%3
#confiner$to confine%3
#confire$to pickle%3
#confiserie$candy store%2
#confisquer$to confiscate%3
#confondre$to confuse%3
#congé$leave of absence%1
#congeler$to freeze%3
#conjurer$to avert%3
#connaître$to know%3
#conserve$canned food%2
#conserver$to retain%3
#consolider$to strengthen%3
#conspuer$to boo%3
#constat$official report%1
#constater$to note%3
#consterner$to distress%3
#constituer$to make up%3
#construire$to build%3
#contempler$to contemplate%3
#contentieux$matters in dispute%1
#conter$to tell%3
#contester$to dispute%3
#contraindre$to compel%3
#contrebas$down below%5
#contredanse$traffic ticket%2
#contrefaire$to mimic%3
#contre-pied$the opposite view%1
#contrordre$change of orders%1
#contumace$in absentia%5
#convenir$to suit%3
#convive$dinner guest%1
#convoquer$to summon%3
#copeau$wood shaving%1
#copropriété$joint ownership%2
#coquetier$egg cup%1
#cordonnier$shoe cobbler%1
#corriger$to correct%3
#corrompre$to corrupt%3
#corser$to heighten%3
#cossard$a lazy person%1
#coteau$small hill%1
#coter$to quote%3
#cotiser$to contribute%3
#côtoyer$to draw near%3
#coudre$to sew%3
#couler$to flow%3
#couper$to cut%3
#courbature$muscle ache%2
#coûter$to cost%3
#couturier$fashion designer%1
#couver$to sit on%3
#couvrir$to cover%3
#crachin$fine drizzle%1
#craindre$to be afraid%3
#cramer$to burn%3
#cramponner$to hold on to%3
#crâner$to show off%3
#créer$to create%3
#crépiter$to crackle%3
#creuser$to dig%3
#creuset$melting pot%1
#crever$to burst%3
#crier$to shout%3
#crisper$to tense%3
#croire$to believe%3
#croiser$to cross%3
#croître$to grow%3
#croquer$to crunch%3
#croupir$to stagnate%3
#cueillir$to gather%3
#cuisiner$to cook%3
#curer$to clean out%3
#daigner$to condescend%3
#dalle$paving stone%2
#daube$braised beef stew%2
#déambuler$to stroll%3
#débaptiser$to rename%3
#débarbouiller$to wash one's face%3
#débarquer$to land%3
#débarras$storage room%1
#débiner$to run down%3
#débloquer$to unjam%3
#déborder$to overflow%3
#déboucher$to open%3
#debout$standing up%5
#débusquer$to drive out%3
#déca$decaf coffee%1
#deçà$this side%5
#décaler$to shift%3
#décanter$to settle%3
#décaper$to clean%3
#décapsuler$to remove a cap%3
#décati$worn out%4
#décéder$to die%3
#déceler$to detect%3
#décerner$to award%3
#déchaîner$to unleash%3
#déchiqueter$to shred%3
#déchoir$to lose prestige%3
#décider$to decide on%3
#déclencher$to launch%3
#décoiffer$to muss one's hair%3
#décoller$to remove%3
#décompresser$to unwind%3
#décongeler$to thaw%3
#déconner$to talk nonsense%3
#déconseiller$to advise against%3
#décontracter$to relax%3
#décortiquer$to remove a shell%3
#découdre$to unstitch%3
#découper$to carve%3
#décourager$to discourage%3
#découvrir$to discover%3
#décrasser$to hone%3
#décrier$to discredit%3
#décrire$to describe%3
#décrocher$to unhook%3
#décroître$to decrease%3
#décrotter$to scrape%3
#décrypter$to decipher%3
#décupler$to increase%3
#dédaigner$to scorn%3
#dédier$to dedicate%3
#dédommager$to compensate%3
#dédoubler$to split%3
#déduire$to deduct%3
#défaillir$to faint%3
#défaire$to undo%3
#déférer$to refer%3
#déferler$to break%3
#défier$to challenge%3
#défiler$to march%3
#défouler$to vent anger%3
#défraîchir$to become stale%3
#défrayer$to pay%3
#défricher$to till soil%3
#défriser$to straighten%3
#dégager$to redeem%3
#dégarnir$to empty%3
#dégivrer$to defrost%3
#déglinguer$to crumble%3
#dégoiser$to talk too much%3
#dégonfler$to deflate%3
#dégotter$to find%3
#dégouliner$to trickle%3
#dégrafer$to unhook%3
#dégraisser$to diet%3
#dégringoler$to fall down%3
#dégrossir$to refine%3
#déguerpir$to clear off%3
#déguiser$to disguise%3
#déguster$to taste%3
#déjanter$to rave%3
#déjouer$to thwart%3
#déjuger$to reconsider%3
#délabrer$to deteriorate%3
#délai$time limit%1
#délaisser$to abandon%3
#délasser$to relax%3
#délayer$to dilute%3
#délecter$to enjoy%3
#déléguer$to delegate%3
#délit$minor offense%1
#délivrer$to release%3
#démanteler$to demolish%3
#démantibuler$to shred%3
#démaquiller$to remove makeup%3
#démarcheur$traveling salesman%1
#démarquer$to write down%3
#démarrer$to start up%3
#démêler$to disentangle%3
#déménager$to move out%3
#démentir$to deny%3
#démerder$to manage alone%3
#demeurant$after all%5
#demeurer$to remain%3
#démoder$to go out of style%3
#démolir$to demolish%3
#démontrer$to demonstrate%3
#démouler$to produce%3
#démunir$to deprive%3
#dénaturer$to misrepresent%3
#déneiger$to shovel snow%3
#dénicher$to uncover%3
#dénombrer$to count%3
#dénommer$to name%3
#dénouer$to undo%3
#dépanner$to repair%3
#déparer$to mar%3
#départager$to choose%3
#dépasser$to exceed%3
#dépayser$to disorientate%3
