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Text File | 1998-01-01 | 119.8 KB | 5,830 lines |
- #à-coup$jolt%1
- #à-peu-près$approximation%1
- #à-propos$timeliness%1
- #abaisse$pie crust%2
- #abasourdir$to stun%3
- #abasourdissant$surprising%4
- #abat-jour$lampshade%1
- #abâtardi$corrupt%4
- #abattant$leaf%1
- #abattement$weakening%1
- #abattoir$slaughterhouse%1
- #abattre$to knock down%3
- #abattu$dejected%4
- #abcéder$to gather%3
- #abécédaire$alphabetical%4
- #abecquer$to feed%3
- #abeille$bee%2
- #abêtir$to dull%3
- #abîme$abyss%1
- #abîmé$ruined%4
- #abîmer$to spoil%3
- #ablation$removal%2
- #aboiement$barking%1
- #abondamment$plentiful%5
- #abonder$to be plentiful%3
- #abonné$subscriber%1
- #abonner$to subscribe%3
- #abonnir$to improve%3
- #abonnissement$improvement%1
- #abord$surroundings%1
- #abordable$easily approached%4
- #aborder$to approach%3
- #aborner$to delimit%3
- #abouchement$interview%1
- #aboucher$to bring together%3
- #aboutir$to succeed%3
- #aboyer$to bark%3
- #abrégé$short%4
- #abréger$to shorten%3
- #abreuvage$soaking%1
- #abreuver$to drink%3
- #abri$shelter%1
- #abricot$apricot%1
- #abriter$to shelter%3
- #abroger$to annul%3
- #abrutir$to stupefy%3
- #abstenir$to abstain%3
- #abstraire$to abstract%3
- #abstrus$obscure%4
- #acabit$quality%1
- #acagnarder$to make lazy%3
- #acajou$mahogany%1
- #acariâtre$rowdy%4
- #accablant$oppressive%4
- #accabler$to overwhelm%3
- #accalmie$lull%2
- #accaparant$engrossing%4
- #accéder$to reach%3
- #acception$meaning%2
- #accessit$award%1
- #accessoire$secondary%4
- #accidenté$unequal%4
- #accidenter$to make uneven%3
- #accolade$embrace%2
- #accolement$joining%1
- #accoler$to align%3
- #accomplir$to fulfill%3
- #accord$agreement%1
- #accore$abrupt%4
- #accort$courteous%4
- #accotement$roadside%1
- #accoter$to support%3
- #accotoir$prop%1
- #accouder$to lean on%3
- #accouple$leash%2
- #accoupler$to connect%3
- #accourcir$to shorten%3
- #accourcissement$lessening%1
- #accourir$to overrun%3
- #accoutrement$garb%1
- #accoutrer$to dress%3
- #accoutumé$ordinary%4
- #accroc$snag%1
- #accrochage$stopping%1
- #accrocher$to catch%3
- #accroire$to believe%3
- #accroissement$increase%1
- #accroître$to increase%3
- #accroupi$crouched%4
- #accroupir$to squat%3
- #accueil$reception%1
- #accueillir$to welcome%3
- #acculer$to drive%3
- #accusé$defendant%1
- #acérain$pertaining to steel%4
- #acerbe$bitter%4
- #acérer$to sharpen%3
- #achalandé$full%4
- #acharné$tenacious%4
- #acharner$to pursue%3
- #achat$purchase%1
- #acheminement$progress%1
- #acheminer$to dispatch%3
- #acheter$to buy%3
- #achevé$finished%4
- #achever$to finish off%3
- #achoppement$obstacle%1
- #achopper$to stumble%3
- #achromatopsie$color blindness%2
- #acier$steel%1
- #acolyte$associate%1
- #acompte$down payment%1
- #acoquinant$alluring%4
- #acoquiner$to allure%3
- #acquérir$to acquire%3
- #acquis$experience%1
- #acquit$receipt%1
- #âcre$bitter%4
- #acte$deed%1
- #acteur$actor%1
- #actif$active%4
- #actionnaire$shareholder%1
- #actionner$to sue%3
- #activer$to speed up%3
- #acuité$acuteness%2
- #adapter$to adapt%3
- #addition$bill%2
- #adepte$follower%1
- #adéquat$appropriate%4
- #adent$dovetail%1
- #adieu$farewell%7
- #adipeux$fatty%4
- #adjoindre$to appoint%3
- #adjudant$warrant officer%1
- #adjudicataire$highest bidder%1
- #adjurer$to beseech%3
- #admonester$to reprimand%3
- #adonné$devoted%4
- #adonner$to devote oneself%3
- #adosser$to lean against%3
- #adoucir$to soften%3
- #adoucissement$softening%1
- #advenir$to occur%3
- #aérage$ventilation%1
- #aérer$to ventilate%3
- #aérogare$air terminal%2
- #affairé$busy%4
- #affairer$to occupy oneself%3
- #affaisser$to collapse%3
- #affamé$starving%4
- #affecter$to earmark%3
- #affectif$emotional%4
- #afférent$relating to%4
- #affermage$farming%1
- #affermateur$lessor%1
- #affermer$to farm%3
- #affermir$to strengthen%3
- #affermissement$consolidation%1
- #affiche$poster%2
- #afficher$to publish%3
- #affidé$trustworthy%4
- #affilage$sharpening%1
- #affilée$in a row%5
- #affilier$to join%3
- #affirmatif$assertive%4
- #affirmer$to assert%3
- #affleurer$to level%3
- #affligé$afflicted%4
- #affliger$to distress%3
- #affluence$crowd%2
- #affluent$tributary%1
- #affluer$to flow%3
- #affolant$distracting%4
- #affranchi$freed%4
- #affranchir$to stamp%3
- #affres$horror%2
- #affrètement$chartering%1
- #affréter$to charter%3
- #affriander$to allure%3
- #affriolant$enticing%4
- #affronter$to confront%3
- #affubler$to dress%3
- #affurer$to spend%3
- #affûtage$sharpening%1
- #affûter$to sharpen%3
- #afin$in order to%8
- #agaçant$irritating%4
- #agacer$to irritate%3
- #agacerie$enticement%2
- #agaillardir$to cheer up%3
- #agencement$grouping%1
- #agencer$to arrange%3
- #agenda$diary%1
- #agenouiller$to kneel%3
- #agenouilloir$hassock%1
- #aggloméré$fibreboard%1
- #agglutinant$adhesive%4
- #agglutiner$to bind%3
- #aggraver$to worsen%3
- #agio$speculation%1
- #agioter$to speculate%3
- #agir$to act%3
- #agissant$active%4
- #agneau$lamb%1
- #agonir$to insult%3
- #agoniser$to be dying%3
- #agrafe$hook%2
- #agrafer$to fasten%3
- #agrafeuse$stapler%2
- #agrandir$to enlarge%3
- #agréé$attorney%1
- #agréer$to accept%3
- #agrégation$teachers' examination%2
- #agrément$charm%1
- #agrémenter$to adorn%3
- #agrès$apparatus%1
- #agresser$to attack%3
- #agreste$rustic%4
- #agricole$farming%4
- #agrion$dragonfly%1
- #agripper$to clutch%3
- #agrumes$citrus fruit%1
- #aguerri$hardened%4
- #aguerrir$to train%3
- #aguets$lookout%1
- #aguicher$to tease%3
- #aheurter$to persist%3
- #ahuri$bewildered%4
- #ahurir$to astound%3
- #aider$to help%3
- #aïe$ouch%7
- #aïeul$grandfather%1
- #aigle$eagle%1
- #aiglefin$haddock%1
- #aigre$sour%4
- #aigrefin$swindler%1
- #aigrette$tuft%2
- #aigrir$to turn sour%3
- #aigu$acute%4
- #aiguiller$to shunt%3
- #aiguillon$sting%1
- #aiguisage$sharpening%1
- #aiguiser$to sharpen%3
- #ail$garlic%1
- #aile$wing%2
- #ailleurs$elsewhere%5
- #aimable$kind%4
- #aimant$magnet%1
- #aimer$to love%3
- #aîné$eldest%4
- #ainsi$thus%5
- #airain$bronze%1
- #aire$area%2
- #airelle$blueberry%2
- #ais$plank%1
- #aisance$ease%2
- #aisseau$shingle%1
- #ajourner$to postpone%3
- #ajout$addition%1
- #ajouter$to add%3
- #alambic$still%1
- #alambiqué$convoluted%4
- #alangui$downcast%4
- #alanguir$to weaken%3
- #albâtre$alabaster%1
- #aléas$hazards%1
- #alentour$around%5
- #alésage$drilling%1
- #alésure$metal shavings%2
- #alezan$chestnut-colored%4
- #algarade$altercation%2
- #algie$ache%2
- #algue$seaweed%2
- #aliéner$to alienate%3
- #alinéa$paragraph%1
- #alité$bedridden%4
- #alizé$soft%4
- #allant$energy%1
- #alléchant$enticing%4
- #allécher$to entice%3
- #allée$path%2
- #allégeance$alleviation%2
- #alléger$to alleviate%3
- #allègre$lively%4
- #aller$to go%3
- #alliage$alloy%1
- #allier$to combine%3
- #allô$hello%7
- #allocution$speech%2
- #allonge$addendum%2
- #allouer$to allocate%3
- #alluchon$cog%1
- #allumé$ignited%4
- #allumer$to light%3
- #allumette$match%2
- #allure$pace%2
- #aloi$genuine%1
- #alors$then%5
- #alouette$skylark%2
- #alourdir$to burden%3
- #alourdissant$oppressive%4
- #aloyau$sirloin%1
- #alpage$mountain pasture%1
- #alpinisme$mountaineering%1
- #altérant$causing thirst%4
- #alternance$rotation%2
- #altesse$highness%2
- #alto$viola%1
- #alvéole$cell%2
- #amabilité$kindness%2
- #amadouer$to coax%3
- #amaigrir$to emaciate%3
- #amaigrissant$slimming%4
- #amande$almond%2
- #amarre$rope%2
- #amarrer$to moor%3
- #amas$heap%1
- #ambassade$embassy%2
- #ambitionner$to desire%3
- #ambre$amber%1
- #ambulant$travelling%4
- #âme$soul%2
- #améliorer$to improve%3
- #aménagement$arrangement%1
- #aménager$to set up%3
- #amène$agreeable%4
- #amener$to bring%3
- #amenuiser$to dwindle%3
- #amerrir$to splash down%3
- #amertume$bitterness%2
- #ameublement$furniture%1
- #ameublissement$loosening%1
- #ameulonner$to stack%3
- #ameuter$to stir up%3
- #ami$friend%1
- #amiable$amicable%4
- #amiante$asbestos%1
- #amicale$association%2
- #amidon$starch%1
- #amidonner$to starch%3
- #amincir$to make thinner%3
- #amiral$admiral%1
- #amollir$to soften%3
- #amollissant$softening%4
- #amonceler$to pile up%3
- #amont$upstream%5
- #amorce$start%2
- #amorcer$to allure%3
- #amorphe$listless%4
- #amortir$to absorb%3
- #amortissable$redeemable%4
- #amortisseur$shock absorber%1
- #amour$love%1
- #amour-propre$self-respect%1
- #amovible$removable%4
- #amphi$lecture hall%1
- #ampleur$width%2
- #amplifier$to develop%3
- #ampoule$light bulb%2
- #amuse-gueule$appetizer%1
- #amygdale$tonsil%2
- #an$year%1
- #anacarde$cashew%1
- #anachorète$hermit%1
- #analogue$similar%4
- #analphabète$illiterate%4
- #ananas$pineapple%1
- #ancêtre$ancestor%1
- #anche$reed%2
- #anchois$anchovy%1
- #ancien$old%4
- #ancre$anchor%2
- #andouille$sausage%2
- #âne$foolish person%1
- #anéantir$to destroy%3
- #anémie$anemia%2
- #anfractueux$sinuous%4
- #anfractuosité$crevice%2
- #ange$angel%1
- #angoisse$anguish%2
- #anguille$eel%2
- #angulaire$cornerstone%4
- #anhélation$panting%2
- #anhéler$to pant%3
- #anicroche$snag%2
- #animadversion$reprimand%2
- #animer$to animate%3
- #ankylose$stiffening%2
- #anneau$ring%1
- #année$year%2
- #annexer$to attach%3
- #annoncier$publicity manager%1
- #annuaire$yearbook%1
- #annuler$to cancel%3
- #anobli$ennobled%3
- #anodin$harmless%4
- #anomal$irregular%4
- #ânonner$to stumble through%3
- #anse$handle%2
- #antérieur$former%4
- #anti-brouillard$fog light%1
- #antichoc$shockproof%4
- #anticipé$done in advance%4
- #antidérapant$non-skid%4
- #antienne$anthem%2
- #antigel$antifreeze%1
- #antimite$mothproof%4
- #antiparasite$suppressor%4
- #antipathie$aversion%2
- #antiputride$antiseptic%4
- #antirouille$rust-proofing%1
- #antisudoral$antiperspirant%1
- #antre$den%1
- #aoûté$ripened%4
- #aoûter$to ripen%3
- #apaiser$to appease%3
- #apanage$privilege%1
- #apanager$to endow%3
- #aparté$aside%1
- #apepsie$indigestion%2
- #apercevoir$to see%3
- #apéro$cocktail%1
- #apesanteur$weightlessness%2
- #à peu près$approximation%1
- #apeuré$frightened%4
- #aphone$voiceless%4
- #à-pic$cliff%1
- #apiculture$beekeeping%2
- #apitoiement$pity%1
- #apitoyer$to move to pity%3
- #aplanir$to level%3
- #aplomb$impudence%1
- #apologie$vindication%2
- #apologue$fable%1
- #aposter$to station%3
- #apostille$footnote%2
- #apostiller$to add a postscript%3
- #apostolat$calling%1
- #apôtre$apostle%1
- #apparaître$to appear%3
- #apparat$pomp%1
- #appareil$apparatus%1
- #appareillage$installation%1
- #appareiller$to start%3
- #apparenté$related%4
- #apparenter$to be similar%3
- #appariteur$porter%1
- #appartenir$to belong%3
- #appât$bait%1
- #appauvrir$to impoverish%3
- #appel$call%1
- #appeler$to call%3
- #appendre$to hang up%3
- #appesantir$to weigh down%3
- #appétissant$desirable%4
- #applique$wall lamp%2
- #appliqué$studious%4
- #appointements$salary%1
- #appointer$to pay a salary%3
- #apporter$to bring%3
- #apposer$to affix%3
- #apposition$affixing%2
- #apprécier$to appraise%3
- #appréhender$to fear%3
- #apprendre$to learn%3
- #apprenti$apprentice%1
- #apprêter$to prepare%3
- #apprivoisé$tame%4
- #apprivoiser$to tame%3
- #approbation$approval%2
- #approchant$similar%4
- #approfondir$to deepen%3
- #approfondissement$deepening%1
- #approprier$to accommodate%3
- #approuver$to approve%3
- #approvisionneur$caterer%1
- #appui$support%1
- #âpre$harsh%4
- #après$after%8
- #après-midi$afternoon%1
- #apte$capable%4
- #apurement$audit%1
- #apurer$to audit%3
- #aquaplane$surfboard%2
- #aquarelle$watercolor%2
- #aquilon$cold wind%1
- #arachide$peanut%2
- #araignée$spider%2
- #arasement$levelling%1
- #araser$to level%3
- #aratoire$pertaining to farming%4
- #arbalète$crossbow%2
- #arbitral$by arbitration%4
- #arbitre$arbitrator%1
- #arborer$to display%3
- #arbre$tree%1
- #arbuste$bush%1
- #arc-boutant$buttress%1
- #arc-bouter$to strengthen%3
- #arc-en-ciel$rainbow%1
- #arcanes$secrets%1
- #archet$musical bow%1
- #archevêque$archbishop%1
- #archière$loophole%2
- #archiplein$full%4
- #ardemment$ardently%5
- #ardeur$intense heat%2
- #ardoise$slate%2
- #ardu$arduous%4
- #arène$arena%2
- #arénière$sand pit%2
- #arête$bone%2
- #argent$money%1
- #argenté$plated%4
- #argile$clay%2
- #argot$slang%1
- #argus$guidebook%1
- #argutie$quibble%2
- #aride$arid%4
- #armagnac$brandy%1
- #armateur$shipowner%1
- #armature$framework%2
- #arme$weapon%2
- #armée$army%2
- #armoire$cupboard%2
- #armorier$to emblazon%3
- #armurier$gunsmith%1
- #aromatiser$to perfume%3
- #aronde$dovetail joint%2
- #arpent$acre%1
- #arpenter$to survey%3
- #arpon$crosscut saw%1
- #arqué$bent%4
- #arquer$to bend%3
- #arraché$uprooted%4
- #arrache-pied$relentlessly%5
- #arrangeant$accommodating%4
- #arrérages$arrears%1
- #arrêté$order%1
- #arrêter$to stop%3
- #arrhes$deposit%2
- #arrière-cour$backyard%2
- #arrière-goût$after-taste%1
- #arrière-pensée$hidden motive%2
- #arriérer$to defer%3
- #arrimer$to secure%3
- #arroger$to assume falsely%3
- #arrondi$rounded%4
- #arrondir$to make round%3
- #arrondissement$district%1
- #arrosage$sprinkling%1
- #arroser$to water%3
- #art$skill%1
- #artère$artery%2
- #artichaut$artichoke%1
- #articulé$distinct%4
- #artifice$trick%1
- #ascenseur$elevator%1
- #asile$shelter%1
- #aspect$sight%1
- #asperge$asparagus%2
- #aspergement$sprinkling%1
- #aspérité$rough edge%2
- #asphyxie$suffocation%2
- #aspirail$airhole%1
- #aspirant$candidate%1
- #aspirateur$vacuum cleaner%1
- #aspirer$to inhale%3
- #assagir$to settle down%3
- #assaillir$to assault%3
- #assainir$to clean up%3
- #assaisonner$to season%3
- #assaut$assault%1
- #assèchement$drainage%1
- #assécher$to drain%3
- #asséner$to deal%3
- #assentiment$assent%1
- #asseoir$to sit%3
- #assermenté$sworn%4
- #assermenter$to swear in%3
- #asservir$to enslave%3
- #assez$enough%5
- #assidu$assiduous%4
- #assiéger$to besiege%3
- #assiette$plate%2
- #assis$sitting%4
- #assise$foundation%2
- #assistance$audience%2
- #assoiffé$thirsty%4
- #assolement$crop rotation%1
- #assoler$to vary%3
- #assombrir$to darken%3
- #assombrissement$gloom%1
- #assommant$tiresome%4
- #assommer$to stun%3
- #assortir$to match%3
- #assoupi$dormant%4
- #assoupir$to make drowsy%3
- #assouplir$to soften%3
- #assourdir$to deafen%3
- #assourdissant$deafening%4
- #assouvir$to appease%3
- #assujettir$to subject%3
- #assuré$confident%4
- #assurer$to insure%3
- #assureur$underwriter%1
- #asticot$worm%1
- #asticoter$to tease%3
- #astiquer$to polish%3
- #astre$star%1
- #astreindre$to compel%3
- #astreinte$compulsion%2
- #astuce$knack%2
- #atelier$workshop%1
- #atermoyer$to procrastinate%3
- #athée$atheistic%4
- #atomiser$to spray%3
- #atone$lifeless%4
- #atours$finery%1
- #atout$advantage%1
- #atrabilaire$gloomy%4
- #âtre$hearth%1
- #atrophier$to wither%3
- #attablé$seated at a table%4
- #attache$attachment%2
- #attardé$late%4
- #atteindre$to attain%3
- #atteinte$attack%2
- #attelage$harnessing%1
- #atteler$to harness%3
- #attelle$splint%2
- #attenant$adjoining%4
- #attendre$to wait for%3
- #attendrir$to pity%3
- #attendu$whereas%8
- #attenir$to adjoin%3
- #attentat$attempt%1
- #attente$waiting%2
- #atténué$emaciated%4
- #atténuer$to attenuate%3
- #atterrant$surprising%4
- #atterrer$to dismay%3
- #atterrir$to land%3
- #attester$to testify%3
- #attiédir$to chill%3
- #attifer$to dress up%3
- #attique$witty%4
- #attirail$gear%1
- #attirer$to attract%3
- #attisage$stirring%1
- #attiser$to poke%3
- #attitré$appointed%4
- #attouchement$contact%1
- #attrait$attraction%1
- #attrape$trick%2
- #attraper$to catch%3
- #attribuer$to assign%3
- #attriquer$to buy%3
- #attristant$sorrowful%4
- #attrister$to sadden%3
- #attroupement$mob%1
- #attrouper$to gather%3
- #au-dessous$below%5
- #au-devant$towards%8
- #aubaine$godsend%2
- #aube$dawn%2
- #auberge$inn%2
- #aubergine$eggplant%2
- #aubergiste$innkeeper%1
- #aucun$none%4
- #audace$daring%2
- #auditeur$listener%1
- #auge$feeding trough%2
- #augmenter$to increase%3
- #augure$omen%1
- #augurer$to predict%3
- #auguste$majestic%4
- #aujourd'hui$today%5
- #aumône$alms%2
- #aumônier$chaplain%1
- #aune$alder tree%1
- #auparavant$before%5
- #auprès$near%5
- #auricule$earlobe%2
- #auriculaire$the little finger%1
- #auriste$ear specialist%1
- #aurore$daybreak%2
- #ausculter$to examine%3