#dépecer$to carve up%3
#dépêcher$to dispatch%3
#dépeindre$to describe%3
#dépenaillé$in disrepair%4
#dépenser$to spend%3
#dépérir$to deteriorate%3
#dépêtrer$to escape%3
#dépister$to search%3
#déplacer$to move%3
#déplaire$to displease%3
#déposséder$to deprive%3
#dépotoir$garbage dump%1
#dépourvu$devoid of%4
#déprécier$to belittle%3
#déraciner$to uproot%3
#déraper$to skid%3
#dérider$to cheer up%3
#déroger$to bend a rule%3
#dérouler$to unroll%3
#dérouter$to divert%3
#désagréger$to come apart%3
#désaltérer$to quench%3
#désamorcer$to defuse%3
#descendre$to come down%3
#désencombrer$to make room%3
#désenfler$to heal%3
#désespérer$to despair%3
#désherber$to pull weeds%3
#désigner$to select%3
#désobéir$to disobey%3
#désoler$to distress%3
#désopilant$extremely funny%4
#désormais$from now on%5
#dessaisir$to relinquish%3
#dessécher$to wither%3
#desserrer$to loosen%3
#destiner$to intend%3
#destituer$to dismiss%3
#déteindre$to fade%3
#détenir$to hold%3
#détériorer$to damage%3
#déterrer$to dig up%3
#détester$to hate%3
#détourner$to divert%3
#détraquer$to destroy%3
#détremper$to saturate%3
#dévaler$to hurtle%3
#dévaloriser$to demean%3
#devant$in front of%8
#déveine$bad luck%2
#devenir$to become%3
#déverser$to empty%3
#deviner$to guess%3
#dévisager$to stare%3
#dévisser$to take apart%3
#dévoiler$to disclose%3
#devoir$to owe%3
#dévolu$commited to%4
#dévorer$to devour%3
#diapositive$photographic slide%2
#diffammer$to slander%3
#dilapider$to squander%3
#dilater$to expand%3
#diminuer$to reduce%3
#dire$to say%3
#diriger$to manage%3
#disculper$to exonerate%3
#disette$food shortage%2
#diseuse$fortune teller%2
#disparaître$to disappear%3
#dispos$in good shape%4
#disposer$to arrange%3
#disserter$to converse%3
#dissimuler$to conceal%3
#dissiper$to lessen%3
#divaguer$to rave%3
#divertir$to entertain%3
#dodeliner$to nod%3
#dompter$to tame%3
#donner$to give%3
#dorénavant$from now on%5
#dorloter$to pamper%3
#dormir$to sleep%3
#doyen$oldest person%1
#draguer$to dredge%2
#dresser$to build%3
#droguerie$hardware store%2
#ébahir$to astound%3
#ébattre$to frolic%3
#ébauche$rough sketch%2
#éboueur$garbage collector%1
#ébouillanter$to burn%3
#ébouler$to break apart%3
#ébranler$to shake%3
#ébrécher$to nick%3
#ébruiter$to reveal%3
#échalas$lanky person%1
#échapper$to escape from%3
#écharper$to shred%3
#échauffer$to overheat%3
#échéance$expiration date%2
#échoir$to expire%3
#échouer$to fail%3
#éclabousser$to splash%3
#éclaircir$to lighten%3
#éclaireur$boy scout%1
#éclipser$to vanish%3
#écoeurer$to sicken%3
#éconduire$to reject%3
#écoper$to bail out%3
#écorce$tree bark%2
#écosser$to shell%3
#écouler$to dispose of%3
#écourter$to shorten%3
#écouter$to listen%3
#écrabouiller$to smash%3
#écrémer$to skim%3
#écrier$to exclaim%3
#écrin$jewelery case%1
#écrire$to write%3
#écrouer$to imprison%3
#écrouler$to collapse%3
#édicter$to enact%3
#effacer$to erase%3
#effarer$to scare%3
#effilocher$to shred%3
#effleurer$to skim%3
#effondrer$to collapse%3
#efforcer$to try hard%3
#effranger$to shred%3
#effrayer$to frighten%3
#effriter$to waste away%3
#égailler$to disperse%3
#égarer$to lose%3
#égayer$to cheer for%3
#églantier$wild rose%1
#égoïne$hand saw%2
#égoutter$to drain%3
#égratigner$to scratch%3
#élaguer$to prune%3
#élancer$to cause pain%3
#élargir$to widen%3
#électrophone$record player%1
#élever$to raise%3
#élimé$worn out%4
#élire$to elect%3
#éloigner$to remove%3
#élongation$pulled muscle%2
#emballer$to pack%3
#embarcation$small boat%2
#embaucher$to hire%3
#embellir$to embellish%3
#embêter$to irritate%3
#emboîter$to fit%3
#embourber$to be delayed%3
#embouteiller$to crowd together%3
#emboutir$to smash%3
#embraser$to set on fire%3
#embrasser$to embrace%3
#embrigader$to recruit%3
#embrocher$to skewer%3
#embusquer$to ambush%3
#émerveiller$to amaze%3
#émietter$to fall apart%3
#emmagasiner$to store%3
#emmêler$to tangle%3
#emménager$to move in%3
#emmener$to take%3
#emmerder$to bother%3
#emmurer$to enclose%3
#émousser$to make blunt%3
#émouvoir$to move emotionally%3
#emparer$to capture%3
#empâter$to gain weight%3
#empêcher$to prevent%3
#empeser$to starch%3
#empêtrer$to get entangled%3
#empiffrer$to overeat%3
#empiler$to pile up%3
#empirer$to worsen%3
#empocher$to pocket%3
#emporter$to remove%3
#empourprer$to turn red%3
#empresser$to hurry%3
#encadrer$to frame%3
#encaisser$to collect%3
#encaustiquer$to polish%3
#encercier$to surround%3
#enchanter$to please%3
#enchâsser$to set%3
#enchevêtrer$to entangle%3
#enclin$prone to%4
#enclore$to enclose%3
#encoller$to paste%3
#encombrer$to clutter%3
#encourir$to incur%3
#encroûter$to be stubborn%3
#endeuiller$to be sorrowful%3
#endiguer$to block%3
#endommager$to damage%3
#endormir$to put to sleep%3
#endosser$to wear%3
#enduire$to coat%3
#énerver$to annoy%3
#enfermer$to enclose%3
#enferrer$to be obsessed%3
#enfiler$to thread%3
#enflammer$to ignite%3
#enfler$to inflate%3
#enfoncer$to bash%3
#enfouir$to bury%3
#enfourcher$to ride%3
#enfreindre$to infringe%3
#enfuir$to escape%3
#enfumer$to become smoky%3
#engager$to trade in%3
#engendrer$to create%3
#englober$to include%3
#engloutir$to eat heartily%3
#engorger$to clog%3
#engourdir$to make blunt%3
#engueuler$to curse%3
#enhardir$to make brave%3
#enjamber$to step over%3
#enjoindre$to command%3
#enjoliver$to spruce up%3
#enlacer$to tangle%3
#enlaidir$to make ugly%3
#enlever$to remove%3
#ennuyer$to bother%3
#énoncer$to express%3
#enquérir$to ask%3
#enraciner$to settle in%3
#enrayer$to examine%3
#enrhumer$to spread a cold%3
#enrôler$to sign up%3
#enrouer$to get hoarse%3
#enrouler$to roll up%3
#enseigner$to instruct%3
#ensemencer$to plant%3
#ensorceler$to cast a spell on%3
#ensuivre$to ensue%3
#entacher$to smudge%3
#entamer$to slice%3
#entasser$to gather%3
#entendre$to hear%3
#entériner$to affirm%3
#enterrer$to bury%3
#entêter$to persevere%3
#enticher$to be infatuated%3
#entortiller$to wrap around%3
#entraver$to understand%3
#entrebaîller$to open%3
#entrechoquer$to clink%3
#entrecouper$to separate%3
#entrecroiser$to intertwine%3
#entrefaites$at that time%5
#entrefilet$news item%1
#entreposer$to store%3
#entreprendre$to begin%3
#entrer$to enter%3
#entretenir$to maintain%3
#entrevoir$to sight%3
#entrouvrir$to open slightly%3
#envahir$to invade%3
#envisager$to consider%3
#envoûter$to bewitch%3
#envoyer$to send%3
#épancher$to pour out%3
#épanouir$to blossom%3
#éparpiller$to scatter%3
#épater$to surprise%3
#épeler$to spell%3
#épier$to study%3
#épiler$to pluck%3
#épousseter$to dust%3
#époustoufler$to surprise%3
#éprendre$to fall in love%3
#épuiser$to exhaust%3
#épuisette$fishing net%2
#épurer$to purify%3
#équitation$horse riding%2
#érafler$to graze%3
#ergoter$to argue%3
#errer$to wander%3
#escamoter$to make vanish%3
#esclaffer$to laugh%3
#escrimer$to work hard%3
#escroc$con man%1
#esgourder$to listen%3
#esquinter$to break%3
#essorer$to wring%3
#essouffler$to exhaust%3
#estamper$to swindle%3
#estomaquer$to surprise%3
#estomper$to make unclear%3
#estropier$to injure%3
#établlir$to establish%3
#était$to be%3
#étancher$to quench%3
#étayer$to support%3
#éternuer$to sneeze%3
#étinceler$to sparkle%3
#étioler$to wilt%3
#étiqueter$to label%3
#étirer$to stretch%3
#étoffer$to complete%3
#étonner$to astound%3
#étouffer$to suffocate%3
#être$to be%3
#étreindre$to grasp%3
#étudier$to study%3
#évanouir$to faint%3
#éventer$to find%3
#éventrer$to tear open%3
#évertuer$to try hard%3
#évider$to hollow out%3
#évier$kitchen sink%1
#évincer$to oust%3
#éviter$to avoid%3
#évoluer$to evolve%3
#exaucer$to allow%3
#exclure$to exclude%3
#exercer$to exercise%3
#exhorter$to urge%3
#expédier$to dispose of%3
#expirer$to exhale%3
#expliquer$to explain%3
#exproprier$to seize property%3
#extincteur$fire extinguisher%1
#extirper$to wipe out%3
#extorquer$to extort%3
#extraire$to extract%3
#fabriquer$to make%3
#fâcher$to anger%3
#faisceau$light beam%1
#falloir$to need%3
#faner$to fade%3
#farfouiller$to rummage%3
#faucher$to mow%3
#faufiler$to move gradually%3
#fausser$to distort%3
#fauve$wild animal%1
#feindre$to pretend%3
#féliciter$to congratulate%3
#fendre$to divide%3
#fermer$to close%3
#ferraille$scrap iron%2
#ferrer$to shoe a horse%3
#festoyer$to feast%3
#feuille$sheet of paper%2
#fiancer$to get engaged%3
#fiche$index card%2
#ficher$to do%3
#fier$to trust%3
#figer$to congeal%3
#fignoler$to refine%3
#figurer$to represent%3
#filante$shooting star%4
#filer$to rotate%3
#fisc$tax collector%1
#flageoler$to tremble%3
#flair$sense of smell%1
#flamber$to burn%3
#flancher$to surrender%3
#flâner$to walk slowly%3
#fléchir$to bend%3
#flétrir$to wither%3
#flinguer$to shoot%3
#flotter$to float%3
#fonder$to start%3
#fondre$to melt%3
#forçat$convicted person%1
#forer$to drill%3
#forfait$all-inclusive price%1
#fouiner$to snoop%3
#fouler$to press%3
#fournir$to supply%3
#fourrer$to stuff%3
#fourvoyer$to get lost%3
#franchir$to jump over%3
#frapper$to knock%3
#frasque$practical joke%2
#fredonner$to hum%3
#frétiller$to tremble%3
#fringale$extreme hunger%2
#friper$to crumple%3
#frire$to fry%3
#friser$to curl%3
#frôler$to bump against%3
#froncer$to gather%3
#froufrou$rustling noise%1
#frustrer$to frustrate%3
#fuir$to escape%3
#fumiste$lazy person%1
#funambule$tightrope walker%1