- #auspice$omen%1
- #aussi$also%5
- #aussitôt$immediately%5
- #austral$southern%4
- #autant$as much%5
- #autel$altar%1
- #auteur$author%1
- #auto-stop$hitchhiking%1
- #autobus$bus%1
- #autochenille$tractor%2
- #autochtone$native%4
- #autocollant$sticker%1
- #autocuiseur$pressure cooker%1
- #autodéfense$self-defense%2
- #autodidacte$self-taught person%1
- #autodrome$racetrack%1
- #autogare$bus station%2
- #automate$robot%1
- #automne$autumn%1
- #autonome$autonomous%4
- #autoplastie$plastic surgery%2
- #autorail$railcar%1
- #autoriser$to authorize%3
- #autoroute$freeway%2
- #autour$around%5
- #autre$other%4
- #autrefois$in the past%5
- #autruche$ostrich%2
- #auvent$awning%1
- #avachi$worn out%4
- #avachir$to become flabby%3
- #aval$downstream%5
- #avalaison$flood%2
- #avalement$descent%1
- #avaler$to swallow%3
- #avaliser$to guarantee%3
- #avance$advance%2
- #avanie$insult%2
- #avant-bras$forearm%1
- #avant-goût$anticipation%1
- #avant$before%8
- #avare$miserly%4
- #avariable$perishable%4
- #avarie$damage%2
- #avarier$to damage%3
- #avatar$misadventure%1
- #avec$with%8
- #aven$pothole%1
- #avenant$attractive%4
- #avènement$advent%1
- #avenir$future%1
- #avéré$authenticated%4
- #avérer$to prove%3
- #averse$shower%2
- #averti$warned%4
- #avertir$to warn%3
- #aveu$confession%1
- #aveugle$blind%4
- #aveugler$to blind%3
- #aveulir$to make weak%3
- #aveulissant$weakening%4
- #aviateur$aviator%1
- #avide$greedy%4
- #aviner$to soak%3
- #avion$airplane%1
- #aviron$oar%1
- #avis$opinion%1
- #avisé$shrewd%4
- #aviser$to advise%3
- #avivage$brightening%1
- #aviver$to sharpen%3
- #avocat$attorney%1
- #avoine$oats%2
- #avoir$to have%3
- #avoisinant$neighboring%4
- #avoisiner$to border on%3
- #avorter$to fail%3
- #avouer$to confess%3
- #axe$axis%1
- #ayant cause$trustee%1
- #azimuts$everywhere%1
- #azote$nitrogen%1
- #azur$blue%1
- #azyme$unleavened%4
- #baba$sponge cake%1
- #babeurre$buttermilk%1
- #babil$small talk%1
- #babiller$to babble%3
- #babines$chaps%2
- #babiole$knick-knack%2
- #bâbord$port side of a boat%1
- #babouche$house slipper%2
- #babouin$baboon%1
- #bac$ferry boat%1
- #bacchanal$uproar%1
- #bâche$tarpaulin%2
- #bachique$jovial%4
- #bachoter$to study%3
- #bacille$germ%1
- #bâclage$blockade%1
- #bâcler$to botch up%3
- #badaud$onlooker%1
- #badauder$to lounge%3
- #badigeon$whitewash%1
- #badin$lighthearted%4
- #badine$cane%2
- #badour$handsome%4
- #bâdrant$bothersome%4
- #bâdrer$to annoy%3
- #bafouer$to mock%3
- #bâfrer$to overindulge%3
- #bagage$piece of luggage%1
- #bagarre$brawl%2
- #bagatelle$trifle%2
- #bagne$prison%1
- #bagnole$jalopy%1
- #bagou$glibness%1
- #bague$ring%2
- #baguenauder$to saunter%3
- #baguette$stick%2
- #bahut$cabinet%1
- #baie$berry%2
- #baignade$bathing%2
- #baigner$to bathe%3
- #bail$lease%1
- #bâillement$yawning%1
- #bâiller$to yawn%3
- #bailli$bailiff%1
- #bâillon$gag%1
- #bâillonner$to gag%3
- #bain$bath%1
- #baisse$drop%2
- #baisser$to lower%3
- #bajoues$chops%2
- #balade$tour%2
- #balader$to stroll%3
- #balafre$gash%2
- #balafrer$to gash%3
- #balai$broom%1
- #balance$scale%2
- #balancer$to swing%3
- #balançoire$see-saw%2
- #balandre$canal boat%2
- #balayage$sweeping%1
- #balayer$to sweep%3
- #balcon$balcony%1
- #baldaquin$canopy%1
- #baleine$whale%2
- #balise$beacon%2
- #baliverne$nonsense%2
- #baliverner$to talk idly%3
- #ballant$dangling%4
- #balle$one centime coin%2
- #ballot$small package%1
- #balourd$oaf%1
- #balustrade$handrail%2
- #balustrer$to surround%3
- #bambin$toddler%1
- #ban$roll%1
- #banal$commonplace%4
- #banc$bench%1
- #bancal$wobbly%4
- #bande$strip%2
- #banderole$pennant%2
- #bandoulière$shoulder strap%2
- #banlieue$suburbs%2
- #banne$awning%2
- #banni$prohibited%4
- #bannière$banner%2
- #bannir$to banish%3
- #banqueroute$bankrupt%2
- #banquette$seat%2
- #banquise$ice pack%2
- #baptême$baptism%1
- #baquet$tub%1
- #baragouin$gibberish%1
- #baraque$hut%2
- #baratte$churn%2
- #baratter$to churn%3
- #barbe$beard%2
- #barbelé$spiked%4
- #barber$to bore%3
- #barbier$barber%1
- #barboter$to splash about%3
- #barbotière$duck pond%2
- #barbouiller$to smear%3
- #barda$gear%1
- #bardé$covered with%4
- #bardot$mule%1
- #barème$scale%1
- #barguignage$hesitation%1
- #barguigner$to hesitate%3
- #baril$barrel%1
- #bariolé$brightly colored%4
- #baroque$bizarre%4
- #baroud$battle%1
- #barque$small boat%2
- #barrer$to block%3
- #barrière$gate%2
- #barrique$barrel%2
- #bas$low%4
- #bas-côté$roadside%1
- #bas-fond$dregs%1
- #basane$sheepskin%2
- #basané$tanned%4
- #bascule$game of seesaw%2
- #basculer$to rock%3
- #baser$to found%3
- #bas-fond$low-lying ground%1
- #basque$skirt%2
- #basse-cour$farmyard%2
- #bassement$meanly%5
- #basse-taille$baritone%2
- #bassin$pond%1
- #bassine$large pan%2
- #bassiner$to warm%3
- #bastide$country villa%3
- #bastille$fortress%2
- #bastionner$to strengthen%3
- #bastingage$bulwarks%1
- #bastringue$dance hall%1
- #bât$saddlebag%1
- #bataclan$paraphernalia%1
- #bataille$battle%2
- #batailler$to fight%3
- #bateau$boat%1
- #batelage$juggling%1
- #bâter$to load%3
- #batifolage$scam%1
- #batifoler$to fool%3
- #bâtiment$building%1
- #bâtir$to build%3
- #battée$door jamb%2
- #battement$beating%1
- #battre$to beat%3
- #battu$frequented%4
- #baudet$donkey%1
- #bauge$hovel%2
- #baume$balm%1
- #bavard$talkative%4
- #bave$dribble%2
- #baver$to dribble%3
- #bazarder$to sell%3
- #béant$gaping%4
- #béat$smug%4
- #beau$beautiful%4
- #beau-fils$stepson%1
- #beaucoup$much%5
- #beauffe$brother-in-law%1
- #bébé$baby%1
- #bébête$silly%4
- #bec$beak%1
- #bécane$bike%2
- #bécarre$natural%1
- #béchamel$cream sauce%2
- #bêche$spade%2
- #bêcher$to dig%3
- #bécot$kiss%1
- #becquetance$food%2
- #becqueter$to eat%3
- #bedonnant$overweight%4
- #bedonner$to become overweight%3
- #beffroi$belfry%1
- #béguin$small cap%1
- #béguine$nun%2
- #béjaune$novice%1
- #belette$weasel%2
- #bélier$ram%1
- #bélître$scoundrel%1
- #belle$beautiful%4
- #belle-doche$mother-in-law%2
- #belliqueux$warlike%4
- #belvédère$viewpoint%1
- #bémol$flat%1
- #bénéfice$profit%1
- #bénévole$voluntary%4
- #bénignement$graciously%5
- #bénir$to bless%3
- #bénit$blessed%4
- #benjamin$favorite%1
- #benne$scoop%2
- #béquillard$handicapped%4
- #béquiller$to walk on crutches%3
- #bercail$fold%1
- #berceau$cradle%1
- #bercer$to rock%3
- #berge$raised bank%1
- #berger$shepherd%1
- #berline$saloon%2
- #berlingot$mint%1
- #berlue$nearsightedness%2
- #berne$at half-mast%5
- #berner$to fool%3
- #berthon$raft%1
- #besogne$work%2
- #besogner$to work%3
- #besoin$need%1
- #bête$animal%2
- #béton$concrete%1
- #beuglement$bellowing%1
- #beugler$to bellow%3
- #beurre$butter%1
- #beurrer$to butter%3
- #bévue$blunder%2
- #biais$slanting%4
- #biaiser$to slant%3
- #bibelot$trinket%1
- #biberon$feeding bottle%1
- #bibliothèque$library%2
- #bichonner$to curl%3
- #bicoque$shack%2
- #bidon$can%1
- #bidonnant$funny%4
- #bidonner$to laugh%3
- #bielle$connecting rod%2
- #bien$good%1
- #bien-fonds$real estate%1
- #bienfait$favor%1
- #bienséant$proper%4
- #bientôt$soon%5
- #bienvenu$welcome%4
- #bière$beer%2
- #biffer$to cross out%3
- #bifteck$steak%1
- #bifurquer$to branch off%3
- #bigarré$mottled%4
- #bigarrer$to smear%3
- #bigarrure$mixture%2
- #bigler$to squint%3
- #bigoudi$hair curler%1
- #bigrement$awfully%5
- #bijou$jewel%1
- #bilan$balance sheet%1
- #bile$to worry%2
- #bille$marble%2
- #billet$ticket%1
- #billevesée$smalltalk%2
- #billot$block%1
- #bimbelot$toy%1
- #biner$to hoe%3
- #binette$hoe%2
- #biniou$bagpipe%1
- #bique$goat%2
- #bisbille$squabble%2
- #biscornu$distorted%4
- #biscotte$toast%2
- #bise$north wind%2
- #bisser$to encore%3
- #bistouri$scalpel%1
- #bistourner$to twist%3
- #bistre$dark brown%4
- #bistro$bar%1
- #bitume$asphalt%1
- #bituminer$to tar%3
- #blafard$pale%4
- #blague$joke%2
- #blair$snout%1
- #blaireau$badger%1
- #blairer$to tolerate%3
- #blanc$white%4
- #blanc-bec$youngster%1
- #blanchir$to whiten%3
- #blanchissage$washing%1
- #blanquette$veal stew%2
- #blaser$to blunt%3
- #blason$coat of arms%1
- #blé$wheat%1
- #bled$village%1
- #blême$pale%4
- #blessé$injured%4
- #blesser$to injure%3
- #blet$overripe%4
- #bleuet$cornflower%1
- #blindé$armored%4
- #blinder$to armor-plate%3
- #bloc$lump%1
- #blocage$locking%1
- #blottir$to crouch%3
- #blouse$overall%2
- #blouser$to cheat%3
- #bluette$spark%2
- #bluter$to bolt%3
- #bobard$fib%1
- #bobine$reel%2
- #bobiner$to wind%3
- #bocage$grove%1
- #bocal$glass jar%1
- #boeuf$beef%1
- #boire$to drink%3
- #bois$wood%1
- #boiser$to plant trees%3
- #boisseau$bushel%1
- #boisson$drink%2
- #boîte$box%2
- #boitement$limping%1
- #boiter$to limp%3
- #boîtier$doctor's bag%1
- #bol$bowl%1
- #bolide$racing car%1
- #bombance$celebrating%2
- #bombé$arched%4
- #bomber$to bulge%3
- #bonasse$feeble%4
- #bond$leap%1
- #bonde$plug%2
- #bondé$full%4
- #bondissant$bouncing%4
- #bonheur$good luck%1
- #bonhomie$good-heartedness%2
- #bonifier$to improve%3
- #bonir$to tell%3
- #bonnement$simply%5
- #bonnet$cap%1
- #bon-prime$promotional coupon%1
- #bonsoir$good evening%1
- #bonté$kindness%2
- #bord$edge%1
- #bordeaux$maroon%4
- #bordée$broadside%2
- #border$to edge%3
- #bordereau$statement%1
- #boréal$northern%4
- #borne$boundary mark%2
- #borné$limited%4
- #borner$to limit%3
- #bosquet$grove%1
- #bosse$bump%2
- #bosselage$embossing%1
- #bosseler$to emboss%3
- #bosser$to work hard%3
- #botte$boot%2
- #bottelage$bundling%1
- #botteler$to bundle%3
- #bouc$goat%1
- #boucan$din%1
- #bouchage$corking%1
- #bouche$mouth%2
- #boucher$butcher%1
- #boucle$buckle%2
- #boucler$to buckle%3
- #bouclier$shield%1
- #bouder$to sulk%3
- #bouderie$sulking%2
- #boue$mud%2
- #bouffe$food%2
- #bouffée$puff%2
- #bouffir$to bloat%3
- #bouffon$farcical%4
- #bouge$hovel%1
- #bougeotte$to be fidgety%2
- #bougie$candle%2
- #bougon$grumpy%4
- #bougre$fellow%1
- #bouillant$boiling%4
- #bouillie$porridge%2
- #bouillir$to boil%3
- #boulanger$baker%1
- #boule$ball%2
- #bouleau$birch%1
- #bouledogue$bulldog%1
- #boulet$cannon ball%1
- #boulette$pellet%2
- #bouleversement$overthrow%1
- #bouleverser$to upset%3
- #boulon$bolt%1
- #boulonner$to bolt%3
- #bouquetier$flower vase%2
- #bouquin$book%1
- #bourbe$mud%2
- #bourde$blunder%2
- #bourdon$bee%1
- #bourdonner$to hum%3
- #bourg$small town%1
- #bourgeois$middle class%4
- #bourgeonner$to bud%3
- #bourguignon$sun%1
- #bourrasque$squall%2
- #bourratif$stodgy%4
- #bourre$hair%2
- #bourreau$executioner%1
- #bourreler$to bother%3
- #bourrelet$weather strip%1
- #bourru$surly%4
- #bourse$purse%2
- #boursouflé$puffy%4
- #boursoufler$to bloat%3
- #bousculade$jostling%1
- #boussole$compass%2
- #boustifaille$food%2
- #bout$end%1
- #boutade$quip%2
- #boute-en-train$merry-maker%1
- #boutefeu$incendiary%1
- #bouteille$bottle%2
- #bouteur$bulldozer%1
- #boutoir$staggering blow%1
- #bouton$bud%1
- #boutonner$to button%3
- #bouture$cutting%2
- #bouvreuil$bullfinch%1
- #bovin$cattle%1
- #boyau$gut%1
- #braconnage$poaching%1
- #braconner$to poach%3
- #brader$to sell cheaply%3
- #braguette$zipper%2
- #braillard$rowdy%4
- #brailler$to cry%3
- #braise$ember%2
- #brancard$stretcher%1
- #branchage$branches%1
- #brancher$to plug in%3
- #brandillement$shaking%1
- #brandiller$to shake%3
- #brandon$torch%1
- #branle$impetus%1
- #braquage$steering%1
- #braquer$to point%3
- #brasiller$to grill%3
- #brassée$armful%2
- #brasserie$brewery%2
- #bravache$braggart%1
- #braver$to defy%3
- #bravoure$courage%2
- #break$station wagon%1
- #brebis$ewe%2
- #brèche$gap%2
- #bredouillage$mumbling%1
- #bredouille$empty-handed%2
- #bredouiller$to mumble%3
- #bref$brief%4
- #breloque$trinket%2
- #bretelle$strap%2
- #bretzel$pretzel%1
- #breuil$enclosed area%1
- #breuvage$drink%1
- #brevet$diploma%1
- #breveté$patented%4
- #breveter$to patent%3
- #bribe$scrap%2
- #brick$carton%1
- #bricole$trifle%2
- #bride$bridle%2
- #brièvement$briefly%5
- #brigander$to rob%3
- #brigue$faction%2
- #briguer$to persuade%3
- #brillant$shining%4
- #briller$to shine%3
- #brimer$to bully%3
- #brin$blade%1
- #brindille$twig%2
- #bringuebaler$to wobble%3
- #brioche$blunder%2
- #brique$brick%2
- #briquet$lighter%1
- #brisant$reef%1
- #brise$breeze%2
- #brisé$broken%4
- #brisées$footsteps%2
- #briser$to break%3
- #brise-tout$clumsy person%1
- #brisure$seam%2
- #broc$jug%1
- #brocanter$to exchange%3
- #brocanteur$secondhand dealer%1
- #brocard$taunt%1
- #brocarder$to taunt%3
- #broche$spindle%2
- #broché$embossed%4
- #brocher$to emboss%3
- #brochet$pike%1
- #brocheter$to skewer%3
- #brodequin$small boot%1
- #broiement$grinding%1
- #bronchement$stumbling%1
- #broncher$to budge%3
- #bronzer$to tan%3
- #broquette$tack%2
- #broquille$minute%2
- #brosse$brush%2
- #brosser$to brush%3
- #brouet$broth%1
- #brouette$wheelbarrow%2
- #brouillard$fog%1
- #brouillasser$to drizzle%3
- #brouille$disagreement%2
- #brouillé$scrambled%4
- #brouiller$to mix%3
- #brousse$undergrowth%2
- #brouter$to graze%3
- #broyage$crushing%1
- #bru$daughter-in-law%2
- #brucelles$tweezers%2
- #brugnon$nectarine%1
- #bruine$drizzle%2
- #bruire$to rustle%3
- #bruissement$rustle%1
- #bruitage$sound effects%1
- #brûlage$burning%1
- #brûler$to burn%3
- #brume$mist%2
- #brun$brown%4
- #brune$dusk%2
- #brusquer$to offend%3
- #brusquerie$abruptness%2
- #brushing$blow-dry%1
- #bruyant$noisy%4
- #buanderie$laundry%2
- #buccin$trumpet%1
- #bûche$log%2
- #bûchette$twig%2
- #buée$condensation%2
- #buffle$buffalo%1
- #buis$box%1
- #buisson$bush%1
- #buissonnière$truant%4
- #bulle$bubble%2
- #buraliste$clerk%1
- #bureau$office%1
- #burette$oilcan%2
- #burin$engraving tool%1
- #buriner$to engrave%3
- #busqué$hooked%4
- #but$aim%1
- #buté$stubborn%4
- #buter$to stumble%3
- #butin$loot%1
- #butiner$to gather nectar%3
- #butoir$buffer%1
- #butor$oaf%1
- #buvable$drinkable%4
- #buvard$blotting paper%1
- #buvetier$innkeeper%1
- #buvette$refreshment bar%2
- #buvoter$to sip%3
- #cabaler$to plot%3
- #cabane$hut%2
- #cabas$shopping bag%1
- #cabillaud$cod%1
- #cabinet$office%1
- #câblage$electrical wiring%1
- #caboche$nut%2
- #cabochon$brass nail%1
- #cabosse$bruise%2
- #cabosser$to dent%3
- #caboter$to coast%3
- #caboteur$coaster%1
- #cabotin$ham actor%1
- #cabotiner$to strut%3
- #cabré$bucking%4
- #cabrer$to rebel%3
- #cabri$kid%1
- #cabriolet$convertible%1
- #cacachouète$peanut%2
- #cachalot$whale%1
- #cache$hiding place%2
- #cacher$to hide%3
- #cachet$official seal%1
- #cacheter$to seal%3
- #cachot$dungeon%1
- #cachotteries$secretiveness%2
- #cactier$cactus%1
- #cadastre$land register%1
- #cadastrer$to survey land%3
- #cadeau$gift%1
- #cadenas$padlock%1
- #cadenette$lock of hair%2
- #cadet$younger%4
- #cadrage$centering%1
- #cadran$dial%1
- #cadre$setting%1
- #cadrer$to tally%3
- #caduc$obsolete%4
- #cafard$sneak%1
- #cafarder$to sneak%3
- #cafetière$coffee pot%2
- #cafouillage$floundering%1
- #cageot$crate%1
- #cagibi$storage room%1
- #cagneux$knock-kneed%4
- #cagnotte$pool of funds%2
- #cagot$bigoted%4
- #cagoule$monk's cloak%2
- #cahier$notebook%1
- #cahot$jolt%1
- #cahoter$to jolt%3
- #cahute$hut%2
- #caïd$leader%1
- #caille$quail%2
- #cailler$to clot%3
- #caillou$stone%1
- #caillouter$to spread gravel%3
- #caïman$crocodile%1
- #caisse$case%2
- #caissier$cashier%1
- #cajoler$to pamper%3
- #cajou$cashew%1
- #calage$lowering%1
- #calamine$carbon%2
- #calandre$radiator grill%2
- #calcaire$chalky%4
- #calciné$charred%4
- #cale$wedge%2
- #calé$clever%4
- #calembour$pun%1
- #calendrier$calendar%1
- #cale-pied$footrest%1
- #calepin$notebook%1
- #caler$to wedge%3
- #calice$chalice%1
- #câlin$endearing%4
- #calleux$callous%4
- #calomnie$slander%2
- #calorifère$stove%1
- #calorifuge$insulating%4
- #calot$cap%1
- #calque$copy%1
- #calumet$peace pipe%1
- #camarade$friend%1
- #cambouis$grease%1
- #cambrer$to arch%3
- #cambrioler$to burglarize%3
- #camion$truck%1
- #camisole$straitjacket%2
- #campagne$countryside%2
- #campanile$belltower%1
- #camus$snub-nosed%4
- #canaille$scoundrel%2
- #canapé$sofa%1
- #canard$duck%1
- #cancans$malicious gossip%1
- #candeur$innocence%2
- #canette$small bottle%2
- #canevas$canvas%1
- #caniche$poodle%1
- #canicule$scorching heat%2
- #canif$penknife%1
- #caniveau$street gutter%1
- #canne$stick%2
- #cannelle$cinnamon%2
- #cannelure$groove%2
- #canon$gun%1
- #canot$boat%1