#fuser$to appear suddenly%3
#fusiller$to spend%3
#gâcher$to ruin%3
#gaffer$to watch closely%3
#gager$to bet%3
#gagner$to earn%3
#galet$small stone%1
#gamme$musical range%2
#gangue$outer crust%2
#garer$to park%3
#gargariser$to gargle%3
#garnir$to furnish%3
#gaspiller$to waste%3
#gauchir$to warp%3
#gaule$long pole%2
#gausser$to ridicule%3
#gaver$to cram%3
#gazinière$gas stove%2
#gazouiller$to chirp%3
#geindre$to whine%3
#générique$movie credits%1
#gercer$to crack%3
#gérer$to manage%3
#gésir$to fib%3
#gibecière$shoulder bag%2
#gigot$leg of lamb%1
#gigoter$to kick%3
#girouette$weather vane%2
#gisement$mineral deposit%1
#gîte$resting place%1
#glacer$to chill%3
#glander$to waste time%3
#glisser$to slip%3
#glousser$to chuckle%3
#goinfrer$to overeat%3
#gondoler$to warp%3
#gonfler$to swell%3
#goualer$to sing%3
#goulout$neck of a bottle%1
#goupiller$to arrange%3
#gourdin$blunt instrument%1
#gourer$to err%3
#gradin$row of seats%1
#grandir$to grow%3
#grappin$to grab%1
#gratter$to scrape%3
#graver$to engrave%3
#gravir$to climb%3
#graviter$to revolve%3
#grelotter$to shiver%3
#grenat$dark red%4
#grenouiller$to drink water%3
#grésiller$to sizzle%3
#gribouiller$to scribble%3
#grignoter$to nibble%3
#grimper$to climb%3
#grincer$to creak%3
#grogner$to growl%3
#grossir$to get bigger%3
#guenon$female monkey%2
#guérir$to cure%3
#gueuleton$festive meal%1
#guichet$ticket office%1
#guindal$glass of water%1
#habiller$to dress%3
#habiter$to live%3
#hacher$to chop%3
#haïr$to hate%3
#haler$to tow%3
#haleter$to gasp%3
#hameçon$fish hook%1
#hanter$to haunt%3
#happer$to catch%3
#harasser$to exhaust%3
#hargne$bad temper%2
#harnacher$to harness%3
#haut-de-forme$top hat%1
#héberger$to accommodate%3
#héler$to hail%3
#hérisser$to ruffle%3
#hériter$to inherit%3
#hésiter$to hesitate%3
#hippodrome$race track%1
#hisser$to hoist%3
#hocher$to nod%3
#homologuer$to sanction%3
#horripiler$to exasperate%3
#houppette$powder puff%2
#houspiller$to scold%3
#huche$bread box%2
#humecter$to moisten%3
#humer$to inhale%3
#hurler$to howl%3
#illuminer$to light up%3
#îlot$small island%1
#imbriquer$to overlap%3
#immatriculer$to register%3
#immerger$to put under water%3
#immiscer$to interfere%3
#impartir$to grant%3
#impayable$very funny%4
#importer$to matter%3
#imprégner$to saturate%3
#impressionner$to impress%3
#imputer$to attribute%3
#incarner$to embody%3
#incartade$practical joke%2
#inciter$to urge%3
#incliner$to bend%3
#incommoder$to bother%3
#incruster$to dig in%3
#inculper$to indict%3
#inculquer$to instill%3
#indiquer$to point out%3
#indisposer$to upset%3
#infiltrer$to percolate%3
#infime$very small%4
#infliger$to inflict%3
#informaticien$computer programmer%2
#ingénier$to ponder%3
#ingérer$to interfere%3
#ingurgiter$to gulp%3
#inhumer$to bury%3
#inoculer$to infect%3
#inonder$to flood%3
#inox$stainless steel%1
#inscrire$to write%3
#insonoriser$to soundproof%3
#instaurer$to set up%3
#instruire$to instruct
#insurger$to rebel%3
#intégrer$to integrate%3
#intempéries$bad weather%2
#interdire$to forbid%3
#interpeller$to shout at%3
#interposer$to intervene%3
#interroger$to question%3
#interurbain$long-distance call%1
#intervertir$to turn over%3
#intituler$to entitle%3
#intoxiquer$to poison%3
#introuvable$hard to find%4
#invoquer$to call upon%3
#irriguer$to irrigate%3
#isoler$to isolate%3
#jacasser$to chatter%3
#jarret$back of the knee%1
#jeter$to throw%3
#joindre$to join%3
#joncher$to litter%3
#jongler$to juggle%3
#jouer$to play%3
#jucher$to perch%3
#juguler$to suppress%3
#jurer$to take an oath%3
#labourer$to plow%3
#lacérer$to shred%3
#lâcher$to release%3
#lad$stable boy%1
#laisser$to leave%3
#lambin$lazy person%1
#lamenter$to complain%3
#lancer$to throw%3
#lancequiner$to rain%3
#landau$baby carriage%1
#lanterner$to loiter%3
#lapsus$verbal slip%1
#larguer$to drop%3
#lascar$wise person%1
#lauréat$prize winner%1
#lave-auto$car wash%1
#laver$to wash%3
#layette$baby clothes%2
#légiférer$to legislate%3
#lendemain$the next day%1
#léser$to harm%3
#lésiner$to be stingy%3
#lessive$laundry detergent%2
#lessivé$to be tired%4
#lester$to overload%3
#lever$to raise%3
#libeller$to put into words%3
#librairie$book shop%2
#limoger$to dismiss%3
#lire$to read%3
#livrer$to deliver%3
#loger$to accommodate%3
#longer$to pass by%3
#longtemps$a long time%5
#lopin$parcel of land%1
#lorgner$to eye%3
#lot$grand prize%1
#loucher$to squint%3
#louer$to rent%3
#loupe$magnifying glass%2
#louper$to fail%3
#louvoyer$to be evasive%3
#lu$to read%3
#luire$to shine%3
#macérer$to soak%3
#mâcher$to chew%3
#madeleine$sponge cake%2
#madrier$structural beam%1