- #cantatrice$opera singer%2
- #cantique$hymn%1
- #canton$district%1
- #cantonner$to confine%3
- #cantonnier$road worker%1
- #canular$practical joke%1
- #caouah$coffee%1
- #capillaire$hair%4
- #capitonner$to pad%3
- #capituler$to surrender%3
- #capote$hood%2
- #câpre$caper%2
- #caprice$whim%1
- #capter$to win%3
- #car$because%9
- #carabine$rifle%2
- #carabiné$violent%4
- #caracoler$to prance%3
- #caramboler$to smash into%3
- #carapace$shell%2
- #carapater$to leave quickly%3
- #carburant$fuel%1
- #carcan$yoke%1
- #carence$inadequacy%2
- #carène$hull%2
- #cargaison$cargo%2
- #carie$tooth decay%2
- #carillon$chimes%1
- #carlingue$cabin%2
- #carnassier$carnivorous%4
- #carné$meat%4
- #carnet$notebook%1
- #carotte$carrot%2
- #carquois$quiver%1
- #carré$square%4
- #carrément$completely%5
- #carreau$window pane%1
- #carrefour$crossroads%1
- #carrelet$flounder%1
- #carrément$bluntly%5
- #carrer$to settle down%3
- #carrière$quarry%2
- #carrosse$carriage%1
- #carrure$physique%2
- #cartable$satchel%1
- #carte$map%2
- #carter$crankcase%1
- #carton$cardboard%1
- #cartonner$to hit a target%3
- #cartouche$cartridge%2
- #casaque$shirt%2
- #cascade$waterfall%2
- #caserne$barracks%2
- #casque$helmet%1
- #casquer$to pay up%3
- #cassation$appeals court%2
- #casee$breakage%2
- #casse-cou$daredevil%1
- #casser$to break%3
- #casseur$robber%1
- #cassis$blackcurrant%1
- #cassoulet$stew%1
- #cassure$break%2
- #cataphote$reflector%1
- #catch$wrestling%1
- #catimini$on the sly%5
- #cauchemar$nightmare%1
- #caution$bail%2
- #cave$cellar%2
- #ceci$this%6
- #cécité$blindness%2
- #céder$to give up%3
- #cèdre$cedar%1
- #ceinture$belt%2
- #cela$that%6
- #célèbre$famous%4
- #cellier$storeroom%1
- #cendre$ash%2
- #censé$supposed%4
- #cent$hundred%1
- #cépage$vine%1
- #cependant$however%9
- #cerceau$hoop%1
- #cerf$deer%1
- #cerise$cherry%2
- #cerner$to surround%3
- #certitude$certainty%2
- #cerveau$brain%1
- #cesser$to stop%3
- #cession$transfer%2
- #chacun$everyone%6
- #chahut$disturbance%1
- #chai$wine storehouse%1
- #chaise$chair%2
- #châle$shawl%1
- #chaleur$heat%2
- #chaloupe$long boat%2
- #chalut$fishing net%1
- #chamailler$to squabble%3
- #chamarré$richly colored%4
- #chambouler$to turn upside down%3
- #chambre$room%2
- #chameau$camel%1
- #champ$field%1
- #champignon$mushroom%1
- #chanceler$to stagger%3
- #chandail$sweater%1
- #chandelle$candle%2
- #changement$change%1
- #chanson$song%2
- #chanter$to sing%3
- #chantier$building site%1
- #chaparder$to filch%3
- #chapeau$hat%1
- #chapelle$chapel%2
- #chapiteau$circus tent%1
- #chaque$every%4
- #char$chariot%1
- #charabia$gibberish%1
- #charade$riddle%2
- #charbon$coal%1
- #charcuter$to cut up%3
- #charge$burden%2
- #charger$to load%3
- #charivari$commotion%1
- #charnière$hinge%2
- #charpente$framework%2
- #charpentier$carpenter%1
- #charrette$cart%2
- #charrue$plough%2
- #chas$eye of a needle%1
- #chasse$hunting%2
- #châsse$shrine%2
- #chasser$to hunt%3
- #chat$cat%1
- #châtaigne$chestnut%2
- #chateau$castle%1
- #châtier$to chastise%3
- #châtiment$punishment%1
- #chaton$kitten%1
- #chatouiller$to tickle%3
- #chatoyer$to glitter%3
- #chatteries$delicacies%2
- #chatterton$insulating tape%1
- #chaud$warm%4
- #chaudière$boiler%2
- #chauffard$reckless driver%1
- #chauffer$to heat up%3
- #chaume$stubble%1
- #chaussée$roadway%2
- #chausser$to put on%3
- #chaussette$sock%2
- #chaussure$shoe%2
- #chauve-souris$bat%2
- #chavirer$to capsize%3
- #chef$chief%1
- #chef-d'oeuvre$masterpiece%1
- #chemin$road%1
- #cheminée$chimney%2
- #chemise$shirt%2
- #chenal$channel%1
- #chenapan$scoundrel%1
- #chêne$oak tree%1
- #chenil$kennel%1
- #chenille$caterpillar%2
- #cher$expensive%4
- #chercher$to search%3
- #chérir$to cherish%3
- #cheval$horse%1
- #chevalet$easel%1
- #cheveux$hair%1
- #cheville$ankle%2
- #chèvre$goat%2
- #chevronné$experienced%4
- #chevroter$to tremble%3
- #chialer$to cry%3
- #chicane$quibble%2
- #chiche$unkind%4
- #chichis$uproar%1
- #chien$dog%1
- #chiffonner$to crumple%3
- #chiffre$number%1
- #chimie$chemistry%2
- #chiper$to swipe%3
- #chiquenade$flick%2
- #chiquer$to chew tobacco%3
- #chirurgie$surgery%2
- #chlore$chlorine%1
- #choc$impact%1
- #choeur$choir%1
- #choir$to turn away%3
- #choisir$to choose%3
- #chômer$to be unemployed%3
- #choquer$to offend%3
- #chose$thing%2
- #chou$cabbage%1
- #chouchou$darling%1
- #choucroute$sauerkraut%2
- #chouette$owl%2
- #choyer$to pamper%3
- #chronomètre$stopwatch%1
- #chuchoter$to whisper%3
- #chuinter$to hiss%3
- #chutes$waterfall%2
- #ci-après$hereafter%5
- #cible$target%2
- #ciboulette$chives%2
- #cicatrice$scar%2
- #ciel$sky%1
- #cierge$candle%1
- #cigogne$stork%2
- #cil$eyelash%1
- #cime$top%2
- #ciné$cinema%1
- #cinglé$crazy%4
- #cingler$to lash%3
- #cinq$five%1
- #cinquante$fifty%1
- #cintre$coathanger%1
- #cirage$shoe polish%1
- #circulaire$circular%4
- #circulation$traffic%2
- #cire$wax%2
- #cirque$circus%1
- #cisaille$shears%2
- #cité$city%2
- #citer$to quote%3
- #citerne$tank%2
- #citoyen$citizen%1
- #citron$lemon%1
- #citrouille$pumpkin%2
- #civet$stew%1
- #civière$stretcher%2
- #clairière$clearing%2
- #clairon$bugle%1
- #clapet$valve%1
- #clapier$rabbit hutch%1
- #claque$smack%2
- #claquettes$tap dancing%2
- #clarté$brightness%2
- #classer$to classify%3
- #clavecin$harpsichord%1
- #clavier$keyboard%1
- #clé$key%2
- #clément$mild%4
- #clerc$cleric%1
- #cligner$to blink%3
- #clignotant$directional signal%1
- #cloche-pied$to hop%5
- #cloison$partition%2
- #clope$cigarette%2
- #clore$to close%3
- #clos$closed%4
- #clou$nail%1
- #coaliser$to join forces%3
- #cocagne$land of plenty%2
- #cocasse$comical%4
- #cocher$coachman%1
- #cochon$pig%1
- #coco$coconut%1
- #cocon$cocoon%1
- #cocotte$casserole%2
- #coéquipier$teammate%1
- #coeur$heart%1
- #coffret$housing%1
- #cogner$to knock%3
- #cohue$crowd%2
- #coiffe$headdress%2
- #coiffer$to wear%3
- #coin$corner%1
- #coincer$to jam%3
- #col$collar%1
- #colère$anger%2
- #colibri$hummingbird%1
- #colifichet$trinket%1
- #colis$parcel%1
- #collant$sticky%4
- #collation$light meal%2
- #collecte$collection%2
- #coller$to stick%3
- #collet$snare%1
- #collier$necklace%1
- #colline$hill%2
- #colloque$symposium%1
- #colmater$to seal%3
- #colombe$dove%2
- #colonne$column%2
- #colorer$to color%3
- #colosse$giant%1
- #colporter$to peddle%3
- #coltiner$to haul%3
- #combien$how much%5
- #combine$trick%2
- #combiner$to combine%3
- #combler$to fill%3
- #comestible$edible%4
- #commande$order%2
- #commanditaire$silent partner%1
- #comme$like%5
- #commencer$to begin%3
- #commérage$gossip%1
- #commissariat$police station%1
- #commission$errand%2
- #commode$handy%4
- #commuer$to commute%3
- #commutateur$switch%1
- #compagne$friend%2
- #comparaître$to appear in court%3
- #comparution$appearance in court%2
- #compassé$starchy%4
- #compatir$to sympathize%3
- #compenser$to compensate%3
- #complaisant$kind%4
- #completement$completely%5
- #complot$conspiracy%1
- #comporter$to involve%3
- #composants$component%1
- #composer$to compose%3
- #compositeur$composer%1
- #composter$to cancel%3
- #compote$stewed fruit%2
- #comprendre$to understand%3
- #comprimer$to compress%3
- #compris$included%4
- #compromettre$to compromise%3
- #comptable$bookkeeping%4
- #comptant$cash%4
- #compter$to count%3
- #compulser$to examine%3
- #concitoyen$fellow citizen%1
- #concombre$cucumber%1
- #concourir$to compete%3
- #concurrent$competitor%1
- #conducteur$conductor%1
- #conduire$to lead%3
- #confection$making%2
- #confiance$trust%2
- #confier$to confide%3
- #confiner$to confine%3
- #confire$to pickle%3
- #confiserie$candy store%2
- #confisquer$to confiscate%3
- #confit$crystallized%4
- #confiture$jam%2
- #confondre$to confuse%3
- #confort$comfort%1
- #confrère$colleague%1
- #congé$leave of absence%1
- #congeler$to freeze%3
- #congère$snowdrift%2
- #conique$conical%4
- #conjoncture$circumstances%2
- #conjurer$to avert%3
- #connaissance$knowledge%2
- #connaître$to know%3
- #conservatoire$academy%1
- #conserve$canned food%2
- #conserver$to retain%3
- #consigne$orders%2
- #consistant$thick%4
- #consistoire$council%1
- #consolider$to strengthen%3
- #consonne$consonant%2
- #conspuer$to boo%3
- #constat$official report%1
- #constater$to note%3
- #consterner$to distress%3
- #constituer$to make up%3
- #constructeur$builder%1
- #construire$to build%3
- #conte$tale%1
- #contempler$to contemplate%3
- #contemporain$contemporary%4
- #contenance$capacity%2
- #contentieux$matters in dispute%1
- #conter$to tell%3
- #conteste$indisputably%5
- #contester$to dispute%3
- #contigu$adjoining%4
- #contondant$blunt%4
- #contraindre$to compel%3
- #contrat$contract%1
- #contravention$fine%2
- #contrebas$down below%5
- #contrecoeur$reluctantly%5
- #contrecoup$consequence%1
- #contredanse$traffic ticket%2
- #contrée$region%2
- #contrefaçon$counterfeiting%2
- #contrefaire$to mimic%3
- #contreforts$foothills%1
- #contre-indiqué$dangerous%4
- #contremaître$foreman%1
- #contrepartie$compensation%2
- #contre-pied$the opposite view%1
- #contre-plaqué$plywood%1
- #contresens$misinterpretation%1
- #contretemps$mishap%1
- #contrôle$inspection%1
- #contrordre$change of orders%1
- #contumace$in absentia%5
- #convenir$to suit%3
- #convive$dinner guest%1
- #convoquer$to summon%3
- #copeau$wood shaving%1
- #copropriété$joint ownership%2
- #coquelicot$poppy%1
- #coqueluche$whooping-cough%2
- #coquet$smart%4
- #coquetier$egg cup%1
- #coquin$rascal%1
- #cor$horn%1
- #corbeau$crow%1
- #corbeille$basket%2
- #cordonnier$shoe cobbler%1
- #coriace$tough%4
- #corne$antler%2
- #cornée$cornea%2
- #corneille$crow%2
- #cornemuse$bagpipes%2
- #corniaud$mongrel%1
- #cornichon$pickle%1
- #cornu$horned%4
- #corrida$bullfight%2
- #corriger$to correct%3
- #corrompre$to corrupt%3
- #corsage$blouse%1
- #corser$to heighten%3
- #cortège$procession%1
- #corvée$chore%2
- #cossard$a lazy person%1
- #cosse$pod%2
- #cossu$wealthy%4
- #costaud$brawny%4
- #cote$mark%2
- #côte$coast%2
- #coteau$small hill%1
- #côtelé$ribbed%4
- #côtelette$cutlet%2
- #coter$to quote%3
- #côtier$coastal%4
- #cotiser$to contribute%3
- #côtoyer$to draw near%3
- #cotte$overalls%2
- #cou$neck%1
- #couche$layer%2
- #coude$elbow%1
- #coudre$to sew%3
- #couenne$crackling%2
- #couler$to flow%3
- #couleur$color%2
- #couleuvre$snake%2
- #couloir$corridor%1
- #coupable$guilty%4
- #coupe$cup%2
- #couper$to cut%3
- #couplet$verse%1
- #coupole$dome%2
- #coupon$remnant%1
- #coupure$cut%2
- #cour$courtyard%2
- #couramment$fluently%5
- #courant$common%4
- #courbature$muscle ache%2
- #courbe$curved%4
- #courge$marrow%2
- #couronne$crown%2
- #courrier$mail%1
- #courroie$strap%2
- #courroux$wrath%1
- #cours$course%1
- #coursier$messenger%1
- #court$short%4
- #courtois$courteous%4
- #couru$popular%4
- #coussin$cushion%1
- #cousu$sewn%4
- #coût$cost%1
- #couteau$knife%1
- #coûter$to cost%3
- #coutume$custom%2
- #couturier$fashion designer%1
- #couvent$convent%1
- #couver$to sit on%3
- #couvercie$lid%1
- #couvert$cutlery%1
- #couvrir$to cover%3
- #crachin$fine drizzle%1
- #craie$chalk%2
- #craindre$to be afraid%3
- #crainte$fear%2
- #cramer$to burn%3
- #cramoisi$crimson%4
- #cramponner$to hold on to%3
- #cran$notch%1
- #crâne$skull%1
- #crâner$to show off%3
- #crapaud$toad%1
- #crapule$villain%2
- #cravache$horsewhip%2
- #cravate$necktie%2
- #crayeux$chalky%4
- #crayon$pencil%1
- #créance$claim%2
- #crécelle$rattle%2
- #crèche$crib%2
- #créer$to create%3
- #crépiter$to crackle%3
- #crépu$frizzy%4
- #crépuscule$twilight%1
- #crête$crest%2
- #creuser$to dig%3
- #creuset$melting pot%1
- #creux$hollow%4
- #crevaison$puncture%2
- #crevasse$crevice%2
- #crève$flu%2
- #crever$to burst%3
- #crevette$shrimp%2
- #cri$shout%1
- #criant$glaring%4
- #crible$sieve%1
- #crier$to shout%3
- #crin$horsehair%1
- #crique$creek%2
- #crise$crisis%2
- #crispé$nervous%4
- #crisper$to tense%3
- #crochet$hook%1
- #croire$to believe%3
- #croiser$to cross%3
- #croisière$cruise%2
- #croissance$growth%2
- #croître$to grow%3
- #croix$cross%2
- #croquer$to crunch%3
- #croquis$sketch%1
- #crosse$stick%2
- #crotté$muddy%4
- #croupir$to stagnate%3
- #croûte$crust%2
- #croyable$credible%4
- #cruauté$cruelty%2
- #cruche$jug%2
- #crue$swelling%2
- #crustacés$shellfish%1
- #cueillir$to gather%3
- #cuiller$spoon%2
- #cuir$leather%1
- #cuisine$kitchen%2
- #cuisiner$to cook%3
- #cuit$cooked%4
- #cuivre$copper%1
- #culbute$sommersault%2
- #culot$nerve%1
- #cupide$avaricious%4
- #curer$to clean out%3
- #cutané$skin%4
- #cuve$tank%2
- #cygne$swan%1
- #d'abord$first%5
- #dactylo$typist%2
- #daigner$to condescend%3
- #dais$canopy%1
- #dalle$paving stone%2
- #dard$sting%1
- #dare-dare$quickly%5
- #daron$father%1
- #daube$braised beef stew%2
- #davantage$more%5
- #déambuler$to stroll%3
- #débaptiser$to rename%3
- #débarbouiller$to wash one's face%3
- #débarquer$to land%3
- #débarras$storage room%1
- #débat$discussion%1
- #débile$weak%4
- #débiner$to run down%3
- #débit$sales%1
- #déblais$earth%1
- #débloquer$to unjam%3
- #déboires$disappointments%1
- #débonnaire$good-natured%4
- #déborder$to overflow%3
- #déboucher$to open%3
- #débours$expenses%1
- #debout$standing up%5
- #débrouiller$unravel%3
- #débusquer$to drive out%3
- #déca$decaf coffee%1
- #deçà$this side%5
- #décalcomanie$decal%2
- #décaler$to shift%3
- #décanter$to settle%3
- #décaper$to clean%3
- #décapotable$convertible%4
- #décapsuler$to remove a cap%3
- #décati$worn out%4
- #décéder$to die%3
- #déceler$to detect%3
- #décennie$decade%2
- #déception$disappointment%2
- #décerner$to award%3
- #déchaîner$to unleash%3
- #décharné$thin%4
- #déchéance$decline%2
- #déchet$scraps%1
- #déchiqueter$to shred%3
- #déchoir$to lose prestige%3
- #décider$to decide on%3
- #décisif$decisive%4
- #déclencher$to launch%3
- #déclic$trigger%1
- #déclin$decline%1
- #décoiffer$to muss one's hair%3
- #décoller$to remove%3
- #décompresser$to unwind%3
- #décongeler$to thaw%3
- #déconner$to talk nonsense%3
- #déconseiller$to advise against%3
- #décontracter$to relax%3
- #décortiquer$to remove a shell%3
- #découdre$to unstitch%3
- #découper$to carve%3
- #décourager$to discourage%3
- #décousu$disconnected%4
- #découvrir$to discover%3
- #décrasser$to hone%3
- #décret$decree%1
- #décrier$to discredit%3
- #décrire$to describe%3
- #décrocher$to unhook%3
- #décroître$to decrease%3
- #décrotter$to scrape%3
- #décrypter$to decipher%3
- #déçu$disappointed%4
- #décupler$to increase%3
- #dédaigner$to scorn%3
- #dédale$maze%1
- #dedans$inside%5
- #dédier$to dedicate%3
- #dédommager$to compensate%3
- #dédoubler$to split%3
- #déduire$to deduct%3
- #défaillir$to faint%3
- #défaire$to undo%3
- #défaut$fault%1
- #défaveur$disfavor%2
- #déférer$to refer%3
- #déferler$to break%3
- #défi$challenge%1
- #défier$to challenge%3
- #défiler$to march%3
- #déflagration$explosion%2
- #défouler$to vent anger%3
- #défraîchir$to become stale%3
- #défrayer$to pay%3
- #défricher$to till soil%3
- #défriser$to straighten%3
- #défunt$departed%4
- #dégager$to redeem%3
- #dégarnir$to empty%3
- #dégel$thaw%1
- #dégingandé$lanky%4
- #dégivrer$to defrost%3
- #déglinguer$to crumble%3
- #dégoiser$to talk too much%3
- #dégonfler$to deflate%3
- #dégotter$to find%3
- #dégouliner$to trickle%3
- #dégoût$disgust%1
- #dégrafer$to unhook%3
- #dégraisser$to diet%3
- #dégringoler$to fall down%3
- #dégrossir$to refine%3
- #déguerpir$to clear off%3
- #déguiser$to disguise%3
- #déguster$to taste%3
- #dehors$outside%5
- #déjà$already%5
- #déjanter$to rave%3
- #déjeuner$lunch%1
- #déjouer$to thwart%3
- #déjuger$to reconsider%3
- #délabrer$to deteriorate%3
- #délai$time limit%1
- #délaisser$to abandon%3
- #délasser$to relax%3
- #délateur$informant%1
- #délavé$faded%4
- #délayer$to dilute%3
- #délecter$to enjoy%3
- #déléguer$to delegate%3
- #délice$delight%1
- #délié$sharp%4
- #délit$minor offense%1
- #délivrer$to release%3
- #déluré$smart%4
- #demain$tomorrow%5
- #démanteler$to demolish%3
- #démantibuler$to shred%3
- #démaquiller$to remove makeup%3
- #démarche$walk%2
- #démarcheur$traveling salesman%1
- #démarquer$to write down%3
- #démarrer$to start up%3
- #démêler$to disentangle%3
- #déménager$to move out%3
- #démentir$to deny%3
- #démerder$to manage alone%3
- #démesure$excess%2
- #demeurant$after all%5
- #demeure$residence%2
- #demeurer$to remain%3
- #demi$half%4
- #démission$resignation%2
- #démoder$to go out of style%3
- #démolir$to demolish%3
- #démontrer$to demonstrate%3
- #démouler$to produce%3
- #démunir$to deprive%3
- #dénaturer$to misrepresent%3
- #dénégation$denial%2
- #déneiger$to shovel snow%3
- #dénicher$to uncover%3
- #dénivellation$unevenness%2
- #dénombrer$to count%3
- #dénommer$to name%3
- #dénouer$to undo%3
- #denrée$food%2
- #dent$tooth%2
- #dentelle$lace%2
- #dénué$without%4
- #dénuement$poverty%1
- #dépanner$to repair%3
- #déparer$to mar%3
- #départager$to choose%3
- #dépasser$to exceed%3
- #dépayser$to disorientate%3
- #dépecer$to carve up%3
- #dépêche$telegram%2
- #dépêcher$to dispatch%3
- #dépeindre$to describe%3
- #dépenaillé$in disrepair%4
- #dépens$costs%1
- #dépenser$to spend%3
- #déperdition$loss%2
- #dépérir$to deteriorate%3
- #dépêtrer$to escape%3
- #dépister$to search%3
- #dépit$resentment%1
- #déplacer$to move%3
- #déplaire$to displease%3
- #dépoli$frosted%4
- #déposséder$to deprive%3
- #dépotoir$garbage dump%1
- #dépourvu$devoid of%4
- #déprécier$to belittle%3
- #déprédations$damage%2
- #depuis$since%8
- #déraciner$to uproot%3
- #déraper$to skid%3
- #dérider$to cheer up%3
- #dérive$drift%2
- #dernier$last%4
- #déroger$to bend a rule%3
- #dérouler$to unroll%3
- #dérouter$to divert%3
- #désabusé$disgruntled%4
- #désaccord$disagreement%1
- #désagréger$to come apart%3
- #désaltérer$to quench%3
- #désamorcer$to defuse%3
- #descendre$to come down%3
- #désencombrer$to make room%3
- #désenfler$to heal%3
- #désespérer$to despair%3
- #désherber$to pull weeds%3
- #désigner$to select%3
- #désinvolte$casual%4
- #désobéir$to disobey%3
- #désobligeant$belligerent%4
- #désoeuvré$vacant%4
- #désoler$to distress%3
- #désopilant$extremely funny%4
- #désormais$from now on%5
- #dessaisir$to relinquish%3
- #dessécher$to wither%3
- #dessein$plan%1
- #desserrer$to loosen%3
- #dessin$drawing%1
- #dessous$beneath%5
- #destin$fate%1
- #destiner$to intend%3
- #destituer$to dismiss%3
- #désuet$old-fashioned%4
- #déteindre$to fade%3
- #détenir$to hold%3
- #détériorer$to damage%3
- #déterrer$to dig up%3
- #détester$to hate%3
- #détourner$to divert%3
- #détraquer$to destroy%3
- #détremper$to saturate%3
- #détroit$strait%1
- #deuil$mourning%1
- #deuxième$second%4
- #dévaler$to hurtle%3
- #dévaloriser$to demean%3
- #devant$in front of%8
- #déveine$bad luck%2
- #devenir$to become%3
- #déverser$to empty%3
- #deviner$to guess%3
- #dévisager$to stare%3
- #devise$slogan%2
- #dévisser$to take apart%3
- #dévoiler$to disclose%3
- #devoir$to owe%3
- #dévolu$commited to%4
- #dévorer$to devour%3
- #dévoyé$delinquent%4
- #diable$devil%1
- #diabolo$lemonade%1
- #diacre$deacon%1
- #diamant$diamond%1
- #diapositive$photographic slide%2
- #dicton$adage%1
- #dieu$god%1
- #diffammer$to slander%3
- #difficile$difficult%4
- #digitale$fingerprint%4
- #dilapider$to squander%3
- #dilater$to expand%3
- #dilettante$amateur%1
- #diluvienne$downpour%4
- #diminuer$to reduce%3
- #dinde$turkey%2
- #dire$to say%3
- #diriger$to manage%3
- #discours$speech%1
- #disculper$to exonerate%3
- #disette$food shortage%2
- #diseuse$fortune teller%2
- #disparaître$to disappear%3
- #dispendieux$expensive%4
- #dispensaire$clinic%1
- #dispense$exemption%2
- #disponible$available%4
- #dispos$in good shape%4
- #disposer$to arrange%3
- #dispositif$device%1
- #dissemblable$unlike%4
- #disserter$to converse%3
- #dissimuler$to conceal%3
- #dissiper$to lessen%3
- #divaguer$to rave%3
- #divan$couch%1
- #divertir$to entertain%3
- #dix$ten%1
- #dodeliner$to nod%3
- #dodu$overweight%4
- #doigt$finger%1
- #domaine$estate%1
- #dommage$pity%1
- #dompter$to tame%3
- #don$gift%1
- #donc$therefore%9
- #donner$to give%3
- #dorénavant$from now on%5
- #dorloter$to pamper%3
- #dormir$to sleep%3
- #dos$back%1
- #douane$customs%2
- #doucement$gently%5
- #doué$talented%4
- #douille$socket%2
- #douleur$pain%2
- #doute$doubt%1
- #douve$moat%2
- #doux$sweet%4
- #douze$twelve%1
- #doyen$oldest person%1
- #draconien$drastic%4
- #draguer$to dredge%2
- #drapeau$flag%1
- #dresser$to build%3
- #drogue$drug%2
- #droguerie$hardware store%2
- #droit$right%4
- #drôle$funny%4
- #dru$thick%4
- #dubitatif$dubious%4
- #durant$during%8
- #eau$water%2
- #ébahir$to astound%3
- #ébattre$to frolic%3
- #ébauche$rough sketch%2
- #ébéniste$cabinet-maker%1
- #éberlué$stunned%4
- #éboueur$garbage collector%1
- #ébouillanter$to burn%3
- #ébouler$to break apart%3
- #ébranler$to shake%3
- #ébrécher$to nick%3
- #ébruiter$to reveal%3
- #ébullition$boiling%2
- #écaille$scale%2
- #écarlate$scarlet%4
- #écart$gap%1
- #ecchymose$bruise%2
- #échafaud$scaffold%1
- #échalas$lanky person%1
- #échalote$shallot%2
- #échancré$v-shaped%4
- #échangeur$interchange%1
- #échantillon$sample%1
- #échapper$to escape from%3
- #écharde$splinter%2
- #écharpe$scarf%2
- #écharper$to shred%3
- #échasse$stilt%2
- #échauffer$to overheat%3
- #échauffourée$fight%2
- #échéance$expiration date%2
- #échéant$maybe%5
- #échec$failure%1
- #échelle$ladder%2
- #écheveau$tangle%1
- #échevelé$dishevelled%4
- #échine$backbone%2
- #échiquier$chessboard%1
- #échoir$to expire%3
- #échouer$to fail%3
- #éclabousser$to splash%3
- #éclair$flash%1
- #éclaircir$to lighten%3
- #éclaireur$boy scout%1
- #éclipser$to vanish%3
- #éclopé$limping%4
- #écoeurer$to sicken%3
- #école$school%2
- #éconduire$to reject%3
- #écoper$to bail out%3
- #écorce$tree bark%2
- #écosser$to shell%3
- #écot$share%1
- #écouler$to dispose of%3
- #écourter$to shorten%3
- #écouter$to listen%3
- #écrabouiller$to smash%3
- #écran$screen%1
- #écrémer$to skim%3
- #écrevisse$crayfish%2
- #écrier$to exclaim%3
- #écrin$jewelery case%1
- #écrire$to write%3
- #écrivain$writer%1
- #écrouer$to imprison%3
- #écrouler$to collapse%3
- #écueil$reef%1
- #écuelle$bowl%2
- #écume$foam%2
- #écureuil$squirrel%1
- #écurie$stable%2
- #écusson$badge%1
- #édenté$toothless%4
- #édicter$to enact%3
- #effacer$to erase%3
- #effarer$to scare%3
- #efficace$effective%4
- #effilé$slender%4
- #effilocher$to shred%3
- #effleurer$to skim%3
- #effondrer$to collapse%3
- #efforcer$to try hard%3
- #effraction$burglary%2
- #effranger$to shred%3
- #effrayer$to frighten%3
- #effréné$wild%4
- #effriter$to waste away%3
- #effroi$fear%1
- #égailler$to disperse%3
- #égal$equal%4
- #égard$regarding%1
- #égarer$to lose%3
- #égayer$to cheer for%3
- #églantier$wild rose%1
- #église$church%2
- #égoïne$hand saw%2
- #égout$sewer%1
- #égoutter$to drain%3
- #égratigner$to scratch%3
- #éhonté$shameless%4
- #élaguer$to prune%3
- #élan$momentum%1
- #élancer$to cause pain%3
- #élargir$to widen%3
- #électrophone$record player%1
- #élève$pupil%1
- #élever$to raise%3
- #élimé$worn out%4
- #élire$to elect%3
- #éloge$praise%1
- #éloigner$to remove%3
- #élongation$pulled muscle%2
- #émail$enamel%1
- #émaillé$error-filled%4
- #emballer$to pack%3
- #embarcadère$dock%1
- #embarcation$small boat%2
- #embardée$swerve%2
- #embaucher$to hire%3
- #embellir$to embellish%3
- #embêter$to irritate%3
- #emblée$immediately%5
- #emboîter$to fit%3
- #embonpoint$plumpness%1
- #embouchure$mouthpiece%2
- #embourber$to be delayed%3
- #embouteiller$to crowd together%3
- #emboutir$to smash%3
- #embraser$to set on fire%3
- #embrasser$to embrace%3
- #embrigader$to recruit%3
- #embrocher$to skewer%3
- #embruns$spray%1
- #embusquer$to ambush%3
- #émeraude$emerald%2
- #émerveiller$to amaze%3
- #émeute$riot%2
- #émietter$to fall apart%3
- #émission$broadcast%2
- #emmagasiner$to store%3
- #emmêler$to tangle%3
- #emménager$to move in%3
- #emmener$to take%3
- #emmerder$to bother%3
- #emmurer$to enclose%3
- #émousser$to make blunt%3
- #émouvoir$to move emotionally%3
- #emparer$to capture%3
- #empâter$to gain weight%3
- #empêcher$to prevent%3
- #empeser$to starch%3
- #empêtrer$to get entangled%3
- #empiffrer$to overeat%3
- #empiler$to pile up%3
- #empirer$to worsen%3
- #emplacement$site%1
- #emplâtre$plaster%1
- #emplette$purchase%2
- #empocher$to pocket%3
- #emporter$to remove%3
- #empoté$clumsy%4
- #empourprer$to turn red%3
- #empresser$to hurry%3
- #émule$imitator%1
- #encadrer$to frame%3
- #encaissé$deep%4
- #encaisser$to collect%3
- #encapuchonné$hooded%4
- #en-cas$snack%1
- #encaustiquer$to polish%3
- #encercier$to surround%3
- #enchanter$to please%3
- #enchâsser$to set%3
- #enchère$offer%2
- #enchevêtrer$to entangle%3
- #enclin$prone to%4
- #enclore$to enclose%3
- #enclume$anvil%2
- #encoche$scratch%2
- #encoignure$corner%2
- #encoller$to paste%3
- #encombrer$to clutter%3
- #encore$still%5
- #encourir$to incur%3
- #encre$ink%2
- #encroûter$to be stubborn%3
- #endeuiller$to be sorrowful%3
- #endiablé$frenzied%4
- #endiguer$to block%3
- #endimanché$dressy%4
- #endolori$hurting%4
- #endommager$to damage%3
- #endormir$to put to sleep%3
- #endosser$to wear%3
- #endroit$place%1
- #enduire$to coat%3
- #énerver$to annoy%3
- #enfant$child%1
- #enfermer$to enclose%3
- #enferrer$to be obsessed%3
- #enfiévré$feverish%4
- #enfiler$to thread%3
- #enfin$finally%5
- #enflammer$to ignite%3
- #enfler$to inflate%3
- #enfoncer$to bash%3
- #enfouir$to bury%3
- #enfourcher$to ride%3
- #enfreindre$to infringe%3
- #enfuir$to escape%3
- #enfumer$to become smoky%3
- #engager$to trade in%3
- #engendrer$to create%3
- #engin$machine%1
- #englober$to include%3
- #engloutir$to eat heartily%3
- #engorger$to clog%3
- #engouement$fad%1
- #engourdir$to make blunt%3
- #engrenage$gears%1
- #engueuler$to curse%3
- #enhardir$to make brave%3
- #enjamber$to step over%3
- #enjoindre$to command%3
- #enjoliver$to spruce up%3
- #enjoué$playful%4
- #enlacer$to tangle%3
- #enlaidir$to make ugly%3
- #enlever$to remove%3
- #enneigé$snowy%4
- #ennui$boredom%1
- #ennuyer$to bother%3
- #énoncer$to express%3
- #enquérir$to ask%3
- #enquête$investigation%2
- #enraciner$to settle in%3
- #enrayer$to examine%3
- #enrhumer$to spread a cold%3
- #enrôler$to sign up%3
- #enrouer$to get hoarse%3
- #enrouler$to roll up%3
- #enseigner$to instruct%3
- #ensemble$together%5
- #ensemencer$to plant%3
- #ensoleillé$sun-drenched%4
- #ensommeillé$tired%4
- #ensorceler$to cast a spell on%3
- #ensuite$next%5
- #ensuivre$to ensue%3
- #entacher$to smudge%3
- #entaille$scratch%2
- #entamer$to slice%3
- #entasser$to gather%3
- #entendre$to hear%3
- #entériner$to affirm%3
- #enterrer$to bury%3
- #entêtant$smart%4
- #entêter$to persevere%3
- #enticher$to be infatuated%3
- #entier$all%4
- #entonnoir$funnel%1
- #entorse$sprain%2
- #entortiller$to wrap around%3
- #entourloupette$prank%2
- #entracte$intermission%1
- #entrain$enthusiasm%1
- #entrave$obstacle%2
- #entraver$to understand%3
- #entre$between%8
- #entrebaîller$to open%3
- #entrechoquer$to clink%3
- #entrecôte$steak%2
- #entrecouper$to separate%3
- #entrecroiser$to intertwine%3
- #entrefaites$at that time%5
- #entrefilet$news item%1
- #entremets$dessert%1
- #entremetteur$intermediary%1
- #entreposer$to store%3
- #entreprendre$to begin%3
- #entrer$to enter%3
- #entresol$mezzanine%1
- #entre-temps$meanwhile%5
- #entretenir$to maintain%3
- #entrevoir$to sight%3
- #entrevue$interview%2
- #entrouvrir$to open slightly%3
- #envahir$to invade%3
- #envergure$wingspan%2
- #envers$towards%8
- #environ$surroundings%5
- #envisager$to consider%3
- #envol$takeoff%1
- #envoûter$to bewitch%3
- #envoyer$to send%3
- #épais$thick%4
- #épancher$to pour out%3
- #épanouir$to blossom%3
- #épargne$thrift%2
- #éparpiller$to scatter%3
- #épaté$flat%4
- #épater$to surprise%3
- #épaule$shoulder%2
- #épave$wreck%2
- #épée$sword%2
- #épeler$to spell%3
- #éperdu$frantic%4
- #éperon$spur%1
- #éphémère$short-lived%4
- #épi$ear%1
- #épice$spice%2
- #épicier$grocer%1
- #épiderme$skin%1
- #épier$to study%3
- #épiler$to pluck%3
- #épinard$spinach%1
- #épine$thorn%2
- #éploré$tearful%4
- #éponge$sponge%2
- #épopée$epic%2
- #épouse$spouse%2
- #épousseter$to dust%3
- #époustoufler$to surprise%3
- #épouvante$fright%2
- #éprendre$to fall in love%3
- #épreuve$test%2
- #épuiser$to exhaust%3
- #épuisette$fishing net%2
- #épurer$to purify%3
- #équerre$triangle%2
- #équilibre$balance%1
- #équlpage$crew%1
- #équipée$adventure%2
- #équitation$horse riding%2
- #équité$fairness%2
- #érable$maple%1
- #érafler$to graze%3
- #ergot$spur%1
- #ergoter$to argue%3
- #ermite$hermit%1
- #errer$to wander%3
- #ersatz$substitute%1
- #érudit$scholarly%4
- #escabeau$stepladder%1
- #escadre$fleet%2
- #escalade$climbing%2
- #escale$stopover%2
- #escalier$staircase%1
- #escamoter$to make vanish%3
- #escarmouche$fight%2
- #escarpé$steep%4
- #escarpin$shoe%1
- #escient$shrewdly%1
- #esclaffer$to laugh%3
- #esclandre$commotion%1
- #esclave$slave%1
- #escompte$discount%1
- #escouade$squad%2
- #escrimer$to work hard%3
- #escroc$con man%1
- #esgourde$ear%2
- #esgourder$to listen%3
- #espadon$swordfish%1
- #espadrille$sandal%2
- #espion$spy%1
- #espoir$hope%1
- #esquinter$to break%3
- #esquisse$sketch%2
- #essai$test%1
- #essaim$swarm%1
- #essence$gasoline%2
- #essieu$axle%1
- #essor$expansion%1
- #essorer$to wring%3
- #essouffler$to exhaust%3
- #est$east%1
- #estampe$print%2
- #estamper$to swindle%3
- #esthéticienne$beautician%2
- #estivant$tourist%1
- #estomac$stomach%1
- #estomaquer$to surprise%3
- #estomper$to make unclear%3
- #estrade$stage%2
- #estropier$to injure%3
- #établi$workbench%1
- #établlir$to establish%3
- #étage$floor%1
- #étai$stay%1
- #étain$tin%1
- #était$to be%3
- #étalage$display%1
- #étalon$stallion%1
- #étanche$waterproof%4
- #étancher$to quench%3
- #étang$pond%1
- #étape$stage%2
- #état$state%1
- #étau$clamp%1
- #étayer$to support%3
- #été$summer%1
- #étendard$standard%1
- #éternuer$to sneeze%3
- #étinceler$to sparkle%3
- #étioler$to wilt%3
- #étiqueter$to label%3
- #étirer$to stretch%3
- #étoffe$fabric%2
- #étoffer$to complete%3
- #étoile$star%2
- #étonner$to astound%3
- #étouffer$to suffocate%3
- #étourdi$thoughtless%4
- #étranger$foreign%4
- #être$to be%3
- #étreindre$to grasp%3
- #étriqué$tight%4
- #étudiant$student%1
- #étudier$to study%3
- #étui$container%1
- #eux$they%6
- #évanouir$to faint%3
- #éveil$awakening%1
- #événement$event%1
- #éventer$to find%3
- #éventrer$to tear open%3
- #éventuel$possible%4
- #évêque$bishop%1
- #évertuer$to try hard%3
- #évider$to hollow out%3
- #évier$kitchen sink%1
- #évincer$to oust%3
- #éviter$to avoid%3
- #évoluer$to evolve%3
- #exaucer$to allow%3
- #exclure$to exclude%3
- #excroissance$outgrowth%2
- #exercer$to exercise%3
- #exhorter$to urge%3
- #exigu$crowded%4
- #expédier$to dispose of%3
- #expirer$to exhale%3
- #expliquer$to explain%3
- #exprès$intentionally%5
- #exproprier$to seize property%3
- #extase$rapture%2
- #extincteur$fire extinguisher%1
- #extirper$to wipe out%3
- #extorquer$to extort%3
- #extraire$to extract%3
- #fabrique$factory%2
- #fabriquer$to make%3
- #façade$front%2
- #facétie$joke%2
- #fâcher$to anger%3
- #facile$easy%4
- #façon$manner%2
- #facteur$mailman%1
- #factice$artificial%4
- #facture$invoice%2
- #facultatif$optional%4
- #fadaises$nonsense%2
- #faible$weak%4
- #faille$fault%2
- #faillite$bankruptcy%2
- #faim$hunger%2
- #fainéant$idle%4
- #faire-part$announcement%1
- #faisan$pheasant%1
- #faisandé$high%4
- #faisceau$light beam%1
- #faitout$casserole%1
- #falaise$cliff%2
- #falloir$to need%3
- #famélique$starving%4
- #fameux$famous%4
- #famille$family%2
- #fanal$lantern%1
- #faner$to fade%3
- #fanfaron$boastful%4
- #fange$mud%2
- #fanion$pennant%1
- #fantassin$soldier%1
- #fantoche$puppet%1
- #fantôme$ghost%1
- #faon$fawn%1
- #faramineux$fantastic%4
- #farfouiller$to rummage%3
- #farine$flour%2
- #farouche$timid%4
- #fascicule$volume%1
- #faste$display%1
- #fastidieux$tedious%4
- #fatras$jumble%1
- #fauborg$suburb%1
- #fauché$penniless%4
- #faucher$to mow%3
- #faucille$sickle%2
- #faucon$falcon%1
- #faufiler$to move gradually%3
- #faune$wildlife%2
- #faussaire$forger%1
- #fausser$to distort%3
- #faute$mistake%2
- #fauteuil$armchair%1
- #fauteur$trouble-maker%1
- #fauve$wild animal%1
- #faux$false%4
- #favoris$sideburns%1
- #fébrile$feverish%4
- #fécule$starch%2
- #feindre$to pretend%3
- #féliciter$to congratulate%3
- #femme$woman%2
- #fendre$to divide%3
- #fenêtre$window%2
- #fer$iron%1
- #ferme$farm%2
- #fermer$to close%3