#magner$to rush%3
#magnétophone$tape recorder%1
#maintenir$to maintain%3
#maîtriser$to master%3
#majorer$to increase%3
#malaxer$to knead%3
#malle$storage trunk%2
#mandat$money order%1
#manger$to eat%3
#manifester$to demonstrate%3
#manigancer$to plan%3
#manipuler$to handle%3
#manquer$to ruin%3
#maquiller$to alter%3
#maraudeur$petty thief%1
#marchander$to haggle%3
#marcher$to walk%3
#marier$to blend%3
#marmite$cooking pot%2
#marmonner$to mumble%3
#marquer$to mark%3
#marrer$to laugh heartily%3
#mater$to subdue%3
#matière$subject matter%2
#matraque$blunt instrument%2
#matricule$registration number%1
#maudire$to curse%3
#mazout$fuel oil%1
#mécène$patron of the arts%1
#mèche$lock of hair%2
#méconnaître$to ignore%3
#méduser$to surprise%3
#méfier$to distrust%3
#méganote$a high grade%2
#mêler$to mix%3
#ménager$to arrange%3
#mendier$to beg%3
#mener$to lead%3
#mentir$to lie%3
#méprendre$to be mistaken%3
#merisier$cherry wood%1
#météo$weather forecast%2
#mets$culinary dish%1
#mettre$to put%3
#meugler$to moo%3
#meurtrir$to bruise%3
#miche$round loaf%2
#mie$bread crumb%2
#mijoter$to simmer%3
#minorer$to reduce%3
#mirer$to look%3
#moisir$to spoil%3
#molette$adjustable wrench%2
#mont-de-piété$pawn shop%1
#monter$to climb%3
#moquer$to mock%3
#mordiller$to nibble%3
#morfondre$to get bored%3
#moudre$to grind%3
#mourir$to die%3
#mouvoir$to move%3
#mugir$to bellow%3
#munir$to equip%3
#musette$duffle bag%2
#mutisme$stubborn silence%1
#mythomane$compulsive liar%1
#nager$to swim%3
#naître$to be born%3
#nantir$to provide with%3
#nappe$table cloth%2
#narguer$to ridicule%3
#navette$shuttle service%2
#naviguer$to sail%3
#navrer$to distress%3
#néant$empty space%1
#négliger$to neglect%3
#nettoyer$to clean%3
#nicher$to nest%3
#nickel$very clean%4
#nier$to deny%3
#nommer$to name%3
#nouer$to knot%3
#nourrir$to feed%3
#noyauter$to infiltrate%3
#noyer$to drown%3
#nuire$to harm%3
#nuque$back of the neck%2
#obéir$to obey%3
#objecter$to plead%3
#oblitérer$to cancel%3
#obséder$to obsess%3
#obtempérer$to obey%3
#obtenir$to obtain%3
#obturer$to close up%3
#occuper$to occupy%3
#octroyer$to grant%3
#offusquer$to offend%3
#ogive$nose cone%2
#oléoduc$oil pipeline%1
#omettre$to omit%3
#omnibus$slow bus%1
#omoplate$shoulder blade%2
#ondée$rain shower%2
#ondoyer$to undulate%3
#opérer$to carry out%3
#opinel$pocket knife%1
#opiner$to agree%3
#opposer$to contrast%3
#opter$to choose%3
#orgue$musical organ%1
#orienter$to position%3
#orme$elm tree%1
#oser$to dare%3
#otarie$sea lion%2
#ôter$to remove%3
#otite$ear infection%2
#ouate$absorbent cotton%2
#oublier$to forget%3
#ourler$to hem%3
#oursin$sea urchin%1
#outrager$to insult%3
#outrepasser$to exceed%3
#ouvrir$to open%3
#paille$drinking straw%2
#paître$to graze%3
#palet$hockey puck%1
#paletot$heavy sweater%1
#palmarès$prize list%1
#palper$to feel%3
#palpiter$to quiver%3
#pâmer$to be overjoyed%3
#pan$shirt tail%1
#panier$woven basket%1
#panser$to bandage%3
#pantalon$pair of trousers%1
#pantoufle$house slipper%2
#paperasses$official papers%2
#papeterie$stationery store%2
#paquebot$ocean liner%1
#parachever$to perfect%3
#paraître$to appear%3
#paratonnerre$lightning rod%1
#parce que$because%9
#parcmètre$parking meter%1
#parcourir$to tour%3
#pare-balles$bulletproof vest%4
#par-chocs$auto bumper%1
#parer$to ward off%3
#parfaire$to perfect%3
#parlementer$to negotiate%3
#parler$to speak%3
#parloir$visiting room%1
#parpaing$concrete block%1
#parquer$to gather together%3
#parsemer$to scatter%3
#partance$about to depart%5
#parti$political party%1
#partition$musical score%2
#parvenir$to reach%3
#parvis$public square%1
#passe-partout$master key%1
#passer$to pass%3
#passible$liable to%4
#patauger$to wade%3
#patère$coat hook%2
#pathétique$emotionally moving%4
#pâtir$to suffer from%3
#pâtisserie$cake shop%2
#patrie$native country%2
#paumer$to lose%3
#pavaner$to strut%3
#paver$to pave%3
#pavoiser$to decorate%3
#payer$to pay%3
#pectoraux$chest muscles%1
#pécule$nest egg%1
#pègre$criminal underworld%2
#peindre$to paint%3
#pelage$fur coat%1
#pêle-mêle$in disorder%5
#peler$to peel%3
#peloter$to paw%3
#pelotonner$to curl up%3
#pencher$to tilt%3
#pendre$to hang%3
#pénétrer$to enter%3
#pension$boarding house%2
#pépier$to chirp%3
#pépinière$plant nursery%2
#percepteur$tax collector%1
#percevoir$to perceive%3
#percher$to perch%3
#percuter$to crash into%3
#perdre$to lose%3
#péripétie$unexpected event%2
#périr$to die%3
#permettre$to permit%3
#permuter$to change%3
#perquisition$police search%2
#perron$front steps%1
#peser$to weigh%3
#pester$to curse%3
#péter$to explode%3
#pétiller$to sparkle%3