- #fermeté$firmness%2
- #féroce$fierce%4
- #ferraille$scrap iron%2
- #ferrer$to shoe a horse%3
- #ferroviaire$railway%4
- #festoyer$to feast%3
- #fête$holiday%2
- #feu$fire%1
- #feuille$sheet of paper%2
- #feutre$felt%1
- #fève$bean%2
- #fiable$trustworthy%4
- #fiancer$to get engaged%3
- #ficelle$string%2
- #fiche$index card%2
- #ficher$to do%3
- #fichu$lousy%4
- #fictif$fictitious%4
- #fidèle$faithful%4
- #fier$to trust%3
- #fièvre$fever%2
- #figer$to congeal%3
- #fignoler$to refine%3
- #figurant$extra%1
- #figure$face%2
- #figurer$to represent%3
- #fil$thread%1
- #filandreux$talkative%4
- #filante$shooting star%4
- #filer$to rotate%3
- #filiale$subsidiary%2
- #filière$network%2
- #filin$rope%1
- #fille$girl%2
- #filon$seam%1
- #filou$crook%1
- #fils$son%1
- #fin$end%2
- #finement$cleverly%5
- #fisc$tax collector%1
- #fissa$quickly%5
- #fiston$son%1
- #fistonne$daughter%2
- #flacon$bottle%1
- #flageoler$to tremble%3
- #flair$sense of smell%1
- #flamant$flamingo%1
- #flambant$new%5
- #flambeau$torch%1
- #flamber$to burn%3
- #flanc$side%1
- #flancher$to surrender%3
- #flâner$to walk slowly%3
- #flâneuse$chair%2
- #flaque$puddle%2
- #flasque$flabby%4
- #fléau$plague%1
- #flèche$arrow%2
- #fléchir$to bend%3
- #flegme$composure%1
- #flemme$laziness%2
- #flétrir$to wither%3
- #fleur$flower%2
- #fleuve$river%1
- #flic$policeman%1
- #flinguer$to shoot%3
- #flipper$pinball%1
- #flocon$snowflake%1
- #floraison$flowering%2
- #flot$flood%1
- #flotte$fleet%2
- #flotter$to float%3
- #flou$blurred%4
- #fluet$slender%4
- #flux$flow%1
- #foi$faith%2
- #foie$liver%1
- #fois$time%2
- #foison$abundant%4
- #folâtre$playful%4
- #folie$madness%2
- #foncé$dark%4
- #foncier$fundamental%4
- #fond$bottom%1
- #fonder$to start%3
- #fondre$to melt%3
- #fonds$business%1
- #fontaine$fountain%2
- #footing$jogging%1
- #forage$drilling%1
- #forçat$convicted person%1
- #forcené$frantic%4
- #forer$to drill%3
- #forêt$forest%2
- #forfait$all-inclusive price%1
- #forme$shape%2
- #fort$strong%4
- #fossé$ditch%2
- #fossette$dimple%2
- #fossoyeur$gravedigger%1
- #foudre$lightning%2
- #fouet$whip%1
- #fougère$fern%2
- #fougue$determination%2
- #fouille$excavation%2
- #fouillis$jumble%1
- #fouiner$to snoop%3
- #foulard$scarf%1
- #foule$crowd%2
- #foulée$stride%2
- #fouler$to press%3
- #four$oven%1
- #fourbe$dishonest%4
- #fourbi$rubbish%1
- #fourchette$fork%2
- #fourgon$van%1
- #fourmi$ant%2
- #fournaise$furnace%2
- #fournée$batch%2
- #fournir$to supply%3
- #fourrer$to stuff%3
- #fourvoyer$to get lost%3
- #foyer$home%1
- #fraîche$fresh%4
- #frais$expenses%1
- #fraise$strawberry%2
- #framboise$raspberry%2
- #franchir$to jump over%3
- #frange$fringe%2
- #frangin$brother%1
- #frangine$sister%2
- #frapper$to knock%3
- #frasque$practical joke%2
- #frayeur$fright%2
- #fredonner$to hum%3
- #frein$brake%1
- #frelaté$modified%4
- #frêle$fragile%4
- #frelon$hornet%1
- #frêne$ash%1
- #frère$brother%1
- #fret$freight%1
- #frétiller$to tremble%3
- #friable$crumbly%4
- #fric$cash%1
- #fric-frac$break-in%1
- #frileux$cold%4
- #fringale$extreme hunger%2
- #fringant$handsome%4
- #fringues$clothes%2
- #friper$to crumple%3
- #fripon$rascal%1
- #frire$to fry%3
- #friser$to curl%3
- #frisson$shiver%1
- #frit$fried%4
- #froid$cold%4
- #frôler$to bump against%3
- #fromage$cheese%1
- #froncer$to gather%3
- #fronde$revolt%2
- #front$forehead%1
- #froufrou$rustling noise%1
- #frousse$fear%2
- #frusques$clothes%2
- #fruste$rough%4
- #frustrer$to frustrate%3
- #fugace$fleeting%4
- #fuir$to escape%3
- #fulgurant$flashing%4
- #fumée$smoke%2
- #fumet$aroma%1
- #fumiste$lazy person%1
- #funambule$tightrope walker%1
- #funèbre$funeral%4
- #funeste$disastrous%4
- #furet$ferret%1
- #fureur$anger%2
- #fusain$charcoal%1
- #fuseau$spindle%1
- #fusée$rocket%2
- #fuser$to appear suddenly%3
- #fusil$rifle%1
- #fusiller$to spend%3
- #fût$barrel%1
- #futé$shrewd%4
- #fuyant$receding%4
- #gabarit$size%1
- #gâcher$to ruin%3
- #gâchette$trigger%2
- #gadoue$dirt%2
- #gaffer$to watch closely%3
- #gage$pledge%1
- #gager$to bet%3
- #gagner$to earn%3
- #gaillard$strenuous%4
- #galbe$curve%1
- #galet$small stone%1
- #galette$pancake%2
- #galeux$shaggy%4
- #galon$stripe%1
- #galopin$rascal%1
- #galure$hat%1
- #gamme$musical range%2
- #gangue$outer crust%2
- #gant$glove%1
- #garçon$boy%1
- #gare$station%2
- #garer$to park%3
- #gargariser$to gargle%3
- #gargue$mouth%2
- #garnement$rascal%1
- #garnir$to furnish%3
- #gars$fellow%1
- #gaspiller$to waste%3
- #gâteau$cake%1
- #gauche$left%4
- #gauchir$to warp%3
- #gaufre$waffle%2
- #gaule$long pole%2
- #gausser$to ridicule%3
- #gaver$to cram%3
- #gazeux$fizzy%4
- #gazinière$gas stove%2
- #gazon$lawn%1
- #gazouiller$to chirp%3
- #géant$giant%4
- #geindre$to whine%3
- #gel$frost%1
- #gélule$capsule%2
- #gendarme$policeman%1
- #gendre$son-in-law%1
- #gêne$embarrassment%2
- #générique$movie credits%1
- #genêt$broom%1
- #génial$brilliant%4
- #génisse$heifer%2
- #genou$knee%1
- #gens$people%1
- #gentil$pleasant%4
- #geôlier$jailer%1
- #géomètre$surveyor%1
- #gérant$manager%1
- #gerbe$bunch%2
- #gercer$to crack%3
- #gérer$to manage%3
- #gésir$to fib%3
- #geste$gesture%1
- #gibecière$shoulder bag%2
- #giboulée$downpour%2
- #gifle$slap%2
- #gigot$leg of lamb%1
- #gigoter$to kick%3
- #gilet$vest%1
- #gingembre$ginger%1
- #girouette$weather vane%2
- #gisement$mineral deposit%1
- #gîte$resting place%1
- #givre$frost%1
- #glabre$smooth%4
- #glace$ice%2
- #glacer$to chill%3
- #glaise$clay%2
- #gland$acorn%1
- #glander$to waste time%3
- #glisser$to slip%3
- #gloire$glory%2
- #glousser$to chuckle%3
- #glouton$greedy%4
- #gluant$sticky%4
- #gnon$punch%1
- #godasse$shoe%2
- #godet$pot%1
- #goéland$seagull%1
- #goguenard$teasing%4
- #goinfre$glutton%1
- #goinfrer$to overeat%3
- #gond$hinge%1
- #gondoler$to warp%3
- #gonfler$to swell%3
- #gonze$guy%1
- #gorge$throat%2
- #gosse$youngster%1
- #goualer$to sing%3
- #goualeur$singer%1
- #goudron$tar%1
- #gouffre$gulf%1
- #goulout$neck of a bottle%1
- #goulu$greedy%4
- #goupille$pin%2
- #goupiller$to arrange%3
- #gourdin$blunt instrument%1
- #gourer$to err%3
- #gourmette$bracelet%2
- #goût$taste%1
- #goutte$droplet%2
- #gouttière$gutter%2
- #gouvernail$rudder%1
- #grabuge$commotion%1
- #gracile$slender%4
- #gradin$row of seats%1
- #graine$seed%2
- #grand$big%4
- #grandir$to grow%3
- #grange$barn%2
- #grappe$cluster%2
- #grappin$to grab%1
- #gratis$free%5
- #gratte-ciel$skyscraper%1
- #gratter$to scrape%3
- #gravats$debris%1
- #grave$serious%4
- #graver$to engrave%3
- #gravier$gravel%1
- #gravir$to climb%3
- #graviter$to revolve%3
- #greffe$transplant%2
- #grêlon$hailstone%1
- #grelot$bell%1
- #grelotter$to shiver%3
- #grenade$pomegranate%2
- #grenat$dark red%4
- #grenouille$frog%2
- #grenouiller$to drink water%3
- #grésiller$to sizzle%3
- #grève$strike%2
- #gribouiller$to scribble%3
- #griffe$claw%2
- #grignoter$to nibble%3
- #grille$railings%2
- #grillon$cricket%1
- #grimper$to climb%3
- #grincer$to creak%3
- #grincement$grinding%1
- #grincheux$grouchy%4
- #gringalet$weakling%1
- #grippe$flu%2
- #grippe-sou$miser%1
- #gris$gray%4
- #grisbi$money%1
- #grogner$to growl%3
- #gros$big%4
- #grossier$rough%4
- #grossir$to get bigger%3
- #grossiste$wholesaler%1
- #grouillant$swarming%4
- #grue$crane%2
- #grumeau$lump%1
- #guenilles$tatters%2
- #guenon$female monkey%2
- #guépard$cheetah%1
- #guêpe$wasp%2
- #guère$scarcely%5
- #guérir$to cure%3
- #guerre$war%2
- #gueule$mouth%2
- #gueuleton$festive meal%1
- #gui$mistletoe%1
- #guichet$ticket office%1
- #guidon$handlebars%1
- #guigne$misfortune%2
- #guilleret$active%4
- #guimauve$marshmallow%2
- #guimbarde$jalopy%2
- #guindal$glass of water%1
- #habile$clever%4
- #habiller$to dress%3
- #habit$costume%1
- #habiter$to live%3
- #hache$axe%2
- #hacher$to chop%3
- #hagard$frantic%4
- #haie$hedge%2
- #haillons$tatters%1
- #haine$hatred%2
- #haïr$to hate%3
- #hâle$suntan%1
- #haleine$breath%2
- #haler$to tow%3
- #haleter$to gasp%3
- #halte$stop%2
- #hameau$hamlet%1
- #hameçon$fish hook%1
- #hanche$hip%2
- #hanter$to haunt%3
- #hantise$obsession%2
- #happer$to catch%3
- #harasser$to exhaust%3
- #hardi$daring%4
- #hargne$bad temper%2
- #harnacher$to harness%3
- #hasard$chance%1
- #hâte$haste%2
- #haut$high%4
- #hautbois$oboe%1
- #haut-de-forme$top hat%1
- #haut-parleur$loudspeaker%1
- #hâve$undernourished%4
- #havre$haven%1
- #hayon$tailgate%1
- #hebdomadaire$weekly%4
- #héberger$to accommodate%3
- #hébété$stunned%4
- #hécatombe$slaughter%2
- #hégémonie$supremacy%2
- #héler$to hail%3
- #hélice$propeller%2
- #herbe$grass%2
- #hérisser$to ruffle%3
- #hériter$to inherit%3
- #héros$hero%1
- #hésiter$to hesitate%3
- #hétéroclite$unkempt%4
- #heure$hour%2
- #heureux$happy%4
- #heurt$bump%1
- #hibou$owl%1
- #hideux$hideous%4
- #hier$yesterday%5
- #hilare$merry%4
- #hippodrome$race track%1
- #hirsute$motley%4
- #hisser$to hoist%3
- #histoire$history%2
- #hiver$winter%1
- #hocher$to nod%3
- #hochet$rattle%1
- #homard$lobster%1
- #hommage$tribute%1
- #homme$man%1
- #homologue$equivalent%4
- #homologuer$to sanction%3
- #honnête$honest%4
- #honte$shame%2
- #hôpital$hospital%1
- #hoquet$hiccup%1
- #horaire$schedule%1
- #horloge$clock%2
- #horreur$horror%2
- #horripiler$to exasperate%3
- #hors$outside%8
- #hôte$host%1
- #hotte$basket%2
- #houle$coal%2
- #houppette$powder puff%2
- #houspiller$to scold%3
- #hublot$porthole%1
- #huche$bread box%2
- #huile$oil%2
- #huissier$usher%1
- #huit$eight%4
- #huître$oyster%2
- #humecter$to moisten%3
- #humer$to inhale%3
- #humeur$mood%2
- #huppé$posh%4
- #hurler$to howl%3
- #hydravion$seaplane%1
- #hydrophile$cotton%4
- #hypothèque$mortgage%2
- #ici$here%5
- #idée$idea%2
- #idem$ditto%5
- #idylle$romance%2
- #ignare$ignorant%4
- #ignifugé$fireproof%4
- #il$he%6
- #île$island%2
- #illettré$illiterate%4
- #illico$quickly%5
- #illuminer$to light up%3
- #illustre$famous%4
- #îlot$small island%1
- #imbriquer$to overlap%3
- #imbuvable$undrinkable%4
- #immangeable$inedible%4
- #immanquable$inevitable%4
- #immatriculer$to register%3
- #immerger$to put under water%3
- #immettable$unwearable%4
- #immeuble$building%1
- #immiscer$to interfere%3
- #imparfait$imperfect%4
- #impartir$to grant%3
- #impassible$unmoved%4
- #impayable$very funny%4
- #impayé$unpaid%4
- #impensable$unthinkable%4
- #imper$raincoat%1
- #impitoyable$ruthless%4
- #importer$to matter%3
- #impôt$tax%1
- #imprégner$to saturate%3
- #impressionner$to impress%3
- #imprévisible$unforeseeable%4
- #impuissant$helpless%4
- #impuni$unpunished%4
- #imputer$to attribute%3
- #inabordable$inaccessible%4
- #inaccoutumé$unusual%4
- #inachevé$unfinished%4
- #inamical$unfriendly%4
- #inanimé$lifeless%4
- #inanité$futility%2
- #inaperçu$unnoticed%4
- #inapte$unfit%4
- #inattendu$unexpected%4
- #inavouable$shameful%4
- #incarner$to embody%3
- #incartade$practical joke%2
- #incassable$unbreakable%4
- #incendie$fire%1
- #incessamment$soon%5
- #inciter$to urge%3
- #incliner$to bend%3
- #incollable$infallible%4
- #incommode$awkward%4
- #incommoder$to bother%3
- #inconnu$unknown%4
- #inconstant$fickle%4
- #inconvenant$improper%4
- #inconvénient$drawback%1
- #increvable$tireless%4
- #incroyable$incredible%4
- #incruster$to dig in%3
- #inculper$to indict%3
- #inculquer$to instill%3
- #indemne$unhurt%4
- #indice$clue%1
- #indigène$native%4
- #indigne$unworthy%4
- #indiquer$to point out%3
- #indisposer$to upset%3
- #indolore$painless%4
- #inébranlable$unchangeable%4
- #infiltrer$to percolate%3
- #infime$very small%4
- #infirmière$nurse%2
- #infliger$to inflict%3
- #informaticien$computer programmer%2
- #informe$shapeless%4
- #infranchissable$impassable%4
- #infroissable$crease-resistant%4
- #infructueux$fruitless%4
- #ingénier$to ponder%3
- #ingénieur$engineer%1
- #ingénu$uninformed%4
- #ingérer$to interfere%3
- #inguérissable$incurable%4
- #ingurgiter$to gulp%3
- #inhumer$to bury%3
- #ininterrompu$continuous%4
- #injure$insult%2
- #inné$instinctive%4
- #innommable$unspeakable%4
- #inoculer$to infect%3
- #inonder$to flood%3
- #inopiné$unforeseen%4
- #inouï$fabulous%4
- #inox$stainless steel%1
- #insaisissable$elusive%4
- #inscrire$to write%3
- #insigne$badge%1
- #insolation$sunstroke%2
- #insolite$unusual%4
- #insonoriser$to soundproof%3
- #insouciant$carefree%4
- #insoumis$rebellious%4
- #insoutenable$unbearable%4
- #instaurer$to set up%3
- #instruire$to instruct
- #insurger$to rebel%3
- #intarissable$tireless%4
- #intégral$complete%4
- #intègre$honest%4
- #intégrer$to integrate%3
- #intempéries$bad weather%2
- #intempestif$untimely%4
- #interdire$to forbid%3
- #interessant$interesting%4
- #interlocuteur$negotiator%1
- #interloqué$stunned%4
- #intermède$interruption%1
- #interpeller$to shout at%3
- #interposer$to intervene%3
- #interroger$to question%3
- #interstice$crack%1
- #interurbain$long-distance call%1
- #intervertir$to turn over%3
- #intituler$to entitle%3
- #intoxiquer$to poison%3
- #intraduisable$untranslatable%4
- #intraitable$uncompromising%4
- #introuvable$hard to find%4
- #intrus$intruder%1
- #inutile$unnecessary%4
- #inventaire$inventory%1
- #invivable$unbearable%4
- #invoquer$to call upon%3
- #invraisemblable$incredible%4
- #irréfléchi$thoughtless%4
- #irrémédiable$irreparable%4
- #irriguer$to irrigate%3
- #isoler$to isolate%3
- #issue$exit%2
- #itou$also%4
- #jacasser$to chatter%3
- #jadis$formerly%5
- #jaloux$jealous%4
- #jamais$never%5
- #jambe$leg%2
- #jambon$ham%1
- #jardin$garden%1
- #jarret$back of the knee%1
- #jarretelle$suspender%2
- #jatte$bowl%2
- #jaune$yellow%4
- #jetée$pier%2
- #jeter$to throw%3
- #jeton$token%1
- #jeu$game%1
- #jeun$hungrily%5
- #jeune$young%4
- #joaillier$jeweller%1
- #joindre$to join%3
- #joli$nice%4
- #jonc$rush%1
- #joncher$to litter%3
- #jongler$to juggle%3
- #joue$cheek%2
- #jouer$to play%3
- #joufflu$plump%4
- #joujou$toy%1
- #jour$day%1
- #journal$newspaper%1
- #joyau$jewel%1
- #joyeux$merry%4
- #jucher$to perch%3
- #juge$judge%1
- #juguler$to suppress%3
- #jumeau$twin%1
- #jumelles$binoculars%2
- #jument$mare%2
- #jupe$skirt%2
- #jurer$to take an oath%3
- #juridique$legal%4
- #jus$juice%1
- #jusque$until%8
- #kermesse$charity%2
- #kiosque$shack%1
- #klaxon$horn%1
- #kyrielle$spool%2
- #labourer$to plow%3
- #lac$lake%1
- #lacérer$to shred%3
- #lâche$cowardly%4
- #lâcher$to release%3
- #lacune$shortcoming%2
- #lad$stable boy%1
- #laine$wool%2
- #laïque$secular%4
- #laisse$leash%2
- #laisser$to leave%3
- #lait$milk%1
- #laiton$brass%1
- #laitue$lettuce%2
- #laïus$speech%1
- #lambeau$shred%1
- #lambin$lazy person%1
- #lambris$panelling%1
- #lame$blade%2
- #lamenter$to complain%3
- #lampée$gulp%2
- #lampion$lantern%1
- #lancer$to throw%3
- #lancequine$rain%2
- #lancequiner$to rain%3
- #landau$baby carriage%1
- #lange$blanket%1
- #langouste$lobster%2
- #lanière$strap%2
- #lanterner$to loiter%3
- #lapalissade$truism%2
- #lape$nothing%5
- #lapin$rabbit%1
- #lapsus$verbal slip%1
- #lard$bacon%1
- #larguer$to drop%3
- #larme$teardrop%2
- #larvé$underlying%4
- #las$tired%4
- #lascar$wise person%1
- #latte$board%2
- #lauréat$prize winner%1
- #lavabo$sink%1
- #lavande$lavender%2
- #lave-auto$car wash%1
- #laver$to wash%3
- #layette$baby clothes%2
- #leçon$lesson%2
- #lecteur$reader%1
- #léger$slight%4
- #légiférer$to legislate%3
- #legs$legacy%1
- #légume$vegetable%1
- #lendemain$the next day%1
- #lentement$slowly%5
- #lentille$lens%2
- #lequel$which%6
- #léser$to harm%3
- #lésiner$to be stingy%3
- #lessive$laundry detergent%2
- #lessivé$to be tired%4
- #lester$to overload%3
- #leste$agile%4
- #leur$their%4
- #leurre$illusion%1
- #lever$to raise%3
- #levier$lever%1
- #lèvre$lip%2
- #lévrier$greyhound%1
- #lexique$vocabulary%1
- #lézarde$split%2
- #liane$vine%2
- #liant$outgoing%4
- #liasse$bundle%2
- #libeller$to put into words%3
- #libellule$dragonfly%2
- #librairie$book shop%2
- #libre$free%4
- #licenciement$dismissal%1
- #licite$legal%4
- #licorne$unicorn%2
- #lie$dregs%2
- #liège$corkboard%1
- #lien$link%1
- #lierre$ivy%1
- #lieu$place%1
- #lièvre$hare%1
- #ligne$line%2
- #lignée$ancestry%2
- #limaille$filings%2
- #limier$bloodhound%1
- #limoger$to dismiss%3
- #limpide$clear%4
- #linceul$shroud%1
- #lire$to read%3
- #lisière$edge%2
- #lisse$smooth%4
- #lit$bed%1
- #litière$litter%2
- #litige$dispute%1
- #littoral$coastal%4
- #livre$book%1
- #livrer$to deliver%3
- #locataire$tenant%1
- #locuteur$speaker%1
- #loge$lodge%2
- #loger$to accommodate%3
- #logiciel$software%1
- #loi$law%2
- #loin$far%5
- #loisir$leisure%1
- #longer$to pass by%3
- #longtemps$a long time%5
- #lopin$parcel of land%1
- #loque$rags%2
- #loquet$latch%1
- #lorgner$to eye%3
- #lot$grand prize%1
- #louche$suspicious%4
- #loucher$to squint%3
- #louer$to rent%3
- #loup$wolf%1
- #loupe$magnifying glass%2
- #louper$to fail%3
- #lourd$heavy%4
- #loutre$otter%2
- #louvoyer$to be evasive%3
- #loyer$rent%1
- #lu$to read%3
- #lubie$whim%2
- #lucarne$skylight%2
- #lueur$glimmer%2
- #lugubre$gloomy%4
- #lui$him%6
- #luire$to shine%3
- #lumière$light%2
- #lunatique$tempermental%4
- #lune$moon%2
- #lunettes$eyeglasses%2
- #lustre$chandelier%1
- #lutin$elf%1
- #lutte$fight%2
- #luxe$luxury%1
- #lycée$school%1
- #lys$lily%1
- #macadam$tarmac%1
- #macérer$to soak%3
- #mâcher$to chew%3
- #mâchoire$jaw%2
- #maçon$bricklayer%1
- #madeleine$sponge cake%2
- #madrier$structural beam%1
- #magasin$store%1
- #magie$magic%2
- #magnat$tycoon%1
- #magner$to rush%3
- #magnétophone$tape recorder%1
- #magot$hoard%1
- #maigre$meager%4
- #maille$stitch%2
- #maillet$mallet%1
- #maillot$jersey%1
- #main$hand%2
- #maint$many%4
- #maintenant$now%5
- #maintenir$to maintain%3
- #maire$mayor%1
- #mais$but%9
- #maïs$corn%1
- #maison$house%2
- #maître$master%1
- #maîtriser$to master%3
- #majorer$to increase%3
- #majuscule$capital%4
- #mal$evil%1
- #maladroit$clumsy%4
- #malaisé$difficult%4
- #malavisé$ill-advised%4
- #malaxer$to knead%3
- #malentendu$misunderstanding%1
- #malfaçon$defect%2
- #malfaiteur$criminal%1
- #malgré$despite%8
- #malhabile$clumsy%4
- #malheur$misfortune%1
- #malhonnête$dishonest%4
- #malin$clever%4
- #malingre$scrawny%4
- #malle$storage trunk%2
- #malotru$bully%1
- #malpoli$impolite%4
- #maman$mother%2
- #mammifère$mammal%1
- #manche$sleeve%2
- #manchot$penguin%1
- #mandarine$tangerine%2
- #mandat$money order%1
- #manège$merry-go-round%1
- #manette$lever%2
- #manger$to eat%3
- #manière$manner%2
- #manifeste$obvious%4
- #manifester$to demonstrate%3
- #manigancer$to plan%3
- #manipuler$to handle%3
- #manque$lack%1
- #manquer$to ruin%3
- #mansarde$attic%2
- #manteau$coat%1
- #manufacture$factory%2
- #manutention$handling%2
- #mappemonde$globe%2
- #maquiller$to alter%3
- #maquis$bush%1
- #marais$marsh%1
- #maraudeur$petty thief%1
- #marbre$marble%1
- #marchand$merchant%1
- #marchander$to haggle%3
- #marché$market%1
- #marcher$to walk%3
- #mare$pond%2
- #maréchal$marshal%1
- #marée$tide%2
- #marge$margin%2
- #mari$husband%1
- #marier$to blend%3
- #marin$nautical%4
- #marmaille$children%2
- #marmite$cooking pot%2
- #marmonner$to mumble%3
- #marotte$fad%2
- #marquer$to mark%3
- #marquet$month%1
- #marraine$godmother%2
- #marrant$funny%4
- #marrer$to laugh heartily%3
- #marron$chestnut-colored%1
- #marsouin$porpoise%1
- #marteau$hammer%1
- #mastic$putty%1
- #mastoc$massive%4
- #masure$shack%2
- #mât$mast%1
- #matelas$mattress%1
- #matelot$sailor%1
- #mater$to subdue%3
- #matière$subject matter%2
- #matin$morning%1
- #matraque$blunt instrument%2
- #matricule$registration number%1
- #maudire$to curse%3
- #maussade$unhappy%4
- #mauvais$bad%4
- #mauviette$weakling%2
- #mazout$fuel oil%1
- #mec$fellow%1
- #mécène$patron of the arts%1
- #méchant$evil%4
- #mèche$lock of hair%2
- #méconnaître$to ignore%3
- #mécontent$dissatisfied%4
- #médecin$doctor%1
- #méduser$to surprise%3
- #méfait$misdeed%1
- #méfier$to distrust%3
- #méganote$a high grade%2
- #mégarde$inadvertently%5
- #meilleur$better%4
- #mélange$mixture%1
- #mélasse$molasses%2
- #mêler$to mix%3
- #même$same%4
- #mémento$handbook%1
- #mémoire$memory%2
- #ménager$to arrange%3
- #mendier$to beg%3
- #mener$to lead%3
- #menottes$handcuffs%2
- #mensonge$lie%1
- #menthe$mint%2
- #mentir$to lie%3
- #menton$chin%1
- #menu$tiny%4
- #menuisier$carpenter%1
- #méprendre$to be mistaken%3
- #mépris$contempt%1
- #mer$sea%2
- #mère$mother%2
- #méridional$southern%4
- #merisier$cherry wood%1
- #merlan$barber%1
- #merle$blackbird%1
- #mésentente$misunderstanding%2
- #mesquin$petty%4
- #métallo$steelworker%1
- #météo$weather forecast%2
- #métier$job%1
- #métro$subway%1
- #mets$culinary dish%1
- #mettre$to put%3
- #meuble$furniture%1
- #meugler$to moo%3
- #meunier$miller%1
- #meurtrir$to bruise%3
- #miche$round loaf%2
- #midi$noon%1
- #mie$bread crumb%2
- #miel$honey%1
- #mien$mine%6
- #mieux$better%5
- #mièvre$indecisive%4
- #mignon$cute%4
- #mijoter$to simmer%3
- #milice$militia%2
- #milieu$environment%1
- #mille$thousand%1
- #milliard$billion%1
- #minable$pathetic%4
- #mince$thin%4
- #mine$appearance%2
- #minet$cat%1
- #mineur$miner%1
- #minime$insignificant%4
- #minorer$to reduce%3
- #minuit$midnight%1
- #mioche$child%1
- #mirador$watchtower%1
- #mirer$to look%3
- #mirifique$fabulous%4
- #miroir$mirror%1
- #mise$putting%2
- #misère$poverty%2
- #miséricorde$mercy%2
- #mite$moth%2
- #mi-temps$halftime%2
- #miteux$shabby%4
- #mitigé$moderate%4
- #mitraille$gunfire%2
- #mi-voix$quietly%5
- #mobilier$furniture%1
- #mobylette$moped%2
- #moche$ugly%4
- #modalité$method%2
- #modique$modest%4
- #moelle$marrow%2
- #moelleux$soft%4
- #moignon$stump%1
- #moine$monk%1
- #moineau$sparrow%1
- #moins$less%5
- #mois$month%1
- #moisir$to spoil%3
- #moisson$harvest%2
- #moite$sticky%4
- #moitié$half%2
- #molette$adjustable wrench%2
- #mollasse$flabby%4
- #mollement$feebly%5
- #môme$child%1
- #monceau$pile%1
- #monde$world%1
- #moniteur$instructor%1
- #monnaie$coin%2
- #montagne$mountain%2
- #mont-de-piété$pawn shop%1
- #monte-charge$elevator%1
- #monter$to climb%3
- #montre$wristwatch%2
- #moquer$to mock%3
- #moquette$carpet%2
- #morceau$piece%1
- #mordiller$to nibble%3
- #morfondre$to get bored%3
- #morne$dismal%4
- #morsure$bite%2
- #mort$death%2
- #mortier$mortar%1
- #morue$cod%2
- #mot$word%1
- #motard$motorcyclist%1
- #motte$lump%2
- #mou$soft%4
- #mouchard$informer%1
- #mouche$fly%2
- #moucheté$speckled%4
- #mouchoir$handkerchief%1
- #moudre$to grind%3
- #moue$frown%2
- #mouette$seagull%2
- #moufle$mitten%2
- #moulin$mill%1
- #moulinet$reel%1
- #mourir$to die%3
- #moussante$beer%2
- #mousson$monsoon%2
- #moustique$mosquito%1
- #moutard$child%1
- #moutarde$mustard%2
- #mouton$sheep%1
- #mouvoir$to move%3
- #moyen$average%4
- #moyeu$hub%1
- #muet$speechless%4
- #mugir$to bellow%3
- #munir$to equip%3
- #mur$wall%1
- #mûr$ripe%4
- #muscade$nutmeg%2
- #museau$muzzle%1
- #musée$museum%1
- #musette$duffle bag%2
- #mutin$mischievous%4
- #mutisme$stubborn silence%1
- #myope$shortsighted%4
- #mythomane$compulsive liar%1
- #nager$to swim%3
- #nageoire$fin%2
- #naguère$recently%5
- #naître$to be born%3
- #nana$girl%2
- #nantir$to provide with%3
- #napthaline$mothball%2
- #nappe$table cloth%2
- #narguer$to ridicule%3
- #narine$nostril%2
- #narquois$sneering%4
- #natal$native%4
- #natation$swimming%2
- #natte$braid%2
- #naufrage$shipwreck%1
- #navet$turnip%1
- #navette$shuttle service%2
- #naviguer$to sail%3
- #navire$ship%1
- #navrer$to distress%3
- #néanmoins$nevertheless%5
- #néant$empty space%1
- #nébuleux$hazy%4
- #nécrologie$obituary%2
- #néfaste$harmful%4
- #négliger$to neglect%3
- #neige$snow%2
- #néophyte$novice%1
- #nerf$nerve%1
- #net$clear%4
- #nettoyer$to clean%3
- #neuf$nine%1
- #neuille$night%2
- #neurasthénique$depressed%4
- #neveu$nephew%1
- #névralgie$headache%2
- #névrose$neurosis%2
- #nez$nose%1
- #niais$ridiculous%4
- #niche$kennel%2
- #nicher$to nest%3
- #nickel$very clean%4
- #nier$to deny%3
- #niveau$level%1
- #noces$wedding%2
- #nocif$harmful%4
- #noctambule$prowler%1
- #noir$black%4
- #noix$walnut%2
- #nom$name%1
- #nombre$number%1
- #nommer$to name%3
- #nord$north%1
- #notamment$notably%5
- #notoire$notorious%4
- #notre$our%4
- #nouer$to knot%3
- #nouille$noodle%2
- #nourrice$nanny%2
- #nourrir$to feed%3
- #nourrisson$infant%1
- #nouveau$new%4
- #novateur$inventor%1
- #noyau$pit%1
- #noyauter$to infiltrate%3
- #noyer$to drown%3
- #nuage$cloud%1
- #nuire$to harm%3
- #nuit$night%2
- #nul$useless%4
- #numéraire$cash%1
- #nu-pieds$sandals%1
- #nuque$back of the neck%2
- #obéir$to obey%3
- #objecter$to plead%3
- #oblitérer$to cancel%3
- #obnubilé$obsessed%4
- #obséder$to obsess%3
- #obsèques$funeral%2
- #obtempérer$to obey%3
- #obtenir$to obtain%3
- #obturer$to close up%3
- #occidental$western%4
- #occuper$to occupy%3
- #octroyer$to grant%3
- #oeil$eye%1
- #oeillade$wink%2
- #oeillères$blinders%2
- #oeuf$egg%1
- #oeuvre$work%2
- #offusquer$to offend%3
- #ogive$nose cone%2
- #oie$goose%2
- #oignon$onion%1
- #oiseau$bird%1
- #oiseux$futile%4
- #oléoduc$oil pipeline%1
- #ombrage$shade%1
- #omettre$to omit%3
- #omnibus$slow bus%1
- #omoplate$shoulder blade%2
- #onctueux$creamy%4
- #onde$wave%2
- #ondée$rain shower%2
- #on-dit$rumor%1
- #ondoyer$to undulate%3
- #onéreux$costly%4
- #ongle$fingernail%1
- #onze$eleven%1
- #opérer$to carry out%3
- #opinel$pocket knife%1
- #opiner$to agree%3
- #opiniâtre$stubborn%4
- #opposer$to contrast%3
- #opter$to choose%3
- #or$gold%1
- #orage$thunderstorm%1
- #oraison$prayer%2
- #ordinateur$computer%1
- #ordonnance$prescription%2
- #ordure$garbage%2
- #oreille$ear%2
- #oreiller$pillow%1
- #oreillons$mumps%1
- #ores$henceforth%5
- #orfèvre$goldsmith%1
- #orge$barley%2
- #orgue$musical organ%1
- #orgueil$pride%1
- #orienter$to position%3
- #orme$elm tree%1
- #ornière$rut%2
- #orphelin$orphan%1
- #orteil$toe%1
- #orthographe$spelling%2
- #os$bone%1
- #oseille$money%2
- #oser$to dare%3
- #ossature$frame%2
- #otage$hostage%1
- #otarie$sea lion%2
- #ôter$to remove%3
- #otite$ear infection%2
- #ou$or%9
- #où$where%5
- #ouate$absorbent cotton%2
- #oubli$forgetfulness%1
- #oublier$to forget%3
- #oubliettes$dungeon%2
- #ouest$west%1
- #ouï-dire$rumor%1
- #ouïe$hearing%2
- #ouïes$gills%2
- #ouille$ouch%7
- #ouragan$hurricane%1
- #ourler$to hem%3
- #ours$bear%1
- #oursin$sea urchin%1
- #outil$tool%1
- #outrager$to insult%3
- #outrance$excess%2
- #outre$besides%8
- #outrepasser$to exceed%3
- #ouvert$open%4
- #ouvrage$work%1
- #ouvreuse$usherette%2
- #ouvrir$to open%3
- #pachyderme$elephant%1
- #pacotille$trash%2
- #pagaie$paddle%2
- #pagaïe$disorder%2
- #paie$wages%2
- #païen$pagan%1
- #paillasson$doormat%1
- #paille$drinking straw%2
- #paillette$sequin%2
- #pain$bread%1
- #pair$peer%1
- #paisible$peaceful%4
- #paître$to graze%3
- #palais$palace%1
- #palan$hoist%1
- #palet$hockey puck%1
- #paletot$heavy sweater%1
- #pâleur$pallor%2
- #palier$landing%1
- #palissade$fence%2
- #palmarès$prize list%1
- #palmé$webbed%4
- #palourde$clam%2
- #palper$to feel%3
- #palpiter$to quiver%3
- #paluche$hand%2
- #pâmer$to be overjoyed%3
- #pamplemousse$grapefruit%1
- #pan$shirt tail%1
- #panaché$unkempt%4
- #pancarte$placard%2
- #pané$breaded%4
- #panier$woven basket%1
- #panne$breakdown%2
- #panoplie$assortment%2
- #panse$paunch%2
- #panser$to bandage%3
- #pantalon$pair of trousers%1
- #pantelant$gasping%4
- #pantin$puppet%1
- #pantois$surprised%4
- #pantoufle$house slipper%2
- #paon$peacock%1
- #paperasses$official papers%2
- #papeterie$stationery store%2
- #papi$grandfather%1
- #papillon$butterfly%1
- #paquebot$ocean liner%1
- #pâquerette$daisy%2
- #par$by%8
- #para$paratrooper%1
- #parachever$to perfect%3
- #parages$region%1
- #paraître$to appear%3
- #paraphe$signature%1
- #parapluie$umbrella%1
- #paratonnerre$lightning rod%1
- #parcelle$fragment%2
- #parce que$because%9
- #parcmètre$parking meter%1
- #parcourir$to tour%3
- #par-dessous$underneath%5
- #pardessus$overcoat%1
- #pare-balles$bulletproof vest%4
- #pare-brise$windshield%1
- #par-chocs$auto bumper%1
- #pareil$similar%4
- #parement$facing%1
- #parer$to ward off%3
- #paresse$laziness%2
- #parfaire$to perfect%3
- #parfait$perfect%4
- #parfois$sometimes%5
- #parfum$perfume%1
- #pari$wager%1
- #parjure$perjury%1
- #parlementer$to negotiate%3
- #parler$to speak%3
- #parloir$visiting room%1
- #parmi$among%8
- #paroi$wall%2
- #paroisse$parish%2
- #parole$speech%2
- #paroxysme$height%1
- #parpaing$concrete block%1
- #parquer$to gather together%3
- #parrain$godfather%1
- #parsemer$to scatter%3
- #partage$division%1
- #partance$about to depart%5
- #partant$starter%1
- #partenaire$partner%1
- #parterre$orchestra%1
- #parti$political party%1
- #partition$musical score%2
- #partout$everywhere%5
- #parution$publication%2
- #parure$jewelry%2
- #parvenir$to reach%3
- #parvis$public square%1
- #pas$not%5
- #passant$busy%4
- #passe-partout$master key%1
- #passer$to pass%3
- #passerelle$footbridge%2
- #passe-temps$pastime%1
- #passible$liable to%4
- #passif$passive%4
- #passoire$sieve%2
- #pastèque$watermelon%2
- #pasteur$pastor%1
- #pastis$liqueur%1
- #patate$potato%2
- #patatras$crash%7
- #pataud$clumsy%4
- #patauger$to wade%3
- #pâte$paste%2
- #patelin$village%1
- #patère$coat hook%2
- #pathétique$emotionally moving%4
- #patin$skate%1
- #pâtir$to suffer from%3
- #pâtisserie$cake shop%2
- #patraque$ill%4
- #patrie$native country%2
- #patron$boss%1
- #patrouille$patrol%2
- #patte$leg%2
- #pattes$sideburns%2
- #pâture$food%2
- #paume$palm%2
- #paumer$to lose%3
- #paupière$eyelid%2
- #pauvre$poor%4
- #pavaner$to strut%3
- #paver$to pave%3
- #pavillon$house%1
- #pavoiser$to decorate%3
- #payer$to pay%3
- #pays$country%1
- #paysage$landscape%1
- #paysan$farmer%1
- #péage$toll%1
- #peau$skin%2
- #pébroc$umbrella%1
- #pêche$fishing%2
- #péché$sin%1
- #pectoraux$chest muscles%1
- #pécule$nest egg%1
- #pédagogie$education%2
- #pègre$criminal underworld%2
- #peigne$comb%1
- #peignoir$bathrobe%1
- #peinard$quiet%4
- #peindre$to paint%3
- #peine$punishment%2
- #peintre$painter%1
- #pelage$fur coat%1
- #pêle-mêle$in disorder%5
- #peler$to peel%3
- #pèlerin$pilgrim%1
- #pèlerine$cape%2
- #pelle$shovel%2
- #pellicule$film%2
- #pelote$pincushion%2
- #peloter$to paw%3
- #peloton$squad%1
- #pelotonner$to curl up%3
- #pelouse$lawn%2
- #peluche$plush%2
- #pelure$peeling%2
- #penaud$sheepish%4
- #pencher$to tilt%3
- #pendaison$hanging%2
- #pendant$while%8
- #penderie$wardrobe%2
- #pendre$to hang%3
- #pendule$clock%2
- #pénétrer$to enter%3
- #pénible$difficult%4
- #péniche$barge%2
- #pénitence$punishment%2
- #pénombre$darkness%2
- #pensée$thought%2
- #pension$boarding house%2
- #pente$slope%2
- #pénurie$shortage%2
- #pépère$grandfather%1
- #pépier$to chirp%3
- #pépin$pit%1
- #pépinière$plant nursery%2
- #pépite$nugget%2
- #péquenaud$peasant%1
- #perçant$piercing%4
- #percée$opening%2
- #perce-neige$snowflake%1
- #percepteur$tax collector%1
- #percevoir$to perceive%3
- #perche$pole%2
- #percher$to perch%3
- #percutant$powerful%4
- #percuter$to crash into%3
- #perdre$to lose%3
- #perdrix$partridge%2
- #père$father%1
- #perfide$treacherous%4
- #péripétie$unexpected event%2
- #périple$tour%1
- #périr$to die%3
- #permettre$to permit%3
- #permis$allowed%4
- #permuter$to change%3
- #perquisition$police search%2
- #perron$front steps%1
- #perroquet$parrot%1
- #perruque$wig%2
- #persienne$shutter%2
- #persil$parsley%1
- #personnage$celebrity%1
- #perspicace$shrewd%4
- #perte$loss%2
- #pesant$heavy%4
- #peser$to weigh%3
- #pester$to curse%3
- #pétard$firecracker%1
- #péter$to explode%3
- #pétiller$to sparkle%3
- #petit$small%4
- #petit-fils$grandson%1
- #pétrir$to knead%3
- #pétulant$excited%4
- #peuplade$tribe%2
- #peuple$people%1
- #peuplier$poplar tree%1
- #peur$fear%2
- #peut-être$maybe%5
- #phare$lighthouse%1
- #pharmacien$pharmacist%1
- #physionomie$face%2
- #piaf$bird%1
- #piaffer$to stamp%3
- #piailler$to squeal%3
- #piaule$room%2
- #pic$peak%1
- #pichet$jug%1
- #picorer$to peck%3
- #pied$foot%1
- #piège$trap%1
- #pierre$stone%2
- #piéton$pedestrian%1
- #piètre$poor%4
- #pieu$post%1
- #pieuvre$octopus%2
- #pif$nose%1
- #pige$year%2
- #piger$to understand%3
- #pile$battery%2
- #piler$to grind%3
- #pilier$pillar%1
- #pilon$drumstick%1
- #piller$to loot%3
- #pimenté$spicy%4
- #pin$pine tree%1
- #pinailler$to quibble%3
- #pinard$wine%1
- #pince$pliers%2
- #pinceau$paintbrush%1
- #pinède$pine forest%2
- #pingre$stingy%4
- #pioche$pick-axe%2
- #pion$piece%1
- #pioncer$to sleep%3
- #pionnier$pioneer%1
- #piquer$to sting%3
- #piqueté$dotted with%4