#pétrir$to knead%3
#peuplier$poplar tree%1
#piaffer$to stamp%3
#piailler$to squeal%3
#picorer$to peck%3
#piger$to understand%3
#piler$to grind%3
#piller$to loot%3
#pin$pine tree%1
#pinailler$to quibble%3
#pinède$pine forest%2
#pioncer$to sleep%3
#piquer$to sting%3
#piqueté$dotted with%4
#piscine$swimming pool%2
#plaider$to plead%3
#plaindre$to pity%3
#plaire$to please%3
#planer$to glide%3
#planifier$to plan%3
#planque$easy job%2
#planquer$to hide%3
#plaquer$to plate%3
#plate-bande$flower bed%2
#pleurer$to cry%3
#pleuvoir$to rain%3
#plisser$to pleat%3
#plomb$lead weight%1
#plonger$to dive%3
#ployer$to bend%3
#pocher$to give a black eye%3
#poindre$to dawn%3
#pointer$to check off%3
#pointillé$dotted line%1
#poireauter$to wait%3
#poisse$bad luck%2
#polir$to polish%3
#polluer$to pollute%3
#polycopier$to duplicate%3
#portant$in good health%4
#portemanteau$coat rack%1
#porter$to carry%3
#poser$to put%3
#postier$postal worker%1
#postillonner$to sputter%3
#postuler$to apply for%3
#potasser$to cram for an exam%3
#poubelle$garbage can%2
#pouffer$to laugh heartily%3
#pourchasser$to pursue%3
#pourvoir$to provide%3
#pousse-café$after-dinner liqueur%1
#pousser$to push%3
#poutre$wooden beam%2
#pouvoir$to be able%3
#préau$covered playground%1
#préavis$advance notice%1
#précepteur$private tutor%1
#prêcher$to preach%3
#précipiter$to throw%3
#préconiser$to favor%3
#prédire$to predict%3
#prélasser$to relax%3
#prélever$to deduct%3
#prémunir$to protect%3
#préoccuper$to worry%3
#préretraite$early retirement%2
#prescrire$to prescribe%3
#pressentir$to have a hunch%3
#presser$to squeeze%3
#prétendre$to claim%3
#prêter$to lend%3
#prévaloir$to prevail%3
#prévenir$to warn%3
#prier$to pray%3
#priver$to deprive%3
#procéder$to proceed%3
#procès$legal trial%1
#procurer$to obtain%3
#produire$to produce%3
#proférer$to speak%3
#profiter$to benefit%3
#progiciel$software package%1
#prohiber$to prohibit%3
#projeter$to hurl%3
#promettre$to promise%3
#promoteur$property developer%1
#prôner$to advocate%3
#propager$to spread%3
#propulser$to propel%3
#proscrire$to banish%3
#protéger$to protect%3
#prouver$to prove%3
#provenir$to come from%3
#proviseur$school principal%1
#provoquer$to provoke%3
#puériculture$child care%2
#puiser$to draw%3
#pulluler$to swarm%3
#punir$to punish%3
#purger$to drain%3
#pur-sang$thoroughbred horse%1
#quadriller$to cover%3
#quémander$to beg for%3
#quignon$piece of bread%1
#quincaillier$hardware dealer%1
#quinte$coughing fit%2
#quitter$to leave%3
#qui-vive$on alert%5
#rabâcher$to repeat%3
#rabaisser$to ridicule%3
#rabibocher$to patch up%3
#raboter$to plane%3
#rabrouer$to snub%3
#raccompagner$to take home%3
#raccourcir$to shorten%3
#raccroc$by chance%5
#raccrocher$to hang up%3
#racler$to scrape%3
#racoler$to solicit%3
#raconter$to tell%3
#racornir$to harden%3
#radier$to erase%3
#radiner$to arrive%3
#radoter$to ramble%3
#radoucir$to calm down%3
#rafale$strong wind%2
#raffermir$to strengthen%3
#raffiner$to refine%3
#raffoler$to adore%3
#rafiot$old boat%1
#rafistoler$to patch up%3
#rafle$police raid%2
#rafler$to steal%3
#railler$to criticize%3
#raisonner$to reason%3
#rajeunir$to rejuvenate%3
#rajuster$to adjust%3
#ramasser$to gather%3
#ramassis$bunch of%1
#ramollir$to soften%3
#ramoner$to sweep%3
#ramper$to crawl%3
#rancart$to throw away%1
#ranimer$to revive%3
#rapetisser$to shorten%3
#rapiécer$to patch up%3
#rappeler$to call back%3
#rappliquer$to show up%3
#rapprocher$to bring closer%3
#ras$cut short%4
#raser$to shave%3
#rassasier$to satisfy%3
#rasseoir$to be reseated%3
#rassurer$to reassure%3
#ratatiner$to shrivel%3
#rater$to miss%3
#ratifier$to ratify%3
#ratisser$to rake%3
#rattraper$to catch%3
#ravaler$to restore%3
#ravigoter$to rebel%3
#ravir$to delight%3
#raviser$to reconsider%3
#ravitailler$to resupply%3
#raviver$to revive%3
#rayer$to scratch%3
#rayonner$to radiate%3
#raz-de-marée$tidal wave%1
#razzia$to raid%2
#réabonner$to renew a subscription%3
#réacteur$jet engine%1
#réadapter$to readjust%3
#réaffirmer$to reaffirm%3
#réagir$to react%3
#réaliser$to carry out%3
#réanimer$to resuscitate%3
#réapparaître$to reappear%3
#réarmer$to reload%3
#rebâtir$to rebuild%3
#rebiffer$to rebel%3
#reboucher$to replace a cover%3
#rebours$the wrong way%5
#rebrousser$to turn back%3
#rebut$to throw away%1
#recaler$to fail%3
#receler$to fence stolen goods%3
#recenser$to count%3
#recevoir$to receive%3
#réchapper$to recover%3
#réchaud$portable stove%1
#réchauffer$to warm up%3
#récidiver$to recur%3
#réciter$to recite%3
#réclamer$to demand%3
#recoiffer$to comb%3
#recoller$to reassemble%3