- #pire$worse%4
- #pirogue$canoe%2
- #piscine$swimming pool%2
- #piton$hook%1
- #pitre$clown%1
- #pivert$woodpecker%1
- #placage$veneer%1
- #placard$cupboard%1
- #plafond$ceiling%1
- #plage$beach%2
- #plaider$to plead%3
- #plaie$wound%2
- #plaindre$to pity%3
- #plaire$to please%3
- #plaisir$pleasure%1
- #planche$board%2
- #plancher$floor%1
- #planer$to glide%3
- #planifier$to plan%3
- #planque$easy job%2
- #planquer$to hide%3
- #plantureux$abundant%4
- #plaque$plate%2
- #plaquer$to plate%3
- #plat$flat%4
- #plate-bande$flower bed%2
- #platine$platinum%1
- #plâtre$plaster%1
- #plein$full%4
- #pléonasme$redundancy%1
- #pleurer$to cry%3
- #pleuvoir$to rain%3
- #pli$fold%1
- #plinthe$baseboard%2
- #plisser$to pleat%3
- #plomb$lead weight%1
- #plombe$hour%2
- #plombier$plumber%1
- #plonger$to dive%3
- #plouf$splash%1
- #ployer$to bend%3
- #pluie$rain%2
- #plumard$bed%1
- #plume$feather%2
- #plupart$most%2
- #pluriel$plural%4
- #plus-value$profit%2
- #plutôt$rather%5
- #pluvieux$rainy%4
- #pneu$tire%1
- #poche$pocket%2
- #pocher$to give a black eye%3
- #poêle$stove%1
- #pognon$money%1
- #poids$weight%1
- #poignard$dagger%1
- #poigne$grip%2
- #poignée$handful%2
- #poignet$wrist%1
- #poil$hair%1
- #poindre$to dawn%3
- #pointer$to check off%3
- #pointillé$dotted line%1
- #pointilleux$fussy%4
- #pointu$pointed%4
- #pointure$size%2
- #poire$pear%2
- #poireauter$to wait%3
- #pois$pea%1
- #poisse$bad luck%2
- #poisseux$sticky%4
- #poisson$fish%1
- #poivre$pepper%1
- #polémique$controversial%4
- #poli$polite%4
- #polir$to polish%3
- #polluer$to pollute%3
- #poltron$cowardly%4
- #polycopier$to duplicate%3
- #polyvalent$multi-purpose%4
- #pommade$ointment%2
- #pomme$apple%2
- #pommette$cheekbone%2
- #pompe$pump%2
- #pompier$fireman%1
- #ponctuel$punctual%4
- #pondéré$level-headed%4
- #pont$bridge%1
- #popote$cooking%2
- #porc$pig%1
- #porc-épic$porcupine%1
- #portail$portal%1
- #portant$in good health%4
- #portatif$portable%4
- #portée$range%2
- #portefeuille$wallet%1
- #portemanteau$coat rack%1
- #porte-parole$spokesman%1
- #porter$to carry%3
- #portier$doorman%1
- #portillon$gate%1
- #poser$to put%3
- #posologie$dosage%2
- #poste$mail%2
- #postérieur$later%4
- #postiche$false%4
- #postier$postal worker%1
- #postillonner$to sputter%3
- #postuler$to apply for%3
- #potable$drinkable%4
- #potache$student%1
- #potage$soup%1
- #potager$vegetable%4
- #potasser$to cram for an exam%3
- #pot-de-vin$bribe%1
- #pote$pal%1
- #potelé$plump%4
- #potin$gossip%1
- #potiron$pumpkin%1
- #poubelle$garbage can%2
- #pouce$thumb%1
- #poudre$powder%2
- #pouf$thump%7
- #pouffer$to laugh heartily%3
- #pouilleux$miserable%4
- #poulain$foal%1
- #poule$hen%2
- #poulie$pulley%2
- #poulpe$octopus%1
- #pouls$pulse%1
- #poumon$lung%1
- #poupée$doll%2
- #pour$for%8
- #pourboire$gratuity%1
- #pourchasser$to pursue%3
- #pourparlers$negotiations%1
- #pourpre$purple%4
- #pourquoi$why%9
- #poursuite$pursuit%2
- #pourtant$nevertheless%5
- #pourtour$perimeter%1
- #pourvoir$to provide%3
- #pousse-café$after-dinner liqueur%1
- #pousser$to push%3
- #poussière$dust%2
- #poussif$breathless%4
- #poutre$wooden beam%2
- #pouvoir$to be able%3
- #praire$clam%2
- #pré$meadow%1
- #préalable$previous%4
- #préau$covered playground%1
- #préavis$advance notice%1
- #précepteur$private tutor%1
- #prêcher$to preach%3
- #précieux$precious%4
- #précipice$abyss%1
- #précipiter$to throw%3
- #précis$precise%4
- #précoce$precocious%4
- #préconçu$preconceived%4
- #préconiser$to favor%3
- #prédicateur$preacher%1
- #prédire$to predict%3
- #prélasser$to relax%3
- #prélever$to deduct%3
- #premier$first%4
- #prémunir$to protect%3
- #préoccuper$to worry%3
- #prépondérant$dominant%4
- #préretraite$early retirement%2
- #près$near%5
- #présage$forewarning%1
- #prescrire$to prescribe%3
- #presqu'île$peninsula%2
- #pressentir$to have a hunch%3
- #presser$to squeeze%3
- #pression$pressure%2
- #prestation$allowance%2
- #prêt$ready%4
- #prétendre$to claim%3
- #prêter$to lend%3
- #prêtre$priest%1
- #preuve$proof%2
- #prévaloir$to prevail%3
- #prévenant$considerate%4
- #prévenir$to warn%3
- #prévenu$defendant%1
- #prier$to pray%3
- #prime$bonus%2
- #primevère$primrose%2
- #primordial$necessary%4
- #printemps$spring%1
- #pris$taken%4
- #prise$grip%2
- #privé$private%4
- #priver$to deprive%3
- #prix$price%1
- #probant$conclusive%4
- #probité$integrity%2
- #procéder$to proceed%3
- #procès$legal trial%1
- #prochain$next%4
- #procurer$to obtain%3
- #prodige$miracle%1
- #prodigue$wasteful%4
- #produire$to produce%3
- #proférer$to speak%3
- #profil$profile%1
- #profiter$to benefit%3
- #profond$deep%4
- #progiciel$software package%1
- #prohiber$to prohibit%3
- #proie$prey%2
- #projet$plan%1
- #projeter$to hurl%3
- #prolixe$long-winded%4
- #promenade$walk%2
- #promettre$to promise%3
- #promoteur$property developer%1
- #prôner$to advocate%3
- #pronostic$forecast%1
- #propager$to spread%3
- #propice$favorable%4
- #propos$remarks%1
- #propre$clean%4
- #propriété$property%2
- #propriétaire$owner%1
- #propulser$to propel%3
- #proscrire$to banish%3
- #prospère$thriving%4
- #protéger$to protect%3
- #prouesse$accomplishment%2
- #prouver$to prove%3
- #provenir$to come from%3
- #proviseur$school principal%1
- #provisoire$temporary%4
- #provoquer$to provoke%3
- #pub$advertising%2
- #puériculture$child care%2
- #puis$then%5
- #puiser$to draw%3
- #puissant$powerful%4
- #puits$well%1
- #pull$sweater%1
- #pulluler$to swarm%3
- #pulsation$heartbeat%2
- #punaise$thumbtack%2
- #punir$to punish%3
- #pupitre$desk%1
- #purger$to drain%3
- #pur-sang$thoroughbred horse%1
- #pyromane$arsonist%1
- #quadriller$to cover%3
- #quai$wharf%1
- #quand$when%9
- #quarante$forty%1
- #quartier$neighborhood%1
- #quasi$almost%5
- #quatorze$fourteen%1
- #quatre$four%1
- #quatre-vingt$eighty%1
- #que$that%9
- #quelquefois$sometimes%5
- #quelqu'un$someone%6
- #quémander$to beg for%3
- #querelle$quarrel%2
- #quête$collection%2
- #queue$line%2
- #qui$who%6
- #quignon$piece of bread%1
- #quincaillier$hardware dealer%1
- #quinte$coughing fit%2
- #quinze$fifteen%1
- #quiproquo$misunderstanding%1
- #quittance$receipt%2
- #quitter$to leave%3
- #qui-vive$on alert%5
- #quoi$what%6
- #quotidien$daily%4
- #rabâcher$to repeat%3
- #rabais$discount%1
- #rabaisser$to ridicule%3
- #rabibocher$to patch up%3
- #rabiot$surplus%1
- #râblé$overweight%4
- #raboter$to plane%3
- #raboteux$uneven%4
- #rabougri$stunted%4
- #rabrouer$to snub%3
- #racaille$trouble-maker%2
- #raccompagner$to take home%3
- #raccord$connection%1
- #raccourcir$to shorten%3
- #raccroc$by chance%5
- #raccrocher$to hang up%3
- #racine$root%2
- #racler$to scrape%3
- #racoler$to solicit%3
- #raconter$to tell%3
- #racornir$to harden%3
- #rade$harbor%2
- #radeau$raft%1
- #radier$to erase%3
- #radieux$radiant%4
- #radin$cheap%4
- #radiner$to arrive%3
- #radis$radish%1
- #radoter$to ramble%3
- #radoucir$to calm down%3
- #rafale$strong wind%2
- #raffermir$to strengthen%3
- #raffiner$to refine%3
- #raffoler$to adore%3
- #raffut$disturbance%1
- #rafiot$old boat%1
- #rafistoler$to patch up%3
- #rafle$police raid%2
- #rafler$to steal%3
- #ragots$gossip%1
- #ragoût$stew%1
- #ragoûtant$disreputable%4
- #raide$stiff%4
- #raie$line%2
- #railler$to criticize%3
- #raisin$grape%1
- #raison$reason%2
- #raisonner$to reason%3
- #rajeunir$to rejuvenate%3
- #rajout$addition%1
- #rajuster$to adjust%3
- #râle$groan%1
- #ramage$song%1
- #ramasser$to gather%3
- #ramassis$bunch of%1
- #rambarde$guardrail%2
- #rame$oar%2
- #rameau$branch%1
- #ramollir$to soften%3
- #ramoner$to sweep%3
- #ramper$to crawl%3
- #rancard$date%1
- #rancart$to throw away%1
- #rançon$ransom%2
- #rancune$grudge%2
- #randonée$hike%2
- #rang$row%1
- #ranimer$to revive%3
- #rapetisser$to shorten%3
- #rapide$rapid%4
- #rapiécer$to patch up%3
- #rappel$recall%1
- #rappeler$to call back%3
- #rappliquer$to show up%3
- #rapport$connection%1
- #rapprocher$to bring closer%3
- #rapt$kidnapping%1
- #ras$cut short%4
- #raser$to shave%3
- #rassasier$to satisfy%3
- #rasseoir$to be reseated%3
- #rassis$stale%4
- #rassurer$to reassure%3
- #ratatiner$to shrivel%3
- #râteau$rake%1
- #râtelier$rack%1
- #rater$to miss%3
- #ratifier$to ratify%3
- #ratisser$to rake%3
- #raton$raccoon%1
- #rattraper$to catch%3
- #rature$deletion%2
- #rauque$hoarse%4
- #ravages$devestation%1
- #ravaler$to restore%3
- #ravi$delighted%4
- #ravier$appetizer%1
- #ravigoter$to rebel%3
- #ravin$ravine%1
- #ravir$to delight%3
- #raviser$to reconsider%3
- #ravitailler$to resupply%3
- #raviver$to revive%3
- #rayer$to scratch%3
- #rayon$spoke%1
- #rayonner$to radiate%3
- #raz-de-marée$tidal wave%1
- #razzia$to raid%2
- #réabonner$to renew a subscription%3
- #réacteur$jet engine%1
- #réadapter$to readjust%3
- #réaffirmer$to reaffirm%3
- #réagir$to react%3
- #réaliser$to carry out%3
- #réanimer$to resuscitate%3
- #réapparaître$to reappear%3
- #réarmer$to reload%3
- #rébarbatif$intimidating%4
- #rebâtir$to rebuild%3
- #rebiffer$to rebel%3
- #rebond$bounce%1
- #rebondi$plump%4
- #rebord$edge%1
- #reboucher$to replace a cover%3
- #rebours$the wrong way%5
- #rebrousser$to turn back%3
- #rebuffade$rebuff%2
- #rebut$to throw away%1
- #recaler$to fail%3
- #receler$to fence stolen goods%3
- #récemment$recently%5
- #recenser$to count%3
- #récépissé$receipt%1
- #recette$recipe%2
- #recevoir$to receive%3
- #rechange$spare%4
- #rechapé$retread%4
- #réchapper$to recover%3
- #réchaud$portable stove%1
- #réchauffer$to warm up%3
- #rêche$harsh%4
- #recherche$search%2
- #rechute$relapse%2
- #récidiver$to recur%3
- #récif$reef%1
- #récipient$container%1
- #réciproque$mutual%4
- #récit$story%1
- #réciter$to recite%3
- #réclame$advertising%2
- #réclamer$to demand%3
- #réclusion$imprisonment%2
- #recoiffer$to comb%3
- #recoller$to reassemble%3
- #récolte$harvest%2
- #recommander$to recommend%3
- #recommencer$to restart%3
- #récompense$reward%2
- #réconfort$comfort%1
- #reconnaissant$appreciative%4
- #reconnaître$to recognize%3
- #reconstruire$to rebuild%3
- #recoucher$to go back to bed%3
- #recouper$to confirm%3
- #recourbé$curved%4
- #recourir$to depend on%3
- #recouvrer$to recover%3
- #récriminer$to complain%3
- #récrire$to rewrite%3
- #recroqueviller$to curl up%3
- #recrudescence$reoccurence%2
- #recrue$recruit%2
- #rectifier$to correct%3
- #reçu$received%4
- #recueil$collection%1
- #recueillir$to collect%3
- #recul$retreat%1
- #récupérer$to recover%3
- #récurer$to scour%3
- #récuser$to challenge%3
- #rédacteur$writer%1
- #redemander$to request more%3
- #redevable$indebted%4
- #rédiger$to write%3
- #redire$to repeat%3
- #redonner$to give back%
- #redoubler$to increase%3
- #redouter$to dread%3
- #redresser$to straighten%3
- #réduire$to reduce%3
- #réduit$reduced%4
- #réécrire$to rewrite%3
- #réel$real%4
- #réélire$to re-elect%3
- #réexpédier$to forward%3
- #réfléchir$to reflect%3
- #refluer$to flow back%3
- #réfractaire$resistant to%4
- #refréner$to subdue%3
- #refus$refusal%1
- #regagner$to regain%3
- #régal$treat%1
- #regard$look%1
- #régates$regatta%2
- #régenter$to rule over%3
- #régime$system%1
- #régisseur$manager%1
- #règlement$regulation%1
- #réglisse$licorice%2
- #règne$reign%1
- #regorger$to overflow%3
- #regrouper$to gather%3
- #rehausser$to raise%3
- #réimpression$reprint%2
- #reine$queen%2
- #réintégrer$to reinstate%3
- #réitérer$to repeat%3
- #rejet$rejection%1
- #rejeton$child%1
- #réjouir$to delight%3
- #relâche$closure%2
- #relâcher$to reduce%3
- #relance$revival%2
- #relater$to relate%3
- #relayer$to relieve%3
- #relève$relief%2
- #relever$to raise%3
- #reliquat$remainder%1
- #relire$to reread%3
- #reliure$binding%2
- #reluire$to shine%3
- #reluquer$to stare%3
- #remâcher$to sulk%3
- #remanier$to edit%3
- #remarier$to remarry%3
- #rembarrer$to snub%3
- #remblai$embankment%1
- #rembourrer$to stuff%3
- #rembourser$to repay%3
- #remède$remedy%1
- #remémorer$to remember%3
- #remercier$to thank%3
- #remettre$to replace%3
- #remmener$to take back%3
- #remonte-pente$ski lift%1
- #remonter$to rise again%3
- #remontrance$reprimand%2
- #remords$remorse%1
- #remorque$trailer%2
- #remous$turmoil%1
- #remplir$to fill%3
- #remuer$to move%3
- #rémunérer$to pay%3
- #renaître$to revive%3
- #renard$fox%1
- #renchérir$to go beyond%3
- #rencontre$meeting%2
- #rendormir$to go back to sleep%3
- #rendre$to give back%3
- #renégat$renegade%1
- #renfermer$to contain%3
- #renfoncement$recess%1
- #renforcer$to reinforce%3
- #renfrogner$to frown%3
- #rengaine$boring story%2
- #renier$to disown%3
- #renne$reindeer%1
- #renom$fame%1
- #renouveau$revival%1
- #rénover$to reform%3
- #renseigner$to inform%3
- #rentable$profitable%4
- #rente$income%2
- #rentrer$to come back%3
- #renverse$backwards%5
- #renvoi$expulsion%1
- #réouverture$reopening%2
- #repaire$den%1
- #repaître$to wallow in%3
- #répandre$to spill%3
- #réparer$to repair%3
- #répartir$to distribute%3
- #repas$meal%1
- #repasser$to go back%3
- #repenser$to rethink%3
- #repère$mark%1
- #repérer$to locate%3
- #répertoire$index%1
- #répéter$to repeat%3
- #repiquer$to record on tape%3
- #répit$rest%1
- #replier$to fold up%3
- #réplique$reply%2
- #répondre$to respond%3
- #reporter$to postpone%3
- #reprendre$to take back%3
- #repris$career criminal%1
- #reprise$resumption%2
- #réprobation$disapproval%2
- #réprouver$to condemn%3
- #repu$satisfied%4
- #requérir$to demand%3
- #requin$shark%1
- #rescapé$surviving%4
- #rescousse$to the rescue%5
- #réseau$network%1
- #résilier$to terminate%3
- #résille$hairnet%2
- #résonner$to echo%3
- #résorber$to reduce%3
- #résoudre$to solve%3
- #respirer$to breathe%3
- #resplendir$to shine%3
- #ressaisir$to calm down%3
- #ressentir$to feel%3
- #resserre$storeroom%2
- #resserrer$to tighten%3
- #ressortir$to bring out%3
- #ressortissant$national%1
- #restaurer$to restore%3
- #rester$to stay%3
- #résultat$result%1
- #résumer$to summarize%3
- #retaper$to spruce up%3
- #retenir$to hold back%3
- #retentir$to ring%3
- #rétine$retina%2
- #retomber$to fall%3
- #retors$sly%4
- #rétorsion$retaliation%2
- #retouche$alteration%2
- #retour$return%1
- #retourner$to turn around%3
- #retraite$retirement%2
- #retrancher$to deduct%3
- #retransmettre$to broadcast%3
- #rétrécir$to narrow%3
- #rétribuer$to pay%3
- #retrousser$to roll up%3
- #retrouve$to find%3
- #rétroviseur$rear-view mirror%1
- #réunir$to collect%3
- #réussir$to succeed%3
- #revaloriser$to raise%3
- #revanche$revenge%2
- #rêve$dream%1
- #revêche$ill-tempered%4
- #réveil$awakening%1
- #réveillon$midnight snack%1
- #révéler$to reveal%3
- #revenant$ghost%1
- #revendiquer$to claim%3
- #revendre$to resell%3
- #revenir$to come back%3
- #revenu$income%1
- #rêver$to dream%3
- #réverbération$reflection%2
- #rêverie$daydream%2
- #revêtir$to cover%3
- #revient$wholesale price%1
- #revirement$reversal%1
- #revoir$to see again%3
- #révolu$past%4
- #révoquer$to revoke%3
- #rez-de-chaussée$ground floor%1
- #rhabiller$to dress again%3
- #rhum$rum%1
- #rhume$common cold%1
- #riant$cheerful%4
- #ricaner$to giggle%3
- #ricin$castor oil%1
- #rictus$grin%1
- #ride$wrinkle%2
- #rideau$curtain%1
- #rien$nothing%6
- #rieur$cheerful%4
- #riflard$umbrella%1
- #rigole$channel%2
- #rincer$to rinse%3
- #ringard$unfashionable%4
- #ripaille$feast%2
- #riposte$retort%2
- #ris$sweetbread%1
- #ristourne$discount%2
- #rivage$shore%1
- #rivé$riveted to%4
- #rivière$river%2
- #rixe$brawl%2
- #riz$rice%1
- #robe$dress%2
- #robinet$faucet%1
- #rocaille$rocky ground%2
- #rocambolesque$fantastic%4
- #roder$to adapt%3
- #rôder$to roam%3
- #rogne$anger%2
- #rogner$to trim%3
- #roi$king%1
- #roitelet$wren%1
- #roman$novel%1
- #romanesque$romantic%4
- #romanichel$gypsy%1
- #rompre$to break%3
- #ronces$thorny branches%2
- #ronchonner$to complain%3
- #rond$round%4
- #rondin$log%1
- #ronéotyper$to duplicate%3
- #ronflant$intense%4
- #ronfler$to snore%3
- #ronger$to gnaw%3
- #ronron$purring%1
- #rosbif$roast beef%1
- #rosée$dew%2
- #rosse$nasty%4
- #rosser$to thrash%3
- #rossignol$nightingale%1
- #rotin$cane%1
- #rôtir$to roast%3
- #rotule$kneecap%2
- #roturier$commoner%1
- #rouage$cog%1
- #roublard$sly%4
- #roucouler$to coo%3
- #rouet$spinning wheel%1
- #rouge$red%4
- #rouille$rust%2
- #rouler$to roll%3
- #roulotte$caravan%2