#recommander$to recommend%3
#recommencer$to restart%3
#reconnaître$to recognize%3
#reconstruire$to rebuild%3
#recoucher$to go back to bed%3
#recouper$to confirm%3
#recourir$to depend on%3
#recouvrer$to recover%3
#récriminer$to complain%3
#récrire$to rewrite%3
#recroqueviller$to curl up%3
#rectifier$to correct%3
#recueillir$to collect%3
#récupérer$to recover%3
#récurer$to scour%3
#récuser$to challenge%3
#redemander$to request more%3
#rédiger$to write%3
#redire$to repeat%3
#redonner$to give back%
#redoubler$to increase%3
#redouter$to dread%3
#redresser$to straighten%3
#réduire$to reduce%3
#réécrire$to rewrite%3
#réélire$to re-elect%3
#réexpédier$to forward%3
#réfléchir$to reflect%3
#refluer$to flow back%3
#réfractaire$resistant to%4
#refréner$to subdue%3
#regagner$to regain%3
#régenter$to rule over%3
#regorger$to overflow%3
#regrouper$to gather%3
#rehausser$to raise%3
#réintégrer$to reinstate%3
#réitérer$to repeat%3
#réjouir$to delight%3
#relâcher$to reduce%3
#relater$to relate%3
#relayer$to relieve%3
#relever$to raise%3
#relire$to reread%3
#reluire$to shine%3
#reluquer$to stare%3
#remâcher$to sulk%3
#remanier$to edit%3
#remarier$to remarry%3
#rembarrer$to snub%3
#rembourrer$to stuff%3
#rembourser$to repay%3
#remémorer$to remember%3
#remercier$to thank%3
#remettre$to replace%3
#remmener$to take back%3
#remonte-pente$ski lift%1
#remonter$to rise again%3
#remplir$to fill%3
#remuer$to move%3
#rémunérer$to pay%3
#renaître$to revive%3
#renchérir$to go beyond%3
#rendormir$to go back to sleep%3
#rendre$to give back%3
#renfermer$to contain%3
#renforcer$to reinforce%3
#renfrogner$to frown%3
#rengaine$boring story%2
#renier$to disown%3
#rénover$to reform%3
#renseigner$to inform%3
#rentrer$to come back%3
#repaître$to wallow in%3
#répandre$to spill%3
#réparer$to repair%3
#répartir$to distribute%3
#repasser$to go back%3
#repenser$to rethink%3
#repérer$to locate%3
#répéter$to repeat%3
#repiquer$to record on tape%3
#replier$to fold up%3
#répondre$to respond%3
#reporter$to postpone%3
#reprendre$to take back%3
#repris$career criminal%1
#réprouver$to condemn%3
#requérir$to demand%3
#rescousse$to the rescue%5
#résilier$to terminate%3
#résonner$to echo%3
#résorber$to reduce%3
#résoudre$to solve%3
#respirer$to breathe%3
#resplendir$to shine%3
#ressaisir$to calm down%3
#ressentir$to feel%3
#resserrer$to tighten%3
#ressortir$to bring out%3
#restaurer$to restore%3
#rester$to stay%3
#résumer$to summarize%3
#retaper$to spruce up%3
#retenir$to hold back%3
#retentir$to ring%3
#retomber$to fall%3
#retourner$to turn around%3
#retrancher$to deduct%3
#retransmettre$to broadcast%3
#rétrécir$to narrow%3
#rétribuer$to pay%3
#retrousser$to roll up%3
#retrouve$to find%3
#rétroviseur$rear-view mirror%1
#réunir$to collect%3
#réussir$to succeed%3
#revaloriser$to raise%3
#réveillon$midnight snack%1
#révéler$to reveal%3
#revendiquer$to claim%3
#revendre$to resell%3
#revenir$to come back%3
#rêver$to dream%3
#revêtir$to cover%3
#revient$wholesale price%1
#revoir$to see again%3
#révoquer$to revoke%3
#rez-de-chaussée$ground floor%1
#rhabiller$to dress again%3
#rhume$common cold%1
#ricaner$to giggle%3
#ricin$castor oil%1
#rincer$to rinse%3
#rivé$riveted to%4
#rocaille$rocky ground%2
#roder$to adapt%3
#rôder$to roam%3
#rogner$to trim%3
#rompre$to break%3
#ronces$thorny branches%2
#ronchonner$to complain%3
#ronéotyper$to duplicate%3
#ronfler$to snore%3
#ronger$to gnaw%3
#rosbif$roast beef%1
#rosser$to thrash%3
#rôtir$to roast%3
#roucouler$to coo%3
#rouet$spinning wheel%1
#rouler$to roll%3
#roupiller$to sleep%3
#rouspéter$to complain%3
#rouvrir$to reopen%3
#rubrique$newspaper column%2
#ruer$to kick out%3
#ruminer$to ponder%3
#saborder$to shut down%3
#saboter$to sabotage%3
#saigner$to bleed%3
#saillant$jutting out%4
#saisir$to grab%3
#saler$to salt%3
#saluer$to greet%3
#sanglier$wild boar%1
#sangloter$to sob%3
#saper$to undermine%3
#sarcler$to weed%3
#saturer$to saturate%3
#sautes$sudden changes%2
#sauver$to save%3
#savate$old shoe%2
#savoir$to know%3
#savourer$to savor%3
#scander$to scan%3
#scaphandre$diving suit%1
#sceller$to seal%3
#scier$to saw%3
#scintiller$to sparkle%3
#scruter$to examine%3
#sécher$to dry%3
#seconder$to assist%3
#secouer$to shake%3
#secouriste$first-aid worker%1
#sécuriser$to reassure%3
#seller$to saddle%3
#sembler$to seem%3
#sentir$to perceive%3
#séquestrer$to confine%3
#seriner$to repeat%3
#serpenter$to wander%3
#serrer$to grip%3
#sertir$to set%3
#sévir$to rage%3
#sevrer$to deprive%3
#shooter$to shoot%3
#sidérer$to surprise%3
#sidérurgie$steel industry%2
#siffler$to whistle%3
#sillonner$to cross%3
#similicuir$imitation leather%1
#simuler$to simulate%3
#siroter$to sip%3
#snober$to snub%3
#soigner$to care for%3
#soliciter$to seek%3
#sombrer$to sink%3
#sommelier$wine waiter%1
#somnifère$sleeping pill%1
#songer$to consider%3
#sonner$to ring%3
#sont$to be%3
#sortir$to leave%3
#souche$tree stump%2
#soudoyer$to bribe%3
#souffrir$to suffer%3
#soulager$to relieve%3
#soulever$to raise%3
#souligner$to underline%3
#soumettre$to subdue%3
#soupçonner$to suspect%3
#soupeser$to weigh%3
#soupirail$basement window%1
#sourire$to smile%3
#sous-chef$second in command%1
#souscrire$to subscribe%3
#soutenir$to support%3
#soutirer$to extract%3
#sparadrap$adhesive tape%1
#spéculer$to speculate%3
#stage$training period%1
#stagner$to stagnate%3
#stationner$to park%3
#statuer$to decide%3
#store$window shade%1
#subir$to undergo%3
#subsister$to remain%3
#substituer$to substitute%3
#subvenir$to meet%3
#succéder$to succeed%3
#succomber$to die%3
#suer$to sweat%3
#suffire$to suffice%3
#suffoquer$to choke%3
#suggérer$to suggest%3
#suivre$to follow%3
#suppléer$to replace%3
#supplier$to beg%3
#supporter$to endure%3
#surchauffer$to overheat%3
#surclasser$to outclass%3
#surélever$to raise%3
#surestimer$to overestimate%3
#surmener$to overwork%3
#surmonter$to overcome%3
#surnager$to float%3
#surnombre$too many%1
#surprendre$to surprise%3
#surveiller$to watch%3
#survenir$to occur%3
#susurrer$to murmur%3
#tabasser$to beat up%3
#tabler$to rely on%3
#tabouret$small chair%1
#tâcher$to attempt%3
#tacot$junk car%1
#taille-crayon$pencil sharpener%1
#taire$to be silent%3
#taler$to bruise%3
#tanguer$to pitch%3
#tant$so much%5
#tantinet$small amount%1
#tapir$to crouch%3
#tapisser$to wallpaper%3
#tapoter$to tap%3
#tarabuster$to bother%3
#targuer$to boast%3
#tartine$slice of bread%2
#tasser$to pack%3
#tâter$to feel%3
#tatouer$to tattoo%3
#teindre$to dye%3
#télescoper$to smash into%3
#télésiège$chair lift%1
#témoigner$to testify%3
#tempêter$to storm%3
#temporiser$to procrastinate%3
#tenailler$to torture%3
#tendeur$elastic strap%1
#tendre$to stretch%3
#tenter$to try%3
#tergiverser$to procrastinate%3
#terminer$to finish%3
#terrasser$to knock down%3
#terrer$to hide%3
#tertre$small hill%1
#tinter$to ring%3
#tiquer$to wince%3
#tirer$to pull%3
#tisane$herb tea%2
#tisser$to weave%3
#tocsin$alarm bell%1
#toiser$to glare%3
#tôle$sheet metal%2
#tolérer$to tolerate%3
#tomber$to fall%3
#tondre$to shear%3
#tonifier$to tone up%3
#tonitruant$very loud%4
#tonner$to thunder%3
#toquer$to be infatuated%3
#torcher$to skimp%3
#torchon$dish towel%1
#tordre$to twist%3
#torréfier$to roast%3
#torticolis$stiff neck%1
#toucher$to touch%3
#toupie$spinning top%2
#tousser$to cough%3
#tracasser$to worry%3
#tracer$to draw%3
#tract$leaflet %1
#tracter$to tow%3
#traduire$to translate%3
#trahir$to betray%3
#traiter$to treat%3
#tramer$to plot%3
#trancher$to cut%3
#transcrire$to transcribe%3
#transgresser$to disobey%3
#transiger$to compromise%3
#transmettre$to transmit%3
#transparaître$to show through%3
#transpercer$to pierce%3
#transpirer$to perspire%3
#travailler$to work%3
#traverser$to cross%3
#travestir$to disguise%3
#trébucher$to stumble%3
#trémousser$to wiggle%3
#tremper$to soak%3
#trépigner$to stamp%3
#tressaillir$to jump%3
#tributaire$dependant on%4
#tricher$to cheat%3
#trier$to sort%3
#trimer$to work hard%3
#tripot$gambling den%1
#triturer$to manipulate%3
#tronquer$to truncate%3
#troquer$to exchange%3
#trouer$to cut through%3
#trouver$to find%3
#truffer$to stuff%3
#truquer$to fake%3
#tuer$to shoot%3
#usité$commonly used%4
#vaciller$to sway%3
#vagabonder$to roam%3
#vagir$to cry%3
#valoir$to be worth%3
#vanter$to praise%3
#vaporiser$to spray%3
#vaquer$to attend to%3
#varappe$rock climbing%2
#varier$to vary%3
#vautrer$to sprawl%3
#va-vite$in a hurry%5
#vedette$movie star%2
#veille$the day before%2
#veiller$to stay awake%3
#velléité$vague desire%2
#vendange$grape harvest%2
#vendre$to sell%3
#venger$to avenge%3
#verdir$to turn green%3
#vermeil$bright red%4
#vernir$to varnish%3
#verser$to pour%3
#vestiaire$locker room%1
#vêtir$to dress%3
#vétuste$in disrepair%4
#veut$to want%3
#vexer$to annoy%3
#vicier$to taint%3
#vide-poches$glove compartment%1
#vider$to empty%3
#vieillir$to age%3
#virevolter$to rotate%3
#viser$to aim%3
#vivier$fish pond%1
#vivifier$to invigorate%3
#vociférer$to shout%3
#voici$here is%8
#voilà$there is%8
#voiler$to buckle%3
#voir$to see%3
#volatiliser$to disappear%3
#voler$to fly%3
#vouer$to vow%3
#vouloir$to want%3
#vouvoyer$to address%3
#vrombir$to hum%3
#vulgariser$to popularize%3
#zeste$lemon peel%1
#zieuter$to look%3