- #roupane$dress%2
- #roupiller$to sleep%3
- #rouqin$red-haired%4
- #rouspéter$to complain%3
- #rouvrir$to reopen%3
- #ruade$kick%2
- #ruban$ribbon%1
- #rubis$ruby%1
- #rubrique$newspaper column%2
- #ruche$beehive%2
- #rue$street%2
- #ruer$to kick out%3
- #rugueux$rough%4
- #ruisseau$stream%1
- #rumeur$rumor%2
- #ruminer$to ponder%3
- #rupin$rich%4
- #ruse$trick%2
- #rutilant$shining%4
- #sable$sand%1
- #sablé$cookie%1
- #saborder$to shut down%3
- #sabot$hoof%1
- #saboter$to sabotage%3
- #sac$bag%1
- #saccade$jolt%2
- #sacerdoce$priesthood%1
- #sagace$shrewd%4
- #saignant$rare%4
- #saigner$to bleed%3
- #saillant$jutting out%4
- #sain$healthy%4
- #saindoux$lard%1
- #saint$holy%4
- #saisir$to grab%3
- #saison$season%2
- #salaire$wages%1
- #saler$to salt%3
- #salle$room%2
- #salopette$dungarees%2
- #saltimbanque$acrobat%1
- #salubre$healthy%4
- #saluer$to greet%3
- #salut$hello%7
- #samedi$saturday%1
- #sang$blood%1
- #sang-froid$self-control%1
- #sangle$strap%2
- #sanglier$wild boar%1
- #sanglot$sob%1
- #sangloter$to sob%3
- #sans$without%8
- #santé$health%2
- #saper$to undermine%3
- #sapeur-pompier$fireman%1
- #sapin$fir%1
- #sarcler$to weed%3
- #saturateur$humidifier%1
- #saturer$to saturate%3
- #saucée$downpour%2
- #saucisse$sausage%2
- #sauf$except%8
- #saugrenu$preposterous%4
- #saule$willow%1
- #saumon$salmon%1
- #saut$leap%1
- #sauterelle$grasshopper%2
- #sautes$sudden changes%2
- #sauvage$wild%4
- #sauvegarde$safeguard%2
- #sauver$to save%3
- #savant$scholarly%4
- #savate$old shoe%2
- #saveur$flavor%2
- #savoir$to know%3
- #savon$soap%1
- #savourer$to savor%3
- #scander$to scan%3
- #scaphandre$diving suit%1
- #scarabée$beetle%1
- #scarole$endive%2
- #sceau$seal%1
- #scélérat$scoundrel%1
- #sceller$to seal%3
- #schéma$diagram%1
- #scie$saw%2
- #scier$to saw%3
- #sciemment$knowingly%5
- #scintiller$to sparkle%3
- #scission$split%2
- #scories$residue%2
- #scruter$to examine%3
- #scrutin$ballot%1
- #séance$session%2
- #séant$proper%4
- #seau$bucket%1
- #sec$dry%4
- #sécher$to dry%3
- #sécateur$shears%1
- #seconder$to assist%3
- #secouer$to shake%3
- #secouriste$first-aid worker%1
- #secours$assistance%1
- #secousse$jolt%2
- #séculaire$traditional%4
- #sécuriser$to reassure%3
- #seigle$rye%1
- #seigneur$lord%1
- #séisme$earthquake%1
- #seize$sixteen%1
- #séjour$stay%1
- #sel$salt%1
- #selle$saddle%2
- #seller$to saddle%3
- #semailles$sowing%2
- #semaine$week%2
- #semblable$similar%4
- #sembler$to seem%3
- #semelle$sole%2
- #semonce$reprimand%2
- #sempiternel$endless%4
- #sensé$sensible%4
- #senteur$scent%2
- #sentier$footpath%1
- #sentir$to perceive%3
- #sept$seven%1
- #septentrional$northern%4
- #sépulture$burial%2
- #séquelles$after-effects%2
- #séquestrer$to confine%3
- #serein$serene%4
- #serin$canary%1
- #seriner$to repeat%3
- #serment$oath%1
- #serpent$snake%1
- #serpenter$to wander%3
- #serpentin$streamer%1
- #serre$greenhouse%2
- #serre-livres$bookend%1
- #serrer$to grip%3
- #serrure$lock%2
- #sertir$to set%3
- #serveur$waiter%1
- #serveuse$waitress%2
- #serviable$helpful%4
- #serviette$napkin%2
- #seuil$doorstep%1
- #seul$alone%4
- #seulement$only%5
- #sève$sap%2
- #sévices$brutality%1
- #sévir$to rage%3
- #sevrer$to deprive%3
- #seyant$appropriate%4
- #shooter$to shoot%3
- #sidérer$to surprise%3
- #sidérurgie$steel industry%2
- #siècle$century%1
- #siège$headquarters%1
- #sieste$nap%2
- #siffler$to whistle%3
- #sigle$abbreviation%1
- #signe$sign%1
- #signet$bookmark%1
- #sillage$wake%1
- #sillon$furrow%1
- #sillonner$to cross%3
- #similicuir$imitation leather%1
- #simuler$to simulate%3
- #simultané$simultaneous%4
- #singe$monkey%1
- #singulier$peculiar%4
- #sinon$otherwise%9
- #sinueux$winding%4
- #sirène$siren%2
- #sirop$syrup%1
- #siroter$to sip%3
- #sis$situated%4
- #sismique$seismic%4
- #smala$family%2
- #snober$to snub%3
- #sobriquet$nickname%1
- #socle$pedestal%1
- #soeur$sister%2
- #soi$oneself%6
- #soi-disant$so-called%4
- #soie$silk%2
- #soif$thirst%2
- #soigner$to care for%3
- #soin$care%1
- #soirée$evening%2
- #sol$ground%1
- #soldat$soldier%1
- #solde$balance%1
- #soleil$sun%1
- #solennel$solemn%4
- #soliste$soloist%1
- #solive$joist%2
- #soliciter$to seek%3
- #solvable$solvent%4
- #sombre$dark%4
- #sombrer$to sink%3
- #sommaire$scant%4
- #sommation$summons%2
- #sommeil$sleep%1
- #sommelier$wine waiter%1
- #sommet$summit%1
- #sommier$base%1
- #somnambule$sleepwalker%1
- #somnifère$sleeping pill%1
- #son$sound%1
- #sonde$drill%2
- #songe$dream%1
- #songer$to consider%3
- #sonner$to ring%3
- #sont$to be%3
- #sorcellerie$witchcraft%2
- #sortie$exit%2
- #sortir$to leave%3
- #sou$money%1
- #souche$tree stump%2
- #souci$worry%1
- #soucoupe$saucer%2
- #soudain$sudden%4
- #soude$soda%2
- #soudoyer$to bribe%3
- #souffle$puff%1
- #souffrance$suffering%2
- #souffrir$to suffer%3
- #soufre$sulfur%1
- #souhait$wish%1
- #soulager$to relieve%3
- #soulever$to raise%3
- #soulier$shoe%1
- #souligner$to underline%3
- #soumettre$to subdue%3
- #soupape$valve%2
- #soupçon$suspicion%1
- #soupçonner$to suspect%3
- #soupe$soup%2
- #soupente$loft%2
- #souper$supper%1
- #soupeser$to weigh%3
- #soupir$sigh%1
- #soupirail$basement window%1
- #souple$flexible%4
- #source$spring%2
- #sourcil$eyebrow%1
- #sourd$deaf%4
- #souricière$mousetrap%2
- #sourire$to smile%3
- #souris$mouse%2
- #sournois$sneaky%4
- #sous$beneath%8
- #sous-alimenté$undernourished%4
- #sous-bois$undergrowth%1
- #sous-chef$second in command%1
- #souscrire$to subscribe%3
- #soutenir$to support%3
- #soutien$support%1
- #soutirer$to extract%3
- #souvenir$memory%1
- #souvent$often%5
- #souverain$sovereign%4
- #soyeux$silky%4
- #sparadrap$adhesive tape%1
- #spéculer$to speculate%3
- #squelette$skeleton%1
- #stade$stadium%1
- #stage$training period%1
- #stagner$to stagnate%3
- #stationner$to park%3
- #statuer$to decide%3
- #statut$status%1
- #store$window shade%1
- #strabisme$squint%1
- #stressant$stressful%4
- #strie$streak%2
- #strophe$stanza%2
- #studieux$studious%4
- #stupéfait$amazed%4
- #stylé$well-trained%4
- #stylo$pen%1
- #suave$sweet%4
- #subalterne$subordinate%4
- #subir$to undergo%3
- #subit$sudden%4
- #subsister$to remain%3
- #substituer$to substitute%3
- #subvenir$to meet%3
- #subvention$subsidy%2
- #succédané$substitute%1
- #succéder$to succeed%3
- #succomber$to die%3
- #sucre$sugar%1
- #sud$south%1
- #suer$to sweat%3
- #suffire$to suffice%3
- #suffoquer$to choke%3
- #suggérer$to suggest%3
- #suie$soot%2
- #suite$sequel%2
- #suivre$to follow%3
- #sujet$subject%1
- #summum$height%1
- #supercherie$deception%2
- #superficie$surface%2
- #supermarché$supermarket%1
- #suppléer$to replace%3
- #supplice$torture%1
- #supplier$to beg%3
- #supporter$to endure%3
- #sur$upon%8
- #suranné$outmoded%4
- #surboum$party%2
- #surchauffer$to overheat%3
- #surchoix$top-quality%4
- #surclasser$to outclass%3
- #surcroît$increase%1
- #surélever$to raise%3
- #sûrement$certainly%5
- #surestimer$to overestimate%3
- #sûreté$safety%2
- #surfait$overrated%4
- #surgelé$frozen%4
- #sur-le-champ$immediately%5
- #surmener$to overwork%3
- #surmonter$to overcome%3
- #surnager$to float%3
- #surnom$nickname%1
- #surnombre$too many%1
- #surplomb$overhanging%1
- #surprendre$to surprise%3
- #sursaut$start%1
- #sursis$reprieve%1
- #surtout$especially%5
- #surveiller$to watch%3
- #survenir$to occur%3
- #survie$survival%2
- #susurrer$to murmur%3
- #sympathique$nice%4
- #tabac$tobacco%1
- #tabasser$to beat up%3
- #tableau$picture%1
- #tabler$to rely on%3
- #tablette$shelf%2
- #tablier$apron%1
- #tabouret$small chair%1
- #tache$mark%2
- #tâche$task%2
- #tâcher$to attempt%3
- #tacot$junk car%1
- #taie$pillowcase%2
- #taillade$gash%2
- #taille$height%2
- #taille-crayon$pencil sharpener%1
- #taire$to be silent%3
- #taler$to bruise%3
- #talion$vengeance%1
- #talon$heel%1
- #talus$slope%1
- #tambour$drum%1
- #tamis$sieve%1
- #tanguer$to pitch%3
- #tanière$den%2
- #tant$so much%5
- #tante$aunt%2
- #tantinet$small amount%1
- #tantôt$sometimes%5
- #tapage$uproar%1
- #tape$slap%2
- #tapée$load%2
- #tapir$to crouch%3
- #tapis$carpet%1
- #tapisser$to wallpaper%3
- #tapoter$to tap%3
- #taquin$teasing%4
- #tarabuster$to bother%3
- #tard$late%5
- #targuer$to boast%3
- #tarif$rate%1
- #tarte$ugly%4
- #tartine$slice of bread%2
- #tas$pile%1
- #tasse$cup%2
- #tasser$to pack%3
- #tâter$to feel%3
- #tatillon$finicky%4
- #tatouer$to tattoo%3
- #taudis$slum%1
- #taule$can%2
- #taupe$mole%2
- #taureau$bull%1
- #taux$rate%1
- #teckel$dachshund%1
- #teindre$to dye%3
- #teint$complexion%1
- #télé$television%2
- #télescoper$to smash into%3
- #télésiège$chair lift%1
- #téméraire$reckless%4
- #témoigner$to testify%3
- #témoin$witness%1
- #tempête$storm%2
- #tempêter$to storm%3
- #temporiser$to procrastinate%3
- #temps$time%1
- #tenace$stubborn%4
- #tenailler$to torture%3
- #tenancier$manager%1
- #tendeur$elastic strap%1
- #tendre$to stretch%3
- #ténèbres$darkness%2
- #teneur$content%2
- #tenter$to try%3
- #tenture$curtain%2
- #ténu$fine%4
- #tenue$outfit%2
- #tergiverser$to procrastinate%3
- #terminer$to finish%3
- #terne$dull%4
- #terrassement$excavation%1
- #terrasser$to knock down%3
- #terre$earth%2
- #terrer$to hide%3
- #terreur$terror%2
- #tertre$small hill%1
- #tête$head%2
- #têtu$stubborn%4
- #thé$tea%1
- #thon$tuna%1
- #tifs$hair%1
- #tige$stem%2
- #tigré$spotted%4
- #timbre$stamp%1
- #timoré$fearful%4
- #tintamarre$commotion%1
- #tinter$to ring%3
- #tiquer$to wince%3
- #tir$shooting%1
- #tire$jalopy%2
- #tirer$to pull%3
- #tiroir$drawer%1
- #tisane$herb tea%2
- #tison$ember%1
- #tisser$to weave%3
- #toc$junk%1
- #tocsin$alarm bell%1
- #toi$you%6
- #toile$cloth%2
- #toiser$to glare%3
- #toison$fleece%2
- #toit$roof%1
- #tôle$sheet metal%2
- #tolérer$to tolerate%3
- #tollé$outcry%1
- #tombe$tomb%2
- #tomber$to fall%3
- #tombola$raffle%2
- #tome$book%1
- #tondre$to shear%3
- #tonifier$to tone up%3
- #tonitruant$very loud%4
- #tonneau$barrel%1
- #tonner$to thunder%3
- #tonte$mowing%2
- #tonton$uncle%1
- #tonus$energy%1
- #topo$speech%1
- #toque$cap%2
- #toquer$to be infatuated%3
- #torcher$to skimp%3
- #torchon$dish towel%1
- #tordre$to twist%3
- #torpeur$lethargy%2
- #torpille$torpedo%2
- #torréfier$to roast%3
- #torse$torso%1
- #torsion$twisting%2
- #tort$wrong%1
- #torticolis$stiff neck%1
- #tortionnaire$torturer%1
- #tortue$tortoise%2
- #tôt$early%5
- #toubib$doctor%1
- #toucher$to touch%3
- #touffe$cluster%2
- #toujours$always%5
- #toupet$nerve%1
- #toupie$spinning top%2
- #tour$tower%2
- #tourmente$turmoil%2
- #tournée$tour%2
- #tournesol$sunflower%1
- #tournevis$screwdriver%1
- #tourte$pie%2
- #tousser$to cough%3
- #tout$all%4
- #toutefois$nevertheless%5
- #toux$cough%2
- #trac$jitters%1
- #tracasser$to worry%3
- #tracer$to draw%3
- #trachée$windpipe%2
- #tract$leaflet %1
- #tractations$dealings%2
- #tracter$to tow%3
- #traduire$to translate%3
- #trahir$to betray%3
- #traîneau$sled%1
- #traînée$streak%2
- #train-train$routine%1
- #traité$treaty%1
- #traiter$to treat%3
- #traiteur$caterer%1
- #traître$traitor%1
- #trajet$journey%1
- #trame$framework%2
- #tramer$to plot%3
- #tranchant$sharp%4
- #tranche$slice%2
- #tranchée$trench%2
- #trancher$to cut%3
- #tranquille$calm%4
- #transcrire$to transcribe%3
- #transfuge$rebel%1
- #transgresser$to disobey%3
- #transiger$to compromise%3
- #transmettre$to transmit%3
- #transparaître$to show through%3
- #transpercer$to pierce%3
- #transpirer$to perspire%3
- #trapu$heavy%4
- #traquenard$trap%1
- #travail$work%1
- #travailler$to work%3
- #travers$across%5
- #traverser$to cross%3
- #travestir$to disguise%3
- #trébucher$to stumble%3
- #trèfle$clover%1
- #treille$vine%2
- #treize$thirteen%1
- #trémousser$to wiggle%3
- #trempe$stamp%2
- #tremper$to soak%3
- #tremplin$springboard%1
- #trente$thirty%1
- #trépidant$hectic%4
- #trépigner$to stamp%3
- #très$very%5
- #trésor$treasure%1
- #tressaillir$to jump%3
- #tresse$braid%2
- #tréteau$trestle%1
- #trêve$truce%2
- #tri$sorting%1
- #tribord$starboard%1
- #tribu$tribe%2
- #tribune$gallery%2
- #tributaire$dependant on%4
- #tricher$to cheat%3
- #tricot$knitting%1
- #trier$to sort%3
- #trimer$to work hard%3
- #tringle$rail%2
- #tripot$gambling den%1
- #trique$stick%2
- #triturer$to manipulate%3
- #troc$exchange%1
- #trognon$core%1
- #trois$three%1
- #trombe$rainstorm%2
- #tronçon$section%1
- #trône$throne%1
- #tronquer$to truncate%3
- #trop$too%5
- #trop-plein$overflow%1
- #troquer$to exchange%3
- #trottinette$scooter%2
- #trottoir$pavement%1
- #trou$hole%1
- #trouer$to cut through%3
- #troupeau$herd%1
- #trousse$kit%2
- #trouver$to find%3
- #truand$crook%1
- #truc$trick%1
- #truchement$through%1
- #truculent$colorful%4
- #truelle$trowel%2
- #truffer$to stuff%3
- #truie$sow%2
- #truite$trout%2
- #truquer$to fake%3
- #tsigane$gypsy%1
- #tuer$to shoot%3
- #tuile$tile%2
- #tumulte$commotion%1
- #tuyau$pipe%1
- #tympan$eardrum%1
- #type$fellow%1
- #ultérieur$later%4
- #ultime$final%4
- #uni$united%4
- #usine$factory%2
- #usité$commonly used%4
- #usuel$ordinary%4
- #usure$deterioration%2
- #utile$useful%4
- #vacances$vacation%2
- #vacarme$uproar%1
- #vache$cow%2
- #vaciller$to sway%3
- #vadrouille$roaming%2
- #vagabonder$to roam%3
- #vagir$to cry%3
- #vaillant$brave%4
- #vaincre$defeat%3
- #vaisseau$vessel%1
- #vaisselle$dishes%2
- #val$valley%1
- #valable$valid%4
- #valeur$value%2
- #valise$suitcase%2
- #valoir$to be worth%3
- #valse$waltz%2
- #vanne$floodgate%2
- #vannerie$basketwork%2
- #vanter$to praise%3
- #vanterne$window%2
- #vaporiser$to spray%3
- #vaquer$to attend to%3
- #varappe$rock climbing%2
- #varech$seaweed%1
- #vareuse$tunic%2
- #varier$to vary%3
- #vaseux$muddy%4
- #vautour$vulture%1
- #vautrer$to sprawl%3
- #va-vite$in a hurry%5
- #veau$calf%1
- #vécu$true%4
- #vedette$movie star%2
- #veille$the day before%2
- #veiller$to stay awake%3
- #veine$luck%2
- #velléité$vague desire%2
- #vélo$bicycle%1
- #vendange$grape harvest%2
- #vendre$to sell%3
- #vénéneux$poisonous%4
- #venger$to avenge%3
- #vent$wind%1
- #vente$sale%2
- #ventre$belly%1
- #ver$worm%1
- #verdâtre$greenish%4
- #verdeur$tartness%2
- #verdir$to turn green%3
- #verger$orchard%1
- #verglas$sleet%1
- #vergogne$shameless%4
- #véridique$truthful%4
- #vermeil$bright red%4
- #verni$lucky%4
- #vernir$to varnish%3
- #verre$glass%1
- #verrou$bolt%1
- #vers$towards%8
- #versant$slope%1
- #verser$to pour%3
- #vert$green%4
- #vertement$sharply%5
- #vertige$dizziness%1
- #veste$jacket%2
- #vestiaire$locker room%1
- #vétille$triviality%2
- #vêtir$to dress%3
- #vétuste$in disrepair%4
- #veule$feeble%4
- #veut$to want%3
- #vexer$to annoy%3
- #viager$annuity%1
- #viande$meat%2
- #vicier$to taint%3
- #vicinal$alternate%4
- #victoire$victory%2
- #victuailles$provisions%2
- #vidange$draining%2
- #vide$empty%4
- #vide-poches$glove compartment%1
- #vider$to empty%3
- #vie$life%2
- #vieillir$to age%3
- #vieux$old%4
- #vif$lively%4
- #vigne$vine%2
- #villa$house%2
- #ville$town%2
- #villégiature$resort%2
- #vin$wine%1
- #vingt$twenty%1
- #virage$bend%1
- #virevolter$to rotate%3
- #virgule$comma%2
- #virtuel$potential%4
- #visage$face%1
- #viser$to aim%3
- #visière$peak%2
- #vison$mink%1
- #vite$quickly%5
- #vitesse$speed%2
- #viticole$wine-growing%4
- #vitrine$window%2
- #vivace$perennial%4
- #vivant$alive%4
- #vivats$cheers%1
- #vivement$quickly%5
- #vivier$fish pond%1
- #vivifier$to invigorate%3
- #vocable$word%1
- #vociférer$to shout%3
- #voeu$wish%1
- #vogue$fashion%2
- #voici$here is%8
- #voie$road%2
- #voilà$there is%8
- #voile$sail%2
- #voiler$to buckle%3
- #voir$to see%3
- #voire$indeed%5
- #voisin$neighboring%4
- #voiture$car%2
- #voix$voice%2
- #vol$flight%1
- #volage$fickle%4
- #volaille$poultry%2
- #volatiliser$to disappear%3
- #volcan$volcano%1
- #voler$to fly%3
- #volée$flight%2
- #voleur$thief%1
- #volet$shutter%1
- #volontiers$gladly%5
- #voltige$acrobatics%2
- #vouer$to vow%3
- #vouloir$to want%3
- #vous$you%6
- #voûte$vault%2
- #vouvoyer$to address%3
- #voyant$gaudy%4
- #voyelle$vowel%2
- #voyou$hoodlum%1
- #vrac$haphazardly%5
- #vrai$true%4
- #vrombir$to hum%3
- #vue$sight%2
- #vulgariser$to popularize%3
- #yaourt$yogurt%1
- #yeux$eyes%1
- #zeste$lemon peel%1
- #zibeline$sable%2
- #zieuter$to look%3
- #zizanie$discord%